Published Thesis

Thesis Title: Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on selected first aid measures among school teachers working at St. Hannah’s High School, Secunderabad, A.P

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00214

  Registration ID - 303824

 Pages: 833-915

 Year: February-2025


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT First aid is the initial care given to the person who is injured. The aims of first aid are to preserve and protect life, prevent further injury or deterioration of illness and help to promote recovery. First aider is a person with formal training in first aid, emergency care or medicine, who provides first aid. First aid assessments and interventions should be medically sound and should be based on scientific evidence. The nurse plays an important role in providing first aid and also in teaching how to give first aid.The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on selected first aid measures among school teachers working at St. Hannah’s high school, Secunderabad, A.P. The objectives of the study 1. To assess the knowledge regarding selected first aid measures among school teachers 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding selected first aid measures by comparing pretest and posttest knowledge scores. 3. To find out the significant association between posttest knowledge scores with their selected background variables Major findings of the study A Quasi experimental, one group pretest – posttest research design was adopted for the present study. Non- probability convenient sampling technique was used to select 50 school teachers working at St. Hannah’s High school, Secunderabad. Data was collected using structured knowledge questionnaire during the month of June 2012. For the present study, a structured knowledge questionnaire was prepared after validating its content with various experts in the field of nursing. The questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of school teachers on selected first aid measures. To find out the feasibility and reliability of the tool, the pilot study was conducted from 08.05.2012 to 15.05.2012. The tool was found to be feasible and reliable for the main study. The main study was conducted from 2nd June to 8th June 2012. Data was collected from 50 school teachers and was organized, tabulated and analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The mean percentage of overall knowledge score in the pretest was (14.54) 36% with standard deviation of 2.20 and (36.35) 91% in the post test with standard Deviation of 1.53.The obtained ‘t’ value 59.24 is greater than the table value 2.66 and found to be highly significant at the level of p<0.05.So it is evident the structured teaching programme was effective in increasing the knowledge level of school teachers on selected first aid measures. There was no significant association between the post test knowledge scores with their selected variables. Conclusion: The present study attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on selected first aid measures and found that the most of the subjects 38(76%) had inadequate knowledge in pretest and concluded that there was a significant improvement in subject’s knowledge in the posttest 47(94%) after administration of structured teaching programme


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Thesis Title: Short-Poems, Part - 3

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00213

  Registration ID - 303442

 Pages: 747-832

 Year: January-2025

  Author Name(s): Mohan Basnet

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave



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Thesis Title: The Girl From The Past

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00212

  Registration ID - 303006

 Pages: 655-746

 Year: January-2025

  Author Name(s): Anvi Phogat

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Amidst the city's glow, Mykah intersects with enigmatic Dane, battling personal demons and risking vulnerabilities for a chance at love. As Mykah's light counters Dane's dark past, marked by loss and old debts, their bond deepens, offering hope for renewal. Together they face trials and choices, shaping a future knit with sacrifice, connection, and the quest for redemption. This tale weaves a moving journey of love, courage, and the transformative power of being seen, challenging the heart to brave life's delicate dance.


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Thesis Title: Short-Poems, Part-2

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00211

  Registration ID - 303163

 Pages: 598-654

 Year: January-2025

  Author Name(s): Mohan Basnet

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave



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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00210

  Registration ID - 302850

 Pages: 544-597

 Year: December-2024

  Author Name(s): Bimla devi Kaushal, Dr. Prabhjot Singh

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT RESEARCH PROBLEM: Effectiveness of a nurse led educational package regarding smart phone addiction and associated health problems among adolescents in selected schools at Patiala, Punjab. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: It is often stated that children are the world’s most valuable resources and assets, but their rights throughout the world are largely ignored often resulting into tragic outcomes. AIM OF THE STUDY: To assess the effectiveness of a nurse led educational package regarding smart phone addiction and associated health problems among adolescents in selected schools at Patiala, Punjab. METHODOLOGY: A quantitative approach with two group experimental research design was used for this study. A sample size of 560 adolescents 280 in each, from experimental and control group at selected schools of Patiala Punjab was selected using probability stratified sampling technique. Structured questionnaire and SAS scale was administered to assess knowledge regarding smartphone addiction and the prevalence of smartphone addiction among adolescents at selected schools of Patiala, Punjab. RESULTS: As the result of analysis of Section A In this study among 560 subjects , the pre- test knowledge score was only 2 (0.37%) had adequate knowledge followed by 165(29.23%) had moderate knowledge score with the remained 293 (70.50%) had shown the inadequate knowledge score regarding smartphone addiction . The Mean knowledge score of pre-test of the experimental group was 9.37(31.23%) and the Mean knowledge score of the pre-test of the control group was 9.40 (31.35%). After intervention there was a substantial gain in knowledge compared to the pre-test scores was seen with the significant difference in the adequate knowledge score of experimental group) that mean score was 21.91(73.5%) but the post test knowledge score in the control group was almost the same as pre- test with mean score of 9.55 (3.31.85%). As reported in the post test knowledge score of experimental group 189 (67.5 %) subjects have adequate knowledge score, followed by 89 (31.8%) shown moderate knowledge score, where only 2 (0.7%) subjects had reported the inadequate knowledge score. On the other hand reported in the post- test knowledge score, the subjects of the control group shown the score almost same with pre test effect that is 5(1.8%) subjects had adequate knowledge , followed by 87(31.1%) had moderate and 188(67.1%) had shown the inadequate knowledge score . In the analysis report of Section –B, Out of total 560 subjects (Experimental group, N=280 +Control group, N= 280), the majority 183 (32.67%) subjects (experimental 92 and control 91) had severe Smartphone addiction followed by 193(34.46%) subjects from both groups had reported with the moderate addiction score while the remaining 184 (32.85%) had been found at the risk or in the low addiction score. An notable effectiveness of a nurse led educational package regarding smartphone addiction among adolescents on severe addiction score of experimental group had been reported with the post- test addiction score of 4 (1.4%) that was shifted from a higher pre-test mean score of severe addiction 92 (32.5 %) of experimental group . The moderate addiction score was raised up to mean score 140(50%) from 99(35.4%) Followed by the low addiction mean score 136 (48.6%) from the 94 (33.6%) of the addiction score of experimental group .The pre-test mean percentile addiction score was 114.35 %which decreased up to post –test score of 94.71%after the intervention . On the other hand the addiction score among the adolescents of the control group had remained same that was as severe 85(30.4%), moderate, 107(38.2%) and mild 88(31.4%) with the pre -test addiction score as 91(32.5%), 99(35.4%) and 90(32.1%) respectively. The post –test mean score of control group was found almost the same as 115.78% and 115.29 % of the pre test and post test respectively CONCLUSION: It was concluded in this study, that there is a noticeable effectiveness of the intervention ‘A nurse led educational package regarding smartphone addiction among adolescents at selected schools of Patiala, Punjab, which had shown a substantial gain in knowledge compared to the pre-test scores as a significance difference in the pre-test and post test knowledge score among adolescents of experimental group. There is also seen a significance difference in the prevalence score of Smartphone addiction among the adolescents of the experimental group, after intervention that was shifted from severe to moderate and low addiction score .


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KEY WORDS: knowledge, Effectiveness, Smartphone, Smartphone addiction, adolescents.


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Thesis Title: Short-Poems, Part-1

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00209

  Registration ID - 302549

 Pages: 496-543

 Year: December-2024

  Author Name(s): Mohan Basnet

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave



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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00208

  Registration ID - 302199

 Pages: 460-495

 Year: November-2024

  Author Name(s): Sharayu Shrikant Mandavkar, Pawan Kumar, Dr.Virendra Meshram

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Abstract: Non-specific neck pain (NSNP) is a prevalent issue among IT institute students, often leading to activity limitations and affecting academic performance. This cross-sectional study, conducted at IT College, aims to investigate the prevalence of NSNP among IT students, assess its impact on activity limitation, and identify key exacerbating factors using convenient sampling. Ethical clearance will be obtained from the ethical committee of the institute, and subjects will be categorized based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The nature and purpose of the study will be explained to participants, who will provide written informed consent in a language understood by them. Each subject will be administered the Neck Disability Index (NDI), a validated instrument comprising 10 items related to pain intensity, headache, concentration, sleep, lifting work, driving, recreation, personal care, and reading. Data will be collected from 142 participants over duration of six months, with surveys and assessments used to gather information on NSNP, activity limitations, and relevant demographic factors. Statistical analysis, including regression models and correlation tests, will be conducted to elucidate relationships between NSNP, activity limitation, and exacerbating factors such as age and duration of computer usage. The NDI, with a reliability and validity score of 0.96, is the most widely used and strongly validated instrument for assessing self-rated disability in patients with neck pain. VAS is a gold standard tool for measure the intensity of pain with reliability of 0.7712 and validated by 0.5512. This study adheres to ethical standards, ensuring informed consent and confidentiality of participant data. The findings will provide valuable insights into the prevalence and impact of NSNP among IT institute students, informing the development of ergonomic strategies and educational interventions to enhance student well-being and academic success.


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Keywords: non-specific neck pain, IT students, activity limitation, Neck Disability Index (NDI), exacerbating factors, ergonomic interventions, academic performance, cross-sectional study, IT College.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00207

  Registration ID - 301840

 Pages: 421-459

 Year: November-2024

  Author Name(s): Aswin v c

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Power of high courts in admiralty jurisdiction . implications and challenges when the cases increases in high courts . The international commercial trade through sea is increasing day by day so the disputes can be raised uncertainly.


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Admiralty jurisdiction


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Thesis Title: Communication Patterns and Team Spirituality of Academic Staff of Private Secondary Schools in Bayelsa and Rivers States, Nigeria

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00206

  Registration ID - 214398

 Pages: 359-420

 Year: November-2024

  Author Name(s): Elia Ernest Omiloli

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT Organizational team spirit should not be regarded as an end in itself for as old employees leave an organization and are replaced with new ones, organizational team spirit dynamics changes. Organizations should rather strive for team spirituality - an organization-wide consciousness to continuously cultivate, nurture and sustain team spirit within the organization. Hence the need to understand factors that affect and are affected by team spirituality within organizations. As misunderstanding among organizational members occasioned by miscommunication can have adverse organizational consequences, this study examined the correlation between communication patterns and team spirituality. Intrapersonal communication and extrapersonal communication constituted communication patterns dimensions while supervisor support, mentoring, co-worker support and selflessness were measures of team spirituality, with corporate culture as a moderating variable. The study population comprised private secondary school teachers in Government-approved private secondary schools in Bayelsa and Rivers States of Nigeria. Using stratified random sampling technique, copies of researcher-designed questionnaire were distributed to a total sample size of 561 teachers from private secondary school teachers in Bayelsa and Rivers State, which was determined with the Taro Yamane (1967) formula. Nine research questions and nine hypotheses were posed for the study in line with the study objectives; descriptive statistics were used to analyze the responses to the questionnaire questions while Pearson Product Moment correlation co-efficient (r) was employed as the inferential statistics to test the research hypotheses. Findings of the study showed that Intrapersonal communication positively and significantly correlated to team spirituality dimensions of supervisor support, mentoring, co-worker support and selflessness; that extrapersonal communication positively and significantly correlated to team spirituality dimensions of supervisor support, mentoring, co-worker support and selflessness ; and that corporate culture does moderate the relationship between communication patterns and team spirituality. Hence the need for organizations to increase interactions amongst employees and between employees and supervisors so as to engender team spirituality.


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Business Communication, Co-worker support, Extrapersonal Communication, Intrapersonal Communication, Mentoring, Supervisor Support, Selflessness


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00205

  Registration ID - 301555

 Pages: 308-358

 Year: October-2024

  Author Name(s): RESHMA S, SABU S

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


As the name suggest, social media public relations refers to using social media as a tool for public relations. It involves using social media channels to build brand awareness and credibility of a company or an individual. Through social media, public relations professionals can reach a very large audience, thus improving the outcome of their goals and the overall success of the company or the individual that they are promoting. The use and impact of social media marketing have drastically increased in recent years. With every person, from baby boomer to millennial, being a member of at least one social media network, it is safe to say that the new way of word of mouth marketing is social media marketing. In these modern times , the water is muddled and the various areas of marketing have become intertwined. This is definitely the case with public relations (PR) and social media. PR was generally more focused on influential persons such as investors, shareholders, business partners, etc., but with the advent of social media, these individuals are present on these platforms, which can then be used for PR purposes. As both PR and social media are used to build and maintain trust in the company and their products, it is only natural that the two must be in sync. Social media is an important tool for PR because it allows you to reach audiences that previously may have been difficult to interact with. With social media, the world is quite literally at your fingertips. Among this population, industry influencers are an indispensable resource that can help your team communicate key messages and lend weight to them, whether via reach or credibility. In addition, social measurement tools can help you assess the impact of your campaigns and fine-tune your strategy.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00204

  Registration ID - 301302

 Pages: 261-307

 Year: October-2024

  Author Name(s): Marla C. Delos Santos

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This study used the descriptive method of research in the assessment of professional profile of the Grade 1 Mathematics teachers in Amulung West District, Division of Cagayan Valley during the school year 2023-2024. The assessment included the professional profile of the Mathematics teachers in terms of their highest educational attainment, number of years of experience as Mathematics teachers and relevant in-service trainings attended; the level of performance of the Grade 1 Mathematics learners and the problems being met by the Grade 1 Mathematics teachers in the teaching of Mathematics in the implementation of Mathematics in the K-12 curriculum. The output of this study is a proposed recommendations to enhance the teaching skills and competencies of the Grade 1 Mathematics teachers in Amulung West District. The forty-six (46) Grade 1 Mathematics teachers served as respondents of the study. Frequency, Percentage and Average Weighted Mean was used to treat the different sub-problems in the study. Findings 1.0 Professional Profile of the Grade 1 Mathematics Teachers in Amulung West District 1.1. Majority of the Grade 1 Mathematics teachers finished BSEED with MA units 10 or 21.74 percent. 1.2. The Grade 1 teachers had a number of years of experience as Mathematics teachers 0-3 and 4-6 years of experience or 15 or 32.61 percent. 1.3. The Grade 1 teachers attended various in-service trainings from the Regional, Division to District Level. 2.0 Level of Performance of the Grade 1 Learners in Mathematics Based on a Teacher Made-Test. 2.1 The level of performance of the Grade 1 learners in Mathematics was “Poor” 14 or 35. 00 percent. 3.0 Problems Being Met By The Grade 1 Mathematics Teachers In The Teaching Of Mathematics As A Subject In The K-12 Curriculum. 3.1 Majority of the Grade 1 Mathematics Teachers revealed that they met problems in the teaching of mathematics to a “Serious” problem along teacher, learners and parent related-problems. 4.0 Proposed Recommendations To Enhance The Teaching Skills And Competencies Of The Grade 1 Mathematics Teachers In Amulung West District, Division of Cagayan Valley. 4.1 The proposed recommendations can enhance the teaching skills and competencies of the Grade 5 Mathematics Teachers in Amulung West District. CONCLUSIONS Based on the analysis of the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The level of performance of the Grade 1 learners in Mathematics can still be improved. 2. The problem being met by the Grade 1 Mathematics Teacher can as given possible solutions. 3. The proposed recommendations can help the Grade 1 mathematics teachers improved their teaching skills in mathematics. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the conclusions drawn the following recommendations are hereby offered. 1. The proposed recommendations are forwarded to the Grade 1 Mathematics Teachers for implementation in order to have effective implementation of the Mathematics Program. 2. The professional profile of the Grade 1 Mathematics teachers should be updated by way enrolling in the Graduate Program. 3. Similar studies be conducted in a writer scope, Regional, Division level to validate the findings of the study.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00203

  Registration ID - 301301

 Pages: 219-260

 Year: October-2024

  Author Name(s): Dionicia V. Solaina

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This study used the descriptive method of research to assess the observable values of the Grade 2 Learners in Amulung West District, during the school year 2022-2023, using the questionnaire as the data gathering instrument. The study focused on the profile of the Grade 2 teachers teaching Values Education in Amulung West District in terms of professional profile: a) highest educational attainment; b) number of years inexperience in teaching Values Education; and c) relevant in-service trainings in Values Education attended. Likewise, included in the study are the observable significant changes in the Grade 2 Learners’ attitudes and behaviors along the objectives in the Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies and the common problems encountered by the Grade 2 teachers in the implementation of Values Education program and the extent of their seriousness. Based on the analysis of the findings, this study proposed intervention measures for a more effective implementation of the values education program in Amulung West District. The respondents of this study were the twenty-seven (27) teachers teaching Values Education in Amulung West District, Frequency count, percentage, average weighted mean was used to statistical treat the data needed in this study. Professional Profile of the Grade 2 Values Education Teachers in Amulung West District, majority of the Grade 2 teachers teaching Values Education are BSSEd with units in MAEd, 13 or 48.15 percent. The greater percentage of the Grade 2 teachers teaching Values Education had a teaching experience of 5 to 9 years 13 or 48.15 percent. In terms of in-service trainings attended they have attended the Division and District level. Along Observable Significant Changes in the Grade 2 Learners’ Attitudes and Behaviors along the Objectives in the Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies, the Grade 2 Learners manifested observable attitudes and behaviors along the objectives of values in the PELC to a “great extent” as evidenced by the average of the average weighted mean of 3.67. On the Common Problems Being Encountered by the Values Education Teachers Attributed to the Observable Values of the Grade 2 Learners, limited time and lack of instructional materials were the “very serious” problems met by the Grade 2 teachers in the teaching of values education program to Grade 2 Learners. The proposed intervention measures seeks to address the problems being met by the Grade 2 teachers teaching the Values Education on the lack of textbooks, limited time in the teaching of Values Education and the extent of manifestation of observable attitudes and behaviors of Learners, can address the problem of the Grade 2 teachers in teaching Values Education program. Based on the findings, the following conclusions are hereby drawn: Majority of the Grade 2 Values Education teachers in the public elementary schools in Amulung West District, can still be improved along their educational qualification beyond the Bachelors’ degree and to attend relevant in-service trainings in the district and division levels as well as on the regional and national level. The Grade 2 Learners can still improve their manifestation of significant changes in terms of their attitudes and behaviors as a results of implementation of the Values Education program in Amulung West District. There are serious problems being met by the Grade 2 Values Education teachers in the implementation of the Values Education program that need to be addressed. The proposed intervention measures can address the needs identified in this study to revitalize the implementation based on the needs assessment. Based on the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are hereby offered: The proposed intervention measures should be implemented by the school administrators in the public elementary schools in Amulung West District, to address the identified needs and to improve the teaching skills, competencies and ultimately to improve not only students’ performance in the subject but also their attitudes and behaviors. As a component of Makabayan, Values Education should be continuously evaluated to determine the problems and needs of teachers and the corresponding solutions be made for the benefit of the learners. Other researchers may conduct or replication of this study on a wider scope to validate the findings of the study.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00202

  Registration ID - 301300

 Pages: 156-218

 Year: October-2024

  Author Name(s): Evelyn M. Soliven

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Statement of the Problem The study was conducted to propose guide kit on the use of the fine motor skills to enhance learning among kindergarten learners. All Kindergarten pupils and teachers of Nangalasauan Integrated School Amulung West, Cagayan Valley during the School Year 2023-2024 were the subjects of this study. The researcher employed the descriptive survey method with the primary purpose of ascertaining conditions which are common among the population of the study. The researcher made use of the Early Childhood Care Development (ECCD) checklist as the instrument in gathering the data needed for the study. Then, the researcher proposed and developed a guide kit for kindergarten teachers’ use oriented to improve the fine motor skills of the kindergarten based on the status of the fine motor skills as assessed by the kindergarten teachers. Conclusions Findings reveal that majority of the fine motor skills are not present to Kindergarten learners of the school which implies that the kindergarten teacher needs to emphasize the development of the fine motor skills of the learners, thus a need to propose a Guider Kit for Kindergarten Teachers’ Use Oriented for the Use of Fine Motor Skills. The Kindergarten teachers expressed positive attitude towards the proposed guide kit as evident in their evaluation of the four acceptability factors – Very Highly Acceptable. Recommendations Based on the above mentioned findings of the study, the following recommendations are presented: The school heads must adopt and implement the Guide Kit for use by the Kindergarten teacher in public elementary schools in san Bugallon District II designed by the researcher to help develop the fine motor skills of kindergarten pupils; The researcher therefore recommends that Kindergarten teachers need to select or improvise suitable teachers’ kit or instructional materials/ aids to help develop fine motor skills and other areas of child development; Enough time should be allotted in the school time table for effective use of instructional materials in teaching Kindergarten pupils; Seminars, workshop on the use of the teachers’ kit and various instructional materials should be organized for Education Program Supervisor in-charge of Kindergarten; School heads and teachers should be encouraged to form the habit of improvising instructional materials to make up the shortfall supply; and There should be defined relationships between the course of study and materials to be used for effective teaching in any field of expertise.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00201

  Registration ID - 301299

 Pages: 114-155

 Year: October-2024

  Author Name(s): Zenaida B. Catilod

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Statement of the Problem This study used the descriptive method of research with the use of questionnaire as data gathering instrument in the assessment of the proficiency in the use of Mother Tongue of the Grade 2 teachers and the learners in AMULUNG WEST DISTRICT, DIVISION OF CAGAYAN VALLEY. The assessment included the professional profile of the Grade 2 Teachers in Amulung West District, Cagayan Valley in terms of their highest educational attainment, number of years of experience as Grade 2 teachers; relevant in-service trainings attended in Grade 2; level of proficiency in the Mother Tongue of Grade 2 teachers and their learners in terms of the analysis of tapes recorded and interaction of Mother Tongue and the weaknesses of Grade 2 teachers and learners in the use of Mother Tongue as their instructional language. The output of this study is a proposed recommendation to address the weaknesses of Grade 2 teachers in Mother Tongue. The twenty four (24) Grade 2 teachers served as respondents of the study and the forty-five Grade 2 learners who are learners of the research served as research subject of the study. Frequency, Percentage and Average weight mean were used to treat statistically the data needed. Based on the analysis the following findings are majority of the Grade 2 Teachers are BSEED Academic requirements in MA 7 or 53.85 percent. Along their in-service trainings attended in Grade 2 they belonged to 0-5 years 10 or 76.92 percent. Majority of the Grade 2 teachers attended various in-service trainings in the Division and District level. Along level of proficiency in the Mother Tongue of Grade 2 Teachers and their learners, majority of Grade 2 teachers’ level of proficiency in the Mother Tongue was “Approved Proficiency”, 0 or 76.92 percent while the Grade 2 learners 20 or 44.44 percent meaning “Developing”. In two of their interaction of the Mother Tongue the Grade 2 Teachers proficiency level in the Mother Tongue is “Approaching proficiency” 10 or 76.92 percent while the Grade 2 learners belonged to “Approaching proficiency and proficient” 10 or 22.22 percent respectively. Along weaknesses of the Grade 2 Teachers and Learners in the use of the Mother Tongue, majority of the Grade 2 teachers and learners identified weaknesses in the use of the Mother Tongue was “receptive skills” 38.46 percent while the Grade 2 learners is in “premonition skills” 20 or 44.44 percent. The proposed recommendations can really address the weaknesses of the Grade 2 teachers in Amulung West District, Cagayan Valley. Conclusions Based on the findings the following conclusions were drawn: Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: The professional profile of the Grade 2 teachers can still be improved. The proficiency level of both Grade 2 teachers and learners should be monitored by the school administrators and the identified weaknesses of the teachers should be addressed properly by concern authorities. Recommendations Based on the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are hereby offered: The proposed recommendations should be forwarded to DepEd higher authorities for implementations; The Grade 2 teachers should be reoriented through in-service training programs and similar study be conducted in a wider scope to validate the findings of the study.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00200

  Registration ID - 301297

 Pages: 57-113

 Year: October-2024

  Author Name(s): Marlene S. Miguel

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This study sought to determine with the instructional needs of the Araling Panlipunan teacher at the Nangalasauan Elementary School, Schools Division Office of Cagayan Valley during the school year 2023-2024 as basis for the evolvement of a development program. This study used both the descriptive and developmental research methods. As a descriptive study, it used the questionnaire as the main data gathering instrument as it sought to describe the instructional needs of the teachers of Araling Panlipunan at the Cabeldatan Elementary School, division of Pangasinan I. In terms of a. instructional strategies, b. instructional materials, and c. evaluation as well as the extent of the adequacy of the finally, thisstudy sought to determine the adequacy of the proposed staff development program in terms of congruence of activities and content to the identified needs. The research subjects employed in this study were the 7 teachers teaching heograpiya, kasaysayan at sibika and their 1 school administrator, Nangalasauan Elementary School, Schools Division Office of Cagayan Valley. They represented 100% of the total population of the teachers teaching the subject included his adviser and the 7 teacher respondents for the evaluation of the proposed staff development.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00199

  Registration ID - 301296

 Pages: 1-56

 Year: October-2024

  Author Name(s): Daisy P. Aga

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Statement of the Problem The study made use of the E-Module Materials in TLE Grade 5; these included four mini courses in home economics, and the questionnaire was the basic tool of the researcher in gathering data from the respondents. These e-module materials had its goal the improvement of the quality of education in the public schools. Based on the findings, sets of e-module instructional materials were developed to enhance the performance level of Grade 5 learners in TLE. The learners while answering this module need not attend regular lectures but should know practical application on their chosen topic or has spent several hours in answering the guide questions in these modules. Based on the analysis of the Division Achievement Test Result in TLE 5, the researcher prepared e-Module Materials in TLE. These materials were validated by TLE 5 teachers and administrators who determined its level of acceptability. The average weighted mean and frequency and percentage were also used in describing the acceptability of the proposed e-module materials in terms of certain criteria. In determining the areas where the Grade 5 learners are weak/low in achievement level, this was based on the MPS consolidated results. CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings of their study, the following conclusion were drawn: 1. Majority of the TLE Grade 5 learners have not mastered the basic skills in TLE more specifically in the comprehension and application in the different components in the learning sessions based on the achievement test results. 2. The e-module consisting of 4 mini-courses in Home Economics can address the identified weaknesses of the Grade 5 learners in TLE since they are based on the needs assessment. 3. The interactive e-module materials meet the criteria for acceptability 4. The interactive e-module materials manifested an avenue in technological world in the teaching-learning climate environment. RECOMMENDATIONS On the bases of the findings of their study and the conclusion drawn the following recommendations are offered. 1. The module materials consisting of four mini-courses in Home Economics for Grade 5 and Grade 5 learners should be reproduced by the school heads of the Amulung West District to be used by the TLE 5 Elementary Teachers for the development of the skills along the comprehension of TLE components concept. 2. The e-module materials should also be tried out to Grade 5 learners to enhance their achievement level. 3. The e-module materials should adapt for innovative teaching experience use the modern technology and high profile gadgets. 4. Other researcher may replicate this study to cover other year level in TLE relative to development of interactive learning lessons needed in the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00198

  Registration ID - 301220

 Pages: 947-993

 Year: October-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Background: “Bagassosis” is a respiratory disease. Bagasse is a by-product of sugarcane crushing, which size range from 0.5-3 microns known as the Respirable dust, to which sugar factory workers exposed. Bagassosis an interstitial lung disease. Pulmonary impairment occurs due to an occupational exposure to Bagasse. Sugar industry is one of the most significant agriculture based industry which promotes job opportunities and help in development of society where both literate and illiterate peoples from rural areas work. Repeated exposure to dust of sugar factory may experience the serious impact on their Quality of life in terms of cost of treatments and loss of income. Aim: To find out the impact of Bagassosis on functional capacity and quality of life among the sugarcane factory workers. Objective: To study the impact of Bagassosis on functional capacity by using 6 MWT and Quality of Life by using SF-36 Questionnaire. Methodology: There were 172 subjects taken age range between 25-58 years. As per inclusion criteria subject had more than 5 years of working experience and working for more than 8-10 hours a day. Subjects was assessed for functional capacity using 6-minute walking test after that subjects were asked questions according to SF- 36 Questionnaire and their answers were recorded in the Questionnaire form to find out the impact of Bagassosis on their quality of life. The data was taken on the excel sheet and data analysis was done then results were calculated. Results: 75% subjects had a reduced functional capacity due to exposure to Bagasse while, 25% of the subject had a normal functional capacity and also Vitality and social functioning are highly affected dimension in this study with 55.2 % and 76.2 % respectively. Physical functioning 0%, physical health 3.5%, emotional problem 14%, emotional well-being 0%, pain 4.7% and general health 0.6% dimension comparatively less affected. Conclusion: The above study concluded that there is an impact of Bagassosis on functional capacity and Quality of Life among sugarcane factory workers. It’s been concluded that there is a reduced functional capacity among 75% sugarcane factory workers. Vitality and social functioning are highly affected dimension in this study with 55.2 % and 76.2 % respectively. Physical functioning, physical health, emotional problem, emotional well-being, pain and general health dimension comparatively less affected


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Thesis Title: In Vitro Cytotoxicity Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Stem of Indigofera aspalathoides on Human Cervical Adenocarcinoma Cell Line (Hela).

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00197

  Registration ID - 301213

 Pages: 907-946

 Year: October-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Cancer can be defined very broadly as disease in which there is uncontrolled multiplication and spread within the body of abnormal forms of the body’s own cells. Strictly speaking ,one should use the term ‘neoplasm’ (meaning a new growth) rather than the ‘cancer’. Neoplasms which have only the characteristic of localized growth are classified as ‘benign’. Neoplasms with the additional characteristics of invasiveness and/or the capacity to metastasis are classified as ‘malignant’. The term cancer is usually applied only to this later types of growth. The word ‘tumour’ though in reality meaning ‘a local swelling’ is also often used interchangeably with cancer and will be so used nowadays.


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Thesis Title: A study on Federalism and Constitutional Issues in India

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00196

  Registration ID - 300842

 Pages: 854-906

 Year: September-2024

  Author Name(s): Saferous Paslein

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The study titled “A Study on Federalism and Constitutional Issues in India” aims to explore the complex dynamics of federalism within the framework of the Indian Constitution examining both its historical evolution and contemporary challenges. The research is structured into six chapters. The Introduction includes the study’s objectives, scope, research methodology and review of relevant literature, framing of the research questions. The Historical Background chapter delves into the development of federalism in India tracing its evolution through constitutional provisions and highlighting key federal features of the Indian Constitution. It examines how federalism has shaped the political landscape and governance in India. The International Prospective of Federation chapter provides a comparative analysis of federal systems in various countries including the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany and Switzerland. This chapter assess the strengths and limitations of federal structures globally and draws insights for the Indian context. In Constitutional Provisions and Issues Faced by Indian Federalism, the study focuses on the constitutional framework supporting federalism in India, the challenges faced and the institutions that promote federalism. The chapter also reviews judicial interpretations and landmark cases that have influenced Indian federalism. The chapter on Issues Faced by Indian Constitution addresses broader constitutional challenges, analyzing the objectives of the Constitution and contemporary issues affecting its functionality. The final chapter, Conclusion, Findings and Suggestions, synthesizes the insights gained from the study and offers recommendations to strengthen federalism and address constitutional challenges in India.


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Federalism Issues and Constitutional Issues in India


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Thesis Title: In-Vitro cytotoxicity effect of RUELLIA BRITONIANA flower on cervical Hela cancer cells.

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00195

  Registration ID - 300483

 Pages: 792-853

 Year: September-2024

  Author Name(s): Chaithra

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Cancer can be defined very broadly as disease in which there is uncontrolled multiplication and spreadwith in the body of abnormal forms of the body’s own cells. Strictly speaking ,one should use the term ‘neoplasm’ (mean ing a new growth) rather than the ‘cancer’.Neoplasms which have only the characteristic of localized growth are classified as ‘benign’.Neoplasms with the add itional characteristics of invasiveness and/or the capacity to metastasis are classified as ‘malignant’.The term cancer is usually applied only to this later types of growth.The word ‘tumour’ though in reality meaning ‘a local swelling’is also often use dinter changeably with cancer and will be soused now adays. According to the World Health Organisation estimates, cancer, which caused an unprecedented 9.6 million deaths in 2018 or one in six, and worldwide the second leading cause of mortality. The current treatment approaches of cancer include surgical operations, radiation induced therapy, chemotherapy, immune modulation therapy, targeted approaches, hormonal treatment, stem cell transplantation and precision medicine. Medicinal plants and their derivatives are widely accepted as effective alternative cancer therapies. A large number of clinical trials documented the effects of herbal medicinal products for cancer patients in conjunction with traditional therapeutics on recovery, immune modulation and quality of life. Ruellia is a genus of flowering plants commonly known as Ruellias or Wild Petunias which belongs to the family Acanthaceae. It contains about 250 genera and 2500 species. Most of these are shrubs, or twining vines; some are epiphytes. Only a few species are distributed in temperate regions. They are distributed in Indonesia and Malaysia, Africa, Brazil, Central America and Pakistan. Some of these are used as medicinal plants. Many species of the genus has antinociceptive, antioxidant, analgesic, antispasmolytic, antiulcer, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory properties. The phytochemicals constituents: glycosides, alkaloids, flavonoids and triterpenoids have been found to be present in it. The genus has been traditionally claimed to be used for the treatment of flu, asthma, fever, bronchitis, high blood pressure, eczema, and diabetes. The objective of this research work was to understand the pharmacological and phytochemical aspects of this drug and to further find the gaps in research and endorse this genus as a step towards becoming a commercial drug. Hence, further work required is to isolate and characterize the active compounds responsible for these activities in this plant and bring this genus plants to commercial health market to serve the community with their potential benefits.


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phytochemical constituents, biological, Ruellia, Acanthaceae


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00194

  Registration ID - 300340

 Pages: 747-791

 Year: September-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Today disposal of different wastes produced from different Industries is a great problem. These materials pose environmental pollution in the nearby locality because many of them are non-biodegradable, Crumb rubber is one of them. Soil, stone aggregate, sand, bitumen, cement etc. are used for road construction. Natural materials are limited in nature, its quantity is decreasing and cost is increasing. Concerned about this, we are looking for alternative materials for highway construction. Crumb rubber is a material produced by shredding and communicating used tires. This are biotic, disposal product due to which these materials pose to environmental pollution. These presents the laboratory characterization and the evaluation of field performances of gap graded mix of crumb rubber by weight of bitumen, added by a wet process. Acoustical field characterization has been performed by determining, at different speeds, sound levels and noise spectra measured in close proximity. Road profiles along the test sections and sound absorption of compacted sample cores also have been studied to analyze their relationship with the noise emitted. Results show that the use of a binder modified with a high content of crumb rubber reduces the noise emitted by the tire /pavement. As the first part of this study, we tried to measure the stability of crushed rubber crumb bitumen by performing basic tests such as penetration tests, ductility tests, softening point tests, viscosity tests, flash and flash point tests. bitumen ratio, best percent Marshall value i.e. Marshall stability value, Marshall flow value, voids in air, voids in aggregate and voids in asphalt, evaluation Determined by Marshall stability test as benchmark value for control and good asphalt concrete.


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Bituminous mixtures, Crumb rubber, Surface characteristics, Noise.


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Thesis Title: Drowsiness Detection and Alarming Sysytem for drivers

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00193

  Registration ID - 300307

 Pages: 710-746

 Year: September-2024

  Author Name(s): Abarna.S, Cheithanya S, Eswari K, Dakshata R, Sumaiya fathima M

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Drowsiness in driving causes the major road accidents. Now a day’s drowsiness due to drunken driving is increasing. If driver is found to be drowsiness in eyes more than 5 secs, then the eye blink sensor senses the blink rate. If the eyes are found to be closed, then the speed of the car slows down, and stops. These sensors are interfaced with Arduino UNO, buzzer rings in case of drowsiness detection..


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Arduino UNO, Eyeblink sensor


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00192

  Registration ID - 227068

 Pages: 654-709

 Year: September-2024

  Author Name(s): MEGHA SHARMA

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The complex relationship between the illegal arms trade and the Mexican cartel has a substantial impact on violence, organized crime, and law enforcement along the US-Mexico border. The illicit weapons trade worsens tensions, endangering public safety. The United States- Mexico border is witnessing unforeseen trade and exchange. If Mexico does not improve its security situation, it will remain a danger to both domestic and international communities and create more problems in its relationships with other countries. Weapons similar to those used by the military are being illegally imported in large quantities from the US civilian market to criminal groups in Mexico and several countries in Latin America. These weapons give transnational organizations the ability to fight violent battles for control over profitable criminal activities across the Western Hemisphere. These dangerous individuals engage in violent activities such as murder, kidnapping, and extortion, and are involved in illegal trades ranging from drug trafficking to human trafficking. The rise in drug trafficking in the United States is a consequence of two factors firstly, drug cartels as powerful drug cartels in Mexico have taken control of the drug trade, purchasing drugs from major producers in South America and distributing them in the U.S. secondly access to firearms, the disparity in gun control laws between Mexico and the U.S. has made it easier for Mexican criminals to acquire firearms. Unlike in the U.S., where civilians have access to guns, only the Mexican army is legally authorized to sell firearms. Criminals must therefore resort to illegal methods such as manufacturing, black market purchases, or trafficking from the United States to obtain weapons. Additionally, the smuggling of weapons across the US-Mexico border contributes to the illicit drug trade and is linked to organized crime activities. Mexico faces significant challenges due to the presence of criminal organizations that engage in various illegal activities. These networks drive demand for firearms, contributing to the high levels of violence in the country. The competition among transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) for control of lucrative smuggling routes perpetuates high crime and violence rates. TCOs rely on weapons, ammunition, and explosives to maintain their dominance over trafficking routes, drug production facilities, territories, and illegal profits. To effectively address the challenges of arms trafficking, a multifaceted response from law enforcement is essential. This research aims to provide an in-depth examination of the illicit activities of illegal entry and weapons smuggling occurring along the United States-Mexico border.


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Mexican cartel, Illicit weapons, US-Mexico border, transnational criminal organisations


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Thesis Title: “A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding selected aspects of home care management among post- operative valve replacement clients at selected hospital, secunderabad, telangana.”

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00191

  Registration ID - 300049

 Pages: 478-653

 Year: September-2024

  Author Name(s): Ms. T. Janet Shushunova

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


A pre-experimental study was undertaken “A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding selected aspects of home care management among post-operative valve replacement clients at selected hospital, Secunderabad, Telangana.” The study was conducted by Ms. T. Janet Shushunova, at Eashwari Bai Memorial College of Nursing, Secunderabad, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of M.Sc Nursing, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Gunadala, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.


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“A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding selected aspects of home care management among post-operative valve replacement clients at selected hospital, Secunderabad, Telangana.”


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Thesis Title: A Study to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge and practice regarding Life- Style Modification (LSM) on prevention and management of selected chronic diseases among geriatric population in selected old age homes at Hoskote”.

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00190

  Registration ID - 221721

 Pages: 392-477

 Year: September-2024

  Author Name(s): Jilsa Elien Raju

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Old age is not synonymous with ill health. Each human life has victory, happiness, and joyful events, but unfortunately failures, troubles, distress, and sorrows, these are all parts of the life events; therefore aging is also a part in life which we cannot change. The concept of ageing is more than a series of biological changes. The elderly are a precious asset for any country with rich experience and wisdom; they contribute their might for sustenance and progress of the nation1. It is generally accepted to call an individual over the age of 65 years as an elderly. The elderly age group can be divided into younger elderly people between 65-74 years of age, middle elderly people between 75-84 years of age and old elderly people over the age of 85 years2. October 1st is celebrated as the International Day for the Elderly people each year, which was first established on 14th of December in the year 1990 by the United Nations General Assembly. It was celebrated for the first time on October 1st in the year 1991 to make the people aware about issues which affects the elders3. The burden of chronic disease in India is high, with high rates of morbidity and mortality, especially in the elderly, since the prevalence of chronic disease rises with age. It is known that chronic disease is preventable, with 80% of premature heart disease, stroke and diabetes being amenable to prevention .With early detection, treatment and support, the burden of chronic disease can be reduced.4 Chronic diseases and increased mortality are often cited as the hallmark of old age. There is a long-standing belief that aging and diseases are inseparable. However, studies have revealed that aging is inevitable, but diseases are not. Nevertheless, a correlation has been observed between age and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Older people are often referred to as ‘seniors’ or ‘elderly’ in an attempt to soften the impact of the prejudice that exists towards them. Although growing old is an integral part of the human life span, old people are often discriminated against, often by their own family. This could be because they are physically weak and need looking after. These changes, whether physical or mental, may become a burden on the family. As an extreme manifestation, this discrimination against the elderly can lead to neglect and isolation and it is not uncommon for them to be totally abandoned5. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports NCD to be by far leading cause of death in the world, representing over 60% of old deaths, out of the 36 million people who died from NCDs in 2005 half were under age 70 and half were women. Of the 57 million global deaths in 2008, 36 million were such incidence. Then is approximately 63% of total death worldwide risk factors such as person’s background, life style and environment are known to increases the likely hood of certain NCDs. Every yearly at least 5 million people die because of tobacco use. About 2.8 million die from overweight high cholesterol accounts for roughly 2.6 million die because of high blood pressure6. An analysis of morbidity patterns by age clearly indicates that the elderly experience a greater burden of ailments compared to other age groups, across genders and residential locations. The Indian elderly are more likely to suffer from chronic than acute illness. There is a rise in NCDs, particularly cardiovascular, metabolic, and degenerative disorders, as well as communicable diseases while cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among the elderly7. According to Geriatric Health in India: Concerns and solutions it is shown that among the population over 60 years of age, 10% suffer from impaired physical mobility and 10% are hospitalized at any given time, both proportions rising with increasing age. In the population over 70 years of age, more than 50% suffer from one or more chronic conditions .The chronic illnesses usually include hypertension, coronary heart disease, and cancer. Respiratory disorders account for 10% mortality while infections including tuberculosis account for another 10%. Neoplasm accounts for 6% and accidents, poisoning, and violence constitute less than 4% of elderly mortality with more or less similar rates for nutritional, metabolic, gastrointestinal and genitourinary infections8.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00189

  Registration ID - 223356

 Pages: 355-391

 Year: September-2024

  Author Name(s): Behaylu Tesfamaryam Hagos, Tesfaye Getachew, Mohammad Hussein, Kubee Mathews, Robel Abate

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Introduction: Sepsis, a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection, and its subset, septic shock (with higher mortality and morbidity), are major health problems disproportionately affecting low- and middle-income countries. Despite the potentially high burden in low- and middle-income settings, data on prevalence and factors contributing for the development of sepsis and septic shock remains scarce. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of sepsis and septic shock, along with associated factors, in patients admitted to the central intensive care unit (ICU) of Adama Hospital Medical College Adama, Oromia, Ethiopia. Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted on 298 patients admitted to the ICU. Data were collected from the patients' medical records using a checklist created by the investigator. Coded data were entered into Epi Info, transferred to Microsoft Excel, and analysed using SPSS version 25. A binary logistic regression model was employed to identify factors contributing to sepsis and septic shock. Results: Among the 298 patients, 142 (47.7%) had sepsis, and 55 (38.7% of septic patients, 18.5% of total) developed septic shock. Pneumonia was the most common site of infection (53.9% of sepsis cases). Multivariate analysis revealed that being on mechanical ventilation (AOR 2.92, 95% CI: 1.12-7.63), higher white blood cell count (AOR 1.70, 95% CI: 1.14-2.60), lower sodium (AOR 0.91, 95% CI: 0.87-0.96), and higher chloride levels (AOR 1.11, 95% CI: 1.04-1.18) were significantly associated with sepsis. Pneumonia and intra-abdominal infections were associated with higher odds of sepsis (AOR 18.7, 95% CI: 6.1-56.0 and AOR 16.0, 95% CI: 4.36-61.6, respectively). Male gender (AOR 0.19, 95% CI: 0.07-0.46), mSOFA score (AOR 3.25, 95% CI: 2.04-5.17), and lower lymphocyte count (AOR 0.65, 95% CI: 0.42-0.99) were associated with septic shock. Both sepsis and septic shock showed an association with low platelet count (AOR 0.99, 95% CI: 0.98-0.990 and AOR 0.98, 95% CI: 0.98-0.99, respectively). Conclusion: This study found a higher prevalence of sepsis and septic shock compared to highincome countries, but comparable to most LMICs. Notably, the affected population was relatively younger.


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Sepsis, Septic Shock, Prevalence, Associated Factors, ICU, LMICs


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Thesis Title: Implementation Fidelity of the Youth Entrepreneurship Program in Baguio City

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00188

  Registration ID - 226665

 Pages: 313-354

 Year: August-2024

  Author Name(s): Josephine S. Galanza

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Abstract This study sought to assess the implementation fidelity of the Youth Entrepreneurship Program of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI-YEP) in Baguio City. The researcher utilized the descriptive survey and correlation procedures with the survey questionnaires as the main data-gathering instrument. The sources of data were fifteen (15) mentee graduates from the first class in 2022 and the second cohort in 2023 and another thirty (30) who are currently mentees of the program. Appropriate statistical treatment such as Percentage, Weighted Mean, and Chi–square Test and Cross Tabulation was used to analyze the data. This study investigated the profile of the mentees, status of implementation fidelity of the DTI-YEP, the significant relationship of implementation fidelity when grouped according to demographic factors, level of effectiveness of implementation fidelity and problems encountered. Based on the findings, the mentees’ perceived implementation fidelity of the DTI-YEP as Fully Implemented which means that all program areas were extensive, and objectives were all met. Based on the statistical data, there is no significant relationship between demographic factors and level of implementation fidelity of the DTI-YEP. All mentees utilized the same modules for subject identification. Regarding the knowledge and training experience that each mentee will acquire, they are all equal. The mentees’ perceived level of effectiveness of implementation fidelity of the DTI-YEP as Strongly Agree. The problems encountered was Not a serious problem. This means that the problem is not on the transfer of knowledge by the mentors but on the entrepreneurial intentions of the mentee. As for the recommendation, the Implementation Fidelity Framework approach may be used by the DTI-YEP for appropriate program monitoring and evaluation. Given that young people are clearly interested in the entrepreneurship program, recruitment efforts should be stepped up to include a greater number of entrepreneurial-driven individuals. The DTI-YEP continue to invite for academic partners to provide the mentees with outcome-based knowledge of the theories and ideas. It is important to use ongoing observation and assessment of how entrepreneurial skills are applied to real-world business operations. The researcher recommends the sustainability plan to maintain and enhance the existing entrepreneurship program of DTI-YEP.


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entrepreneurship, implementation fidelity, young Filipino entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship program


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Thesis Title: Development and validation of a new RP-HPLC Method for the simultaneous estimation of Lamivudine, Doravirine and Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in combined dosage form

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00187

  Registration ID - 226834

 Pages: 243-312

 Year: August-2024

  Author Name(s): Aneesha Kappen , Satya V

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


A new, simple, accurate and specific RP-HPLC method was developed for the simultaneous estimation of the Lamivudine, Doravirine and Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in combined solid dosage form. The chromatogram was run through Kromasil C18 250x4.6mm, 5 column. Mobile phase containing a buffer and acetonitrile in the ratio of 60:40 v/v was pumped through the column at a flow rate of 1ml/min. Buffer used in this method was 0.1% OPA. Temperature of system was maintained at 30°C. The optimized wavelength for Lamivudine, Doravirine and Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate was 272.0 nm. Retention time of Lamivudine, Doravirine and Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate were found to be 2.314 min, 4.616 min and 3.196 min. % RSD of system precision for Lamivudine, Doravirine and Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate were found to be 1.0, 0.9 and 1.0 respectively. % RSD of method precision for Lamivudine, Doravirine Tenofovir were found to be 0.5, 0.7 and 0.5 respectively. % Recovery was obtained as 99.57%, 99.89% and 99.74% for Lamivudine, Doravirine and Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate respectively. LOD values obtained from regression equations of Lamivudine, Doravirine and Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate were 0.27 ppm, 0.09 ppm and 0.18 ppm, and LOQ values obtained from regression equations of Lamivudine, Doravirine and Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate were 0.82ppm, 0.28 ppm and 0.54ppm respectively. Regression equation of Lamivudine was y = 14959x + 1184, Doravirine was y = 28129x + 2766 and of Tenofovir was y = 17361x + 6030.


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Key Words: Lamivudine, Doravirine, Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, RP-HPLC, method development, validation.


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Thesis Title: A study on drug utilization pattern and possible drug - drug interactions amoung patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a tertiary care hospital

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00186

  Registration ID - 226634

 Pages: 141-242

 Year: August-2024

  Author Name(s): Dheeraj Kumar Bhakat, Archa S Kumar, Kabilan R, Prithvika Wagle

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Introduction: Drug Utilization studies is the strongest tool for promoting rational use of drugs in the society. Drug utilization studies help to update clinical medicine. The mortality and morbidity rate are high in COPD patients. In this field there is lack of Drug utilization study. In this study we made an attempt to assess the current prescribing pattern with the WHO prescribing indicators to check whether the prescription pattern followed WHO guidelines and also, we assessed the possible drug-drug interactions in drugs used in the COPD treatment. Methods: A retrospective observational analysis of 300 patients who was admitted in general medicine and pulmonary department was done over a period of 6 months, we recorded the cases from 2016 January to 2020 September and those who met the inclusion criteria. The study was carried out at Sagar Hospital, Kumaraswamy layout, Bengaluru. Drug-Drug interactions were analysed using Lexicomp software. The prescription was analysed using descriptive statistics and the results were expressed in percentage. Results: Out of 300 patients, 102 (34 %) were female and 198 (66%) were found to be male. Majority of patients (42.3%) were above the age of 70 and the least (2.3 %) was found to be below the age of 40. The majority of patients (31%) had only one comorbid condition. Total number of COPD drugs prescribed was found to be 1554. Most frequently used class of drug was short acting beta 2 agonist (90.3%), followed by inhaled corticosteroids (87%), antibiotics (85.6%), short acting muscarinic antagonist (74.6%). Most of the drugs were prescribed by brand name and only 5.4% were prescribed by generic name. The percentage of drugs prescribed from WHO EDL was 49.4%. We found out a total number of 135 drug-drug interactions, in that 59% was found to be Pharmacodynamic interactions and 41 % to be Pharmacokinetic interactions. The severity assessment of DDIs in our study showed that most of interactions were moderate 117(86.6%) followed by major 15(11.2%) and minor 3(2.2%) interactions. Conclusions: This study concludes that prescribing patterns did not follow WHO core prescribing indicators with polypharmacy being common, the concept of generic name prescribing was negligible and reduced prescription from WHO-EDL. Before prescribing medicines, using computer-assisted drug interaction software can help us discover these potential drug-drug interactions, which can assist us to detect and prevent DDI.


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Drug utilisation Pattern, COPD, Drug-drug interactions.


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Thesis Title: The Social Determinants and Co-morbidities of Tuberculosis Patients in Ernakulam General Hospital TB Unit

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00185

  Registration ID - 226268

 Pages: 96-140

 Year: August-2024

  Author Name(s): Dr. Jayakrishna Pai B

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Abstract Background: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major public health problem, with India bearing the highest burden globally. Despite TB control programs, cases, including Multi-Drug Resistant TB (MDR-TB), continue to rise. Objective: This study aims to assess the social determinants and comorbidities of TB patients in the Ernakulam General Hospital TB Unit. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 120 TB patients attending the outpatient department. Data were collected through structured interviews and questionnaires. Results: The study revealed significant associations between social determinants and TB incidence. Notably, a high prevalence of smoking (74.5%) and alcohol consumption (31.0%) was observed, aligning with similar studies. Comorbidities like diabetes, COPD, and HIV were prevalent among the patients. Conclusion: The success of TB treatment hinges on addressing social and economic issues and comorbidities. Health workers must focus on improving patients' quality of life alongside TB treatment to ensure comprehensive health outcomes.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00184

  Registration ID - 225292

 Pages: 56-95

 Year: July-2024

  Author Name(s): Tushar

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The abstract is that it focuses on suicide ideation in youth, highlighting the increasing concern regarding suicide and depression among young individuals. It discusses the need for a better understanding of the complex nature of resilience, especially in the context of Indigenous cultures that have unique perspectives on resilience. The document also touches upon the role of personality, mental health, social support, and gratitude in posttraumatic stress and growth following traumatic events like campus shootings. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of connectedness and social support in suicide prevention among adolescents. The abstract suggests that further research is needed to comprehensively address the issue of suicide ideation in youth and to develop effective prevention strategies.


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Thesis Title: Earliest Deduction Of Internalcracks Of Reinforeced Concrete With Silica Fume By Using Fibre Optic Cable

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00183

  Registration ID - 224706

 Pages: 1-55

 Year: July-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The "Early Detection of Internal Cracks in Reinforced Concrete with Silica Fume by Using Sensors" project addresses a critical aspect of infrastructure sustainability and safety. Concrete, a fundamental construction material, is susceptible to internal cracking, which can compromise the structural integrity and lead to costly repairs or, in extreme cases, structural failure. Silica fume, a supplementary cementitious material, is commonly used to enhance the strength and durability of concrete. This project aims to leverage the power of sensor technology to detect and monitor the formation of internal cracks in reinforced concrete structures where silica fume is incorporated. By developing and implementing a sensor-based system, the project seeks to provide early and accurate insights into the initiation and propagation of these hidden cracks, enabling proactive maintenance and repair measures. This not only extends the service life of the concrete but also enhances safety and reduces maintenance costs. The research will involve the selection and installation of appropriate sensors capable of monitoring the key factors contributing to internal cracking, such as strain and stress. Additionally, data analysis and interpretation will play a pivotal role in identifying the most effective strategies for mitigating potential damage. The outcomes of this project have the potential to revolutionize the field of concrete technology by promoting proactive maintenance and ensuring the long-term sustainability of critical infrastructure, contributing to safer and more reliable structures. This research represents a significant step toward addressing a longstanding challenge in civil engineering, one that is increasingly important in the context of the aging global infrastructure and the imperative for sustainable, resilient, and safe construction practices.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00182

  Registration ID - 224907

 Pages: 888-965

 Year: July-2024

  Author Name(s): D PRARTHNA DEVI

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Psychosocial factors are characteristics that influence individuals psychologically and/or socially. Psychosocial factors that influence individuals are such as self-esteem, self-concept, emotional maturity, depression, anxiety and stress. These factors can describe individuals in relation to their environment and how these affect their physical and mental health. Psychosocial factors play a role in behaviour change. There is a relationship between psychosocial factors and health risk behaviour. Cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face, used to enhance or alter the appearance. In the makeup, so many products such as primer, moisture, colour corrector, concealer, foundation, transfusion powder, compact, eye products, lipsticks and fixer to enhance bride/groom beauty and make them look special on their marriage day. In the modern world, makeup is all about to influence self-image or self-esteem, which can serve as a symbol of wealth and social class status. Makeup helps to develop personality and enhance self-esteem of brides/grooms. The aim of the study is to find out the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy in the management of psychosocial factors among brides and grooms. Psychosocial factors such as self-esteem, self-concept, depression, anxiety and stress impair marital happiness, family and occupational life among brides/ and rooms. Once it is identified at an early stage, brides and grooms can be helped in enhancing self-esteem, self-concept and emotional maturity through intervention and manage effectively depression, anxiety and stress. The objective of the study is to find out the psychosocial factors that influence brides and grooms psychologically and to find out the gender differences, if any, among brides and grooms, in the management of psychosocial factors after intervention. Self-esteem Inventory to assess the level of self-esteem among brides/grooms. Self-concept Questionnaire to find out the level of self-concept among brides and grooms. Emotional Maturity Scales assesses the level of emotions and feelings among brides and grooms. DASS-21 to find out the level of depression, anxiety and stress among brides and grooms. 120 brides and grooms, low on self-esteem self-concept and emotional maturity are allotted randomly to 3 control and experimental groups. They are exposed to cognitive behaviour Kavins Beauty School, Hosur, separately Similarly, 120 experimental brides and grooms high on depression, anxiety and stress are exposed to cognitive behaviour therapy. The results show that there is a significant difference (p>.0001) existing in the performance. The experimental group is faster (p>.0001) than the control group in enhancing self-esteem, self-concept and emotional maturity through intervention. The experimental group is faster (p>.0001) than the control group in the management of depression, anxiety and stress after intervention. Experimental brides are faster (p>.0001) than the grooms in enhancing self-esteem, self-concept and emotional maturity after intervention. Similarly, experimental brides are faster (p>.0001) than the control grooms in the management of depression, anxiety and stress after intervention. Cognitive behaviour therapy is less time-consuming, more economical and one of the best techniques in the management of psychosocial factors, promoting psychological wellbeing among brides and grooms.


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Psychosocial factors, self-esteem, self-concept, emotional maturity, depression anxiety and stress, brides and grooms, control and experimental group, cognitive behaviour therapy


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00181

  Registration ID - 224885

 Pages: 873-878

 Year: July-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


TITLE : A STUDY ON ASSOCIATION OF RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY WITH NEONATAL SEPSIS IN PREMATURE INFANTS NAME: DR.RAJAT VILAS NAGARGOJE INSTITUTE: MGM MEDICAL, NAVI MUMBAI DEPARTMENT: PAEDIATRICS DESIGNATION: JUNIOR RESIDENT EMAIL: MOB NO: 7977174921 AUTHORS: DR.RAJAT VILAS NAGARGOJE, DR.VIJAY KAMALE ABSTRACT WORD COUNT: 250 INTRODUCTION: ROP is a multifactorial vasoproliferative retinal disorder that can cause severe visual handicap. Risk factors include prolonged or labile oxygen exposure and increased illness severity. AIMS &amp; OBJECTIVES: To observe the association between ROP and sepsis (both early and late onset) in premature neonates. MATERIAL &amp; METHODS: We included hospital-based data from the NICU of MGM hospital, of months July – August 2023. RESULT: Of 162 premature newborns delivered during two months of study duration, 32 neonates were screened for ROP according to national standard guidelines of which 23 infants were diagnosed with some stage of ROP. Total of 8 infants were tested positive for sepsis screen during the NICU stay during these 2 months, which included 2 infants having early onset sepsis and remaining 6 infants affected with late onset sepsis. 6 of the 8 infants presented with some stage of ROP (i.e. 75% of septic infants) at the time of 1 st screening. Rest 17 infants were not affected with any form of sepsis until the 1 st screening for ROP. Our analysis showed that sepsis was closely related to any stage of ROP (OR = 1.58, 95% CI being 1.06 to 2.33) in premature infants. CONCLUSION: Sepsis increases the risk of ROP in premature infants. But considering that our study was observational and causality can rarely be established.


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Thesis Title: A comparative analysis of the constitution alteration procedures in Nigeria and Ghana

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00180

  Registration ID - 224847

 Pages: 749-872

 Year: July-2024

  Author Name(s): Dr Pius Osunyikanmi

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The Constitution prescribes the rights and duties of the citizens, defines the powers of government, and sets the standards by which the people in a given nation and indeed the international community can judge the performance of government. Many Commonwealth African Countries, including Nigeria and Ghana, commenced their national lives as newly independent states with the Westminster model constitutions gifted to them by the British colonial masters , hence they were not initially deeply rooted in constitutionalism. These Westminster model constitutions that were exported to Commonwealth African countries like Nigeria and Ghana were not autochthonous and almost immediately after independence, they jettisoned these Constitutions and adopted new ones to reflect their sovereignty.


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Constitution, Government, judicial, commonwealth


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Thesis Title: The Economic Impact of the Kumbh Mela on Prayagraj's Local Economy

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00179

  Registration ID - 224994

 Pages: 702-748

 Year: July-2024

  Author Name(s): lakshya goel

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Prayagraj, a city rich in cultural and historical heritage, hosts the Kumbh Mela, the world's largest religious congregation. This research paper delves into the economic impact of the Kumbh Mela on Prayagraj's local economy, emphasizing revenue generation, employment creation, and the growth of local businesses. Through this paper, we aim to comprehensively analyze how the influx of millions of visitors influences local economic activities, stimulates job creation, and fosters the prosperity of local vendors and businesses.


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Prayagraj, kumbh mela, local economy


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Thesis Title: Formulation And Evaluation Of Floating Gastroretentive Microsphere Of Antiviral Agent (Acyclovir).

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00178

  Registration ID - 224841

 Pages: 653-701

 Year: July-2024

  Author Name(s): Masarrat L. Ali, Gayatri Chinchulkar , Shubhangi Kotangale , Rani Rode , Sheikh Samir

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This study focuses on the formulation and evaluation of floating gastroretentive microspheres containing the antiviral agent acyclovir. The aim is to enhance the bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy of acyclovir by prolonging its gastric residence time. Microspheres were prepared using the solvent evaporation method, employing different polymers such as ethyl cellulose, and carbopol 934P to achieve sustained release and buoyancy.Various formulations were developed by altering the polymer concentration and drug-to-polymer ratios. The prepared microspheres were evaluated for particle size, surface morphology, drug loading, entrapment efficiency, in vitro buoyancy, and in vitro drug release. Particle size analysis indicated that the microspheres were in the range of 150-300 micrometers. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that the microspheres were spherical with a smooth surface.The drug entrapment efficiency of the microspheres ranged from 60% to 85%, and the buoyancy tests demonstrated that more than 75% of the microspheres remained floating for over 12 hours. In vitro drug release studies were conducted in simulated gastric fluid (pH 1.2) using a USP type II dissolution apparatus. The results showed a sustained release of acyclovir from the microspheres, with drug release extending up to 12 hours, depending on the formulation. The optimized formulation, which contained HPMC as the primary polymer, exhibited a desirable balance between buoyancy and sustained release, with an entrapment efficiency of 82% and 88% of the microspheres remaining buoyant for 12 hours. The release kinetics followed a Non-fiction diffusion model, indicating that drug release was controlled by both diffusion and polymer erosion. In conclusion, the floating gastroretentive microspheres of acyclovir formulated in this study showed promising potential for enhancing the bioavailability and sustained delivery of the drug, thereby potentially improving its therapeutic effectiveness in the treatment of viral infections. Further in vivo studies are warranted to confirm these findings.


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Acyclovir, Drug delivery system, HPMC, Gastroretentive dosage forms.


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Thesis Title: Unveiling the Depths: A Pioneering Review of Deep Learning Models and Holistic Project Implementations

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00177

  Registration ID - 224589

 Pages: 604-652

 Year: July-2024

  Author Name(s): Tathagata Roy Chowdhury, Sudipta Dey

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This review paper, titled "Unveiling the Depths: A Pioneering Review of Deep Learning Models and Holistic Project Implementations," aims to provide an extensive exploration of deep learning models and their diverse applications. Over the past decade, deep learning has emerged as a pivotal area within artificial intelligence, driving significant advancements across various domains such as computer vision, natural language processing, healthcare, and autonomous systems. This paper meticulously reviews the historical evolution, fundamental concepts, state-of- the-art models, and cutting-edge methodologies in deep learning. It also presents a holistic view of real-world project implementations, highlighting key findings and contributions that have shaped the current landscape of deep learning. The scope of this paper encompasses an in-depth analysis of various deep learning models, including feedforward neural networks (FNNs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks. Each model's architecture, unique features, and practical applications are thoroughly examined. The paper also delves into hybrid models and novel architectures that represent the forefront of deep learning research. Key findings of this review underscore the transformative impact of deep learning across multiple sectors. Notably, CNNs have revolutionized image processing tasks, enabling breakthroughs in object detection, image classification, and medical imaging. RNNs and LSTMs have demonstrated remarkable success in sequence modeling, with significant applications in speech recognition and natural language understanding. GANs have introduced new paradigms in generative modeling, fostering innovations in image synthesis and data augmentation. Transformer models have set new benchmarks in natural language processing, particularly in tasks such as language translation and text generation. The methodologies discussed in this paper cover a wide spectrum of techniques essential for developing robust and efficient deep learning models. Data preprocessing and augmentation techniques are explored to highlight their role in enhancing model performance. Hyperparameter tuning and model optimization strategies are examined, emphasizing their importance in achieving optimal model accuracy. The paper also discusses transfer learning and fine-tuning, which have become crucial for leveraging pre-trained models to solve specific tasks with limited data. Model evaluation and validation metrics are reviewed to provide insights into assessing model performance effectively. Several major projects are reviewed to illustrate the practical implementation of deep learning models. In computer vision, projects such as self-driving cars and facial recognition systems are examined, showcasing the real-world applications of CNNs and hybrid models. In natural language processing, projects like machine translation and sentiment analysis are discussed, highlighting the effectiveness of transformer models. The healthcare sector is explored through projects involving medical image analysis and predictive modeling for disease diagnosis, demonstrating the profound impact of deep learning in improving healthcare outcomes. Autonomous systems and robotics projects are reviewed, including advancements in robotic vision and control systems. In conclusion, this review paper provides a comprehensive overview of deep learning models and their holistic implementations, offering valuable insights into the current state and future trends of deep learning. By synthesizing key findings, methodologies, and major projects, this paper serves as a foundational resource for researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts seeking to understand and contribute to the ever-evolving field of deep learning.


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Deep learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, natural language processing, healthcare, autonomous systems, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, generative adversarial networks, transformer models


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00176

  Registration ID - 224583

 Pages: 553-603

 Year: July-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT “Science is Global. Einstein’s equation, E = mc2, should reach everywhere. Science is a beautiful gift to humanity, we should not distort it. Science does not differentiate between multiple races.” - APJ Abdul Kalam The problem under study is stated as: “STUDY OF ICT BASED LABORATORY APPROACH FOR TEACHING LEARNING OF SCIENCE FOR QUALITY EDUCATION AT SECONDARY LEVEL”. In today’s time, student and his learning has been the most important goal of education system of any country on this globe. Various approaches have been used till now and are being implemented in every school but still the effects are certainly not that better. Laboratory approach approach has been in terms of talk since 20th century, still we see devastating difference in the results every year. My topic basically emphasis on making the learning material ICT based laboratory approach as ICT and AI are the future of India in every field. Children have to be made equipped with the knowledge of ICT to make their learning more conducive, retentive and better results and learning oriented. Major use of ICT and ICT based laboratory approach was witnessed using online classes due to Corona outbreak, and majorly if streamlined and planned well, can bring remarkable difference in the teaching learning system specially in the subjects like Science and Math as it needs rigorous practical work. Though, this research has been done for secondary school students of sample size 120, researcher feels that the same approach can be introduced at elementary level or initial secondary stages so to bring fruitful results and provide students with experiential and heuristic learning leading to holistic development of the child. Keeping the present scenario and progressive growth of ICT, it has been realized that quality education may be imparted through ICT based laboratory approach. Keeping this view and to ensure the effectiveness of ICT, it is desirable to find out the effectiveness of ICT based laboratory approach for quality education in Science as ICT is playing a very important role in science teaching-learning process. The researcher having a science background feels that an attempt needs to be made through a study for enhancing the quality education in science using ICT based laboratory approach to keep children well versed with the practicability of the topic and can perform more activities by themselves. Virtual labs were introduced with the students in the present research and various ICT based laboratory activities were used to teach and facilities students with the natural and scientific phenomena. AI applications for laboratory work like – Praxilabs, Javaapplet, Amrita labs were used in the teaching learning material. With ICT based laboratory approach, all the experiments will come alive and more demonstrative with visual effects which certainly will enhance the knowledge gaining of the students and making them more equipped with the experiments. Present study is concerned with the development and implementation of learner centered and laboratory teaching programme which can produce benefits viz, achievement and scientific attitude among students. Also in this study, investigator will find the effect of the ICT based teaching - learning programme on student’s achievement and development of scientific attitude needed for quality education in Science. Teacher is confined with only chalk & duster but on the other side has failed to make the subject interesting & innovating. We can bring a change and innovation in the classroom teaching in future. Science has given us many teaching aids & now time has come to present the real interactive and interesting environment in the classroom. This can only be possible when the teachers who are undergoing training at various educational colleges are made aware of use of ICT and various teaching aids leading to quality education. Pandemic situation has brought in lot of changes, thus, it is desirable to explore on ICT based and laboratory learner centered approach which can be/is used for effective teaching learning process.


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Thesis Title: Concept of Health and Nutrition among Rickshaw Pullers in Dhaka city

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00175

  Registration ID - 205532

 Pages: 486-552

 Year: July-2024

  Author Name(s): Sk. Fatemah Sultana

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This paper is based on a study drawing information from the concept of health and nutrition of rickshaw pullers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This study on rickshaw puller has been conducted on 200 rickshaw pullers of Dhaka city to anatomize their concept on health and nutrition. They’re from different areas like- Dhanmondi, Badda, Uttara, Mohammadpur, Bashabo- participated in the survey. 94% of Dhaka's rickshaw-pullers reported that they’re going through so many complications such as health complication, income complications etc. They work hard, but their living, nutritional and living conditions are dreadful. Daily dietary nutrient intakes consumption of foods by food group was estimated using 24-h dietary recall method. Besides pulling a rickshaw, it represents more income than is available within the village, as urban rickshaw pullers come from a negative persistent poverty. Data were collected from randomly selected 200 rickshaw pullers using quantitive method. The other data were collected from journal paper, articles, thesis paper, daily newspapers etc.


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Health, Nutrition, Rickshaw Pullers, Income, Knowledge, Food, Poor, Malnutrition, Illiteracy


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Thesis Title: Supply Chain Management Best Practices: A Review on Botswana's State-Owned Enterprises (BSOEs)

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00174

  Registration ID - 217201

 Pages: 209-485

 Year: July-2024

  Author Name(s): Dr. Dennis Sebata, Dr. Dennis Sebata

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The importance of this research does not need to be emphasised. Essentially, this study aims to create awareness of the significance of implementing supply chain practices within government departments and public institutions. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the best practices for the supply chain within Botswanan state-owned enterprises is critical. The research reviewed the literature on supply chain implementation in Botswana and other studies on SCMBP worldwide. Consequently, the research results revealed that practices are in place, although their performance varies from one organisation to another, as evident in the literature. However, SCMBPs are recognised as part of organisational policy implementation. However, this work only offers very little insight into other available sources that can assist in the supply chain that affects organisations' growth in terms of service production. For example, a team can avoid losses with the right implementation of SCMBPs. Despite this limitation, the empirical assessment of 299 employees determined the application and role of the SCMBP policy in Botswanan state-owned enterprises, with trained employees from Botswana – most with more than five years of professional experience. The analysis showed that SCMBPs contribute to company profits and goals, where CRM, IS, SSRM, IQ, and IL practices successfully improve public sector performance, target achievement, effective service delivery, performance, and customer service. However, this research has a narrow scope due to limited resources. With that in mind, further studies in this area need to explore further or improve the current knowledge of SCMBP in the Botswanan industry.


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Customer Satisfaction; Organisational Performance; Implementation; Practices; Public Sector; Supply Chain; Supply Chain Management Best Practices; State-owned Enterprise.


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Thesis Title: Review: Revolutionizing Drug Delivery And Cancer Therapeutics Through Niosome Innovation

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00173

  Registration ID - 224054

 Pages: 162-208

 Year: June-2024

  Author Name(s): Miss.Gore Rushali J., Prof.Waghmare S.U, Prof.Akolkar P.B, Miss.Chavan Anushka M., Miss.Hiwarde Dipali B.

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Niosomes are vesicular nanocarriers, biodegradable, relatively non-toxic, stable, and inexpensive, that provide an alternative for lipid-solid carriers, niosomes similar to liposomes, can tackle challenges associated with instability, rapid degradation, bioavailability, and insolubility of various drugs or natural compounds. Niosomes are highly efficient systems for the targeted delivery of anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antibacterial agents. This review aims to provide an overview of their composition, the most common formulation techniques, and recent applications as delivery systems in cancer therapy. Cancer remains a major health concern worldwide, and the need for effective treatment options is crucial. Drug delivery systems, such as niosomes, have shown promise in improving cancer treatment outcomes by enhancing drug delivery efficiency. This review explores the role of niosomes in cancer treatment and how they can improve outcomes through efficient drug delivery. The method, results, Discussion, and conclusion will be discussed in detail Recently, nanotechnology is involved in various feilds of science, of which medicine is one of the most obvious. Nanoparticles have revolutionized the field of disease treatment and diagnosis, offering novel therapeutic strategies with efficient mechanisms of action. Personalized medicine aims to minimize treatment side effects and provide targeted therapies. Therefore, targeted drug delivery is crucial, particularly for patients on combination therapies, as different drug structures often require distinct delivery systems to maintain efficacy. Niosomes, a type of polymeric nanoparticle, have shown promise in drug delivery due to their favorable characteristics. These include biocompatibility, high absorption, reduced drug dosage requirements, and the ability to target drug release. Moreover, Niosome vesicles can encapsulate both hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs, enhancing the versatility and effectiveness of treatment. Various factors, such as components, preparation methods, and optimization techniques, affect the size and formation of niosomal structures. In this review, we first examined the characteristics of niosome vesicles and then explained the in silico tools used for designing, predicting, and optimizing them. We also compared and discussed anticancer drugs delivered by niosomes, highlighting their potential as a model for designing therapeutic strategies. This research aimed to explore all aspects of drug delivery engineering using niosomes, and we presented clinical examples of these nanocarriers in cancer treatment to illustrate their clinical benefits.


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Keywords: Cancer, Niosomes, Structure, Drug delivery, Treatment outcomes, Nanocarrier, Formulation techniques; Cancer therapy; Delivery systems.


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Thesis Title: Organisational culture and its impact on employee’s performance

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00172

  Registration ID - 223937

 Pages: 78-161

 Year: June-2024

  Author Name(s): Kavya K

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


In the Apparel industry it is very important to learn the culture to retain the employee. The culture in the Apparel industry is of the real importance that leaders do is to create and manage. This study elaborates the impact of organizational culture on organizational performance in the garment industry. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of organizational culture on organizational performance in order to know that how culture of an organization assist in enhancing the organizational performance Organizational culture includes an organization's expectations, experiences, philosophy, and values that hold it together, and is expressed in its self-image, inner workings, interactions with the outside world, and future expectations. It is based on shared attitudes, beliefs and customs, written and unwritten rules that have been developed. In this analysis the culture of the garment industry is studied and the findings indicate that all the dimension of the culture influence the different perspective of organizational performance.


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Organizational culture, organizational performance, garment industries, garment industry


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Thesis Title: Ghana's Free Education Policy and Challenges of Infrastructure and Teaching/Learning -Materials: Situational Study of Public Senior High Schools in the Tamale Metropolis.

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00171

  Registration ID - 223460

 Pages: 1-77

 Year: June-2024

  Author Name(s): Yakubu Mohammed Kamil

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT Undoubtedly, infrastructure and teaching-learning materials are the backbone of formal education. Ghana free education policy has led to huge increment in student’s enrollment. Managing large students’ numbers required supply of additional infrastructure and teaching-learning materials to schools. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of Ghana’s free educational policy on infrastructure and teaching-learning materials in public senior high schools in Tamale Metropolis. The study formulated four objectives: to examine the availability of infrastructure; to examine the availability of teaching-learning materials; to identify the challenges; to investigate the effect of Ghana’s free educational policy on infrastructure and learning materials in public senior high schools. The study used the mixed method and data was collected using pre-tested questionnaire and observation. This study found the available infrastructure in senior high schools to include classrooms; teachers’ quarters; dormitories for boys and girls; assembly halls; dining halls; kitchens, classroom doors and windows; hand-washing stations; water storage systems; dust bins; adolescent girls changing and washing room in all toilet; recreational halls; internet facilities; sewerage system; toilet for girls; toilet for boys; urinal for boys; urinal for girls; bathrooms for boys; bathrooms for girls; most participants; available clean water; science labs; ICT labs; market place; lightening in school compounds; boundary walls; access to electricity; teachers’ room; headteachers’ office; library facility; sports facility; storage room in the schools. Through observation, this study found that most of these facilities were insufficient, require repairs, and some were too damaged to be repaired. This study further demonstrates that the available teaching-learning materials in senior high schools include teachers instructional guide; textbooks; shelves or storage for books; equipment and materials in labs; audio-visual medium; classrooms and schools’ ventilation; furniture in library; furniture in classrooms; furniture for teachers; books in the libraries; and the schools are experiencing overcrowding in classrooms and in schools. Through observation, the study noticed that most of these resources were not in good form to be used to their fullest capacity and others were even non-functional. The current study found that the obstacles facing senior high schools include deterioration of classroom facilities and school buildings; congestion in classrooms; inadequate classrooms and classrooms furniture; inadequate water supply; lack of equipment and dormitories; lack of funds for operational cost; delayed in disbursement of funds for feeding; poor quality of food for students; lack of toilets and other hygiene facilities; lack of subject’s teachers; teaching-learning materials; insufficient Technology; decreased teacher resources; lack of teacher motivation; overused library resources; increase students’ enrolments; increased student-teacher ratio. Also, this study results demonstrates that the free education policy has positive effects such as reduced financial pressure on students and their parents; increase students’ enrolments and reduced school dropout from schools. The current study found that the free education policy does not positively affect or improved infrastructure; increased funding for operational cost in schools; increased technology and access to computers for students; increased labs and equipment; increases academic performance of students; improved library facilities; increased classrooms; and increased sport facilities in public senior high schools. The results showed that free education policy is associated with inadequate classrooms; lack of dormitories; decreased quality of infrastructure, students’ congestion in classrooms; poor quality of food for students; increase exams malpractice in schools; delayed disbursement of funds for schools; inadequate classrooms furniture; lack of labs and equipment; insufficient teaching-learning materials e.g., textbooks; absence of subject’s teachers; put pressure on library resources; inadequate supply of water; and lack of toilets and other hygiene facilities. In conclusion, while the findings of this research demonstrate that the introduction of the free education policy has been beneficial in making education accessible to all, it is clear that there is still a great deal to be done to improve educational infrastructure and learning materials at senior high schools.


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Challenges of Infrastructure and Teaching Learning -Materials


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Thesis Title: A critical review of HPLC-based analytical methods for quantification of Tauroursodeoxycholic acid

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00170

  Registration ID - 223454

 Pages: 965-974

 Year: June-2024

  Author Name(s): Vishakha Prakash Koli, Shambhavi Shivkumar Chatorikar , Vishakha Rajendrasing Raul , Sourabh C. Khadse

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


TUDCA belongs to a group of molecules called chemical chaperones and has been utilized in traditional Chinese medicine to support digestive and liver health. Its popularity as a dietary supplement has grown in the Western world, prompting a need to compile various analytical methods reported in the literature for its analysis. These techniques are crucial for understanding aspects like bioavailability, bioequivalence, and therapeutic monitoring in patient care. Despite TUDCA's clinical approval, most analytical methods found in scientific literature rely on HPLC. Hence, this review summarizes HPLC-based methods used to determine and quantify Tauroursodeoxycholic acid since its discovery.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00169

  Registration ID - 201410

 Pages: 880-964

 Year: June-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Strategic leadership highlights the role of school heads in setting the direction, goals, and objectives of schools, and in ensuring that these are understood and embraced by all stakeholders. It encompasses the school heads' commitment to a strategic course of action consistent with institutional goals towards maximizing organizational performance. A descriptive-quantitative study was conducted to investigate the strategic leadership of the school heads in Masbate city as respondents. Leading strategically were evaluated as highly performed in terms of vision, mission, and core values, school planning and implementation, policy implementation and review, research and innovation, programs design and implementation, and learners’ voice. However, monitoring and evaluation processes and tools were assessed as the least performed strand as it is recommended to conduct trainings specifically on the system for engaging the stakeholders.


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strategic leadership, PPSSH, school heads, leading strategically


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Thesis Title: Effect Of Information Booklet On Knowledge Regarding Prevention Of Coronary Artery Disease Among Young Adults In Selected Urban Community, West Bengal

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00168

  Registration ID - 222911

 Pages: 780-879

 Year: June-2024

  Author Name(s): Surovi Acharjya

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The present study was conducted to see the effect of information booklet on knowledge regarding the prevention of CAD among young adults in the selected urban community, West Bengal. The objectives of the study were to identify the effect of information booklet by the difference of knowledge scores in experimental and control group, and to find out the association between the knowledge and selected demographic variables. The conceptual framework adopted for the study was based on the general system model by Ludwing Von Bertalanffy (1968). This was a non-equivalent pre-test post-test control group design study. Sixty (60) young adults, aged 18 to 40 years, were selected by convenience sampling method, 30 in experimental group, and 30 in control group. Data was collected by structured knowledge questionnaire. The result of the study revealed that maximum number of young adults from both experimental (56.7%) and control group (43.3%) belonged to the age group of 36-40 years and most of them were female (70% and 53.3% respectively). Majority of young adults from both experimental group (36.7%) and control group (53.4%) were graduates. Mean differences between pre and post-test knowledge score in experimental group (6.73) and post-test knowledge score in experimental and control group (5.93) were found to be statistically significant as evident from corresponding ‘t’ values (‘t’29 =3.17, p≤ 0.05 & ‘t’58 =2.92, p≤ 0.05). Researcher concluded that the target intervention (information booklet) was effective to increase the knowledge of young adults. Statistically significant association was found between knowledge and education status of the young adults. The study findings have several implications for nursing service, education, administration and research. The study can be replicated on larger sample in different setting.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00167

  Registration ID - 223114

 Pages: 749-779

 Year: June-2024

  Author Name(s): Pradosh S

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Social re-entry in the criminal justice system cannot be avoided since virtually all prisoners are released sooner or later. These initiatives are the outcome of a restorative justice approach which aims to reduce future offences by bringing back offenders to normal life by rehabilitation and restoration. Prisoners’ lives in prisons were very difficult in the Indian context till the last decade. Different rehabilitative approaches have been introduced inside prisons but, after release, the number of social reentry initiatives is much less. The released face many psycho-social and economic issues which may destroy a person’s ability to adjust with the services provided. The idea of reintegration means working with the offenders , changing their behavioural pattern and bringing them back to the community. Reintegration aims to integrate the offenders back to the society and to provide them with all faculties as of a normal person. Ex- offenders shall integrate with their family , friends , society , employment and be capable of managing the circumstances in a manner which doesn’t risk or create additional conflict to law. The national prison policy of India recommends aftercare services for the rehabilitation of released prisoners. The labelling and social stigma due to the crime hinders prisoners’ ability to re-enter society after release. In this context, the present paper explored the issues and challenges faced by the released prisoners during their social re-entry and came up with rehabilitative initiatives for a better restoration process. The researcher has done empirical methods method research and methods of sampling used are convenient sampling. Total response of 200 responses were collected.


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Prisoners, re integration, society, rehabilitation and social behaviour.


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Thesis Title: Attitude of Youths towards Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship in Uttarakhand

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00166

  Registration ID - 222958

 Pages: 709-748

 Year: June-2024

  Author Name(s): Riya, Amit Kumar Rawat

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT Attitude refers to how we feel about something and how it influences our behavior. Understanding entrepreneurship can change young people’s attitudes, motivating them to start business or innovate instead of just seeking traditional jobs. However, many young people still prefer employment over entrepreneurship. This raises the question: what cause this preference? This study assessed the attitude of young people in public technical institutions in Uttarakhand towards entrepreneurship. It aimed to identify factors influencing their attitude towards starting their own business. The main aim of this research project is to identify the Attitude of Youth towards Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship in Uttarakhand. In this research project mix method analysis i.e. Qualitative and quotative will be used. Primary data will be collected through structured questionnaire from the youths of Uttarakhand State. Secondary data will be collected from published research papers, articles, Newspapers, Books, etc. The sample size for this study is 100. The random sampling technique will be used to collect the data. In this study, different statistical tools are used as per requirement to analysis and validate the research objectives. In this study, there are five chapters – Introduction, Review of Literature, Analysis of results and interpretations, Findings/Discussion & Recommendations, Conclusions. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial activities, youth Attitude, Uttarakhand.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00165

  Registration ID - 222926

 Pages: 597-708

 Year: June-2024

  Author Name(s): NUNUNG SAROH, Prof. (Mrs.) ARCHANA DAS

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT Background of the study: Human blood is essential and very important and lifesaving component, which is capable of saving millions of lives, if it is available readily. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least one percent of the country’s population should donate to meet the basic requirement for blood and blood products. In India, there is need for about 8 million units of blood every year out of which only about one-third are obtained from voluntary blood donors. Title of the study: Knowledge and attitude regarding blood donation among students of selected colleges of Kamrup (M), Assam. Objectives: To assess the knowledge regarding blood donation among students of selected colleges of Kamrup (M), Assam. To assess the attitude regarding blood donation among students of selected colleges of Kamrup (M), Assam. To find out the correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding blood donation in selected colleges of Kamrup (M), Assam. To find out association between knowledge of students regarding blood donation with selected demographic variables. To find out the association between attitude of students regarding blood donation with selected demographic variables. To provide informational booklet regarding blood donation. Materials and methods: The study adopted a quantitative research approach. The research design used was non-experimental descriptive research design. The study was conducted in conveniently 3 selected colleges of Kamrup Metro Assam i.e., SB Deorah College, B. Borooah College and Guwahati college among 196 students studying in general B.Sc course using Stratified random sampling technique. The data were collected using Structured Self-Administered Knowledge questionnaire. Data was analyzed using SPSS 20 version. Results: From findings of the present study revealed that after conducting the study majority i.e., 102 (52.04%) of the students have moderately adequate knowledge, others 49 (25%) of the students have adequate knowledge, and 45 (22.96%) of the students have inadequate knowledge and majority i.e., 88 (44.90%) of the students have neutral attitude 44 (22.45%) of the students have negative attitude, and 64 (32.65%) of the students have positive attitude.The association between knowledge with selected demographic variables were not found statically significant at p<0.05 level of significance. Thus, the research hypothesis H2 is rejected and null hypothesis H02 is retained. The association of attitude with selected demographic variable with regard to age was found to be statistically significant. The rest of the demographic variables i.e., gender, father’s education, father’s occupation, number of siblings in the family, types of family, any previous source of information on blood donation, have you ever donated blood, any of your friends have donated blood for attitude were found to be not statistically significant at p<0.05 level of significance. Thus, the null hypothesis H02 is rejected only in terms of age. The present study reveals a moderately significant positive correlation between knowledge and attitude of the students on blood donation (r = 0.37) which was statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance. Conclusion: After conducting the study it can be concluded that majority of the students have moderately adequate knowledge and have neutral attitude towards blood donation. Therefore, it is important for health personnel to take initiatives in educating the students regarding blood donation to encourage them in donating blood in futures as they are the future of the nation.


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Keywords: Assess, Knowledge, Attitude, Blood Donation, College, Students.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00164

  Registration ID - 222742

 Pages: 494-596

 Year: May-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT Introduction: The word cancer comes from the Latin word “Carcinoma” which means a “crab”. Cancer is the most dreaded disease and largest killer disease in the world next only to heart ailments. Tobacco and alcohol are regarded as the major risk factors for oral cancer. It accounts for 5% to 70% of total cancer mortality. The statement of problem: A study to assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Oral Cancer among Students in selected Higher Secondary Schools of Kamrup(M), Assam. Specific objectives: (1) To assess the pre- test level of knowledge among students of selected Higher Secondary Schools of Kamrup(M), Assam (2) To assess the post-test level of knowledge among students of selected Higher Secondary Schools of Kamrup(M), Assam (3)To evaluate the effectiveness of Structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding oral cancer among students in selected Higher Secondary Schools of Kamrup(M), Assam and (4)To find out the association between pre-test level of knowledge with selected demographic variables Research Approach and design: A quantitative evaluative research approach and pre-experimental one group pre-test and post-test design was adopted for the study. Material and Methods: The student researcher used Simple Random Sampling technique to select 143 samples (students of class XI and XII). The study was conducted at 3 conveniently selected Higher Secondary Schools of Kamrup (M), Assam namely Gopal Boro Higher Secondary School,Prachya Bharati Senior Secondary School and Arya Vidyapeeth Higher Secondary School. Structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge regarding Oral Cancer among students of selected Higher Secondary Schools of Kamrup(M), Assam. Results: The study revealed the pre-test and post-test level of knowledge where majority of the students in pre-test i.e. 115(80.4%) of participants had moderate knowledge, 16(11.2%) had inadequate knowledge and 12(8.4%) had adequate knowledge where as in post-test majority students i.e. 143(100%) had adequate knowledge regarding oral cancer. For the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding oral cancer among students, thefindings showed that in post-test mean knowledge score was 20.75±3.309 and it was higher than pre-test mean knowledge score 10.17±2.686 with a mean difference of 10.58. The mean difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge score was tested using paired t test at p<0.05 level of significance. There was significant association between knowledge regarding oral cancer among students in selected higher secondary schools and stream, previous knowledge of oral cancer, family history of tobacco use, family history of cancer. Conclusion: The study proved that Structured teaching programme was effective in increasing the knowledge regarding oral cancer among the participants. More studies need to be conducted to know the knowledge regarding oral cancer for early detection and prevention of oral cancer.


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Keywords: Assess, Knowledge, Oral cancer,


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00163

  Registration ID - 222419

 Pages: 439-493

 Year: May-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Apart from many other factors, the design of Irrigation channels and control structures plays very important role in the successful performance of an irrigation system. Irrigation projects are launched for equitable distribution of water among the shareholders and its efficient use at the farms, for which design of diversions and control structures provide basic framework. Both the service providers and users of water desire that the system should be free of problems and minimum loss of efficiencies Canal cross‐section designs for uniform flows are contrasted and compared by using non dimensional shape parameters. The basic relations among the cross‐section shapes and design variables (the wetted perimeter, the water depth, the water surface width, the cross‐sectional area, the lining volume, the excavation volume, etc.) are exposed. These relations are used to uncover robust rules that can determine optimal canal designs for elementary problems, directly from flow information such as capacity, velocity, slope,and roughness. For problems involving complex limits and economics, the relations are combined with optimization methods to solve for the economically optimal cross sections. The possible cross sections are parameterized by at most two variables, so the calculations do not require the use of sophisticated optimization methods or large computers.


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Canal, canal alignment, Gross command area Cultivable command Area, Lacey


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Thesis Title: Finance Strategies for Sustained Growth: Analyzing the Impact of Subscription Models on Revenue Growth in Edtech companies

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00162

  Registration ID - 222137

 Pages: 335-438

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Sanjay K

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The adoption of subscription models has significantly transformed revenue growth strategies in EdTech companies. This abstract explores how these models contribute to sustained financial growth by ensuring consistent revenue streams and enhancing customer retention. By analyzing various subscription-based revenue models, the study highlights their impact on cash flow stability, scalability, and customer engagement. The findings indicate that well-implemented subscription strategies lead to predictable income, improved financial forecasting, and increased lifetime customer value. This research underscores the importance of aligning subscription offerings with customer needs and market trends to maximize growth and maintain competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving EdTech industry.


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Key words: Subscription models, Revenue growth strategies, EdTech companies, Consistent revenue streams, Customer retention, Financial growth


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Thesis Title: A Study on GST complaints and its implementation in India

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00161

  Registration ID - 222158

 Pages: 256-334

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Hemswaroop Sharma

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT The implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India marked a significant reform in the country's indirect tax system. This study investigates the compliance landscape and implementation challenges of GST in India, examining its impact on various stakeholders. By analyzing the structure and functioning of the GST regime, the research identifies key areas where GST has brought about tax simplification and increased transparency. However, the study also reveals compliance difficulties, particularly for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), stemming from complex procedures and technological inadequacies. Through a blend of qualitative and quantitative methods, including surveys, interviews, and secondary data analysis, the research provides insights into the effectiveness of GST in achieving its intended goals. The findings suggest that while GST has made notable progress in creating a unified tax system, there are areas that require attention and improvement. The study concludes with strategic recommendations aimed at enhancing GST compliance and implementation, emphasizing the importance of continuous technological upgrades, taxpayer education, and streamlined administrative processes. These recommendations are critical for maximizing the benefits of GST and ensuring its sustainable success in India.


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Thesis Title: The Ratio analysis on TCS company: The competitive analysis on profitability , Liquidity, solvency ratio.

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00160

  Registration ID - 221859

 Pages: 181-255

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Ranjith B , Dr. Rupa sarkar

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Abstract This research paper delves into the financial performance of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) through a comprehensive ratio analysis, focusing on profitability, liquidity, and solvency metrics. TCS, a global leader in IT services, presents a robust case for financial analysis due to its significant market position and consistent financial performance. The study employs key financial ratios to evaluate TCS’s profitability, including net profit margin, return on assets (ROA), and return on equity (ROE). Liquidity is assessed through current and quick ratios, while solvency is measured using debt-to-equity and interest coverage ratios. Comparative analysis is conducted against industry benchmarks and key competitors to gauge TCS's relative financial health. The findings suggest that TCS maintains strong profitability and liquidity positions, with a conservative approach to debt, underscoring its financial stability and operational efficiency. This paper provides valuable insights for investors, stakeholders, and financial analysts in understanding TCS's financial strategies and market standing.


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Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Ratio Analysis, Profitability Ratios, Liquidity Ratios, Solvency Ratios, Financial Performance, Competitive Analysis, IT Services Industry, Net Profit Margin, Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Debt-to-Equity Ratio, Interest Coverage Ratio, Financial Stability, Operational Efficiency.


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Thesis Title: Revolutionising beauty: A study on Maybelline’s digital presence in the era of social media

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00159

  Registration ID - 221890

 Pages: 146-180

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Garima gupta

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This study investigates the transformative impact of social media on the beauty industry, with a focus on Maybelline's digital presence. In recent years, social media platforms have become crucial arenas for beauty brands to engage with consumers, shape perceptions, and drive sales. Maybelline, a prominent player in the cosmetics industry, has strategically leveraged digital platforms to connect with its target audience and enhance brand visibility. Employing a survey questionnaire method, this research aims to explore consumers' perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors towards Maybelline's digital marketing initiatives. The questionnaire delves into various aspects, including social media engagement, content preferences, purchase decisions influenced by digital campaigns, and overall satisfaction with Maybelline's online presence. By analyzing survey responses, this study seeks to provide insights into the effectiveness of Maybelline's digital strategies and identify areas for improvement. The findings are anticipated to contribute to the broader understanding of how beauty brands can leverage social media to revolutionize their marketing approaches and stay competitive in today's digitally driven landscape.I


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Beauty industry, social media, Maybelline, digital presence, consumer perceptions, digital marketing.


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Thesis Title: Green Marketing: Assessing Consumer Perception And Industry Practices

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00158

  Registration ID - 221844

 Pages: 102-145

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Anuj Verma, Dr Anshul Malik

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This paper explores the concept of green marketing by assessing both consumer perceptions and industry practices. Green marketing has become increasingly important in today's environmentally conscious world, with consumers seeking products and services that are environmentally friendly and sustainable. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and empirical analysis, this paper aims to examine consumer perceptions of green marketing initiatives and evaluate the practices adopted by industries in implementing green marketing strategies. By understanding the dynamics between consumer expectations and industry responses, this study provides insights into the effectiveness of green marketing campaigns and their impact on consumer behaviour and industry sustainability efforts.


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Green marketing, Sustainable marketing, Environmental sustainability, Consumer behavior, Corporate social responsibility (CSR),Eco-friendly products, Sustainability initiatives, Green consumerism, Environmental consciousness, Sustainable business practices ,Eco-labeling


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Thesis Title: Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Everyday Life

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00157

  Registration ID - 221842

 Pages: 51-101

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Shubh Gupta, Dr. Arpan Sinha

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This dissertation explores the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into everyday life, aiming to understand its current landscape, implications, and future trends. Through a comprehensive analysis, the study addresses three major research objectives, including examining the current penetration of AI, identifying applications, evaluating user perceptions, analyzing societal implications, assessing ethical considerations and awareness. Findings indicate widespread adoption of AI in various domains, with applications ranging from virtual assistants to predictive analytics, significantly impacting efficiency, convenience, and quality of life. However, concerns regarding employment, privacy, ethics, and social interactions underscore the need for ethical deployment and regulation. The study anticipates future trends in AI integration and emphasizes the importance of user-centered design, ethical considerations, and education in shaping a responsible AI-driven society. Overall, it provides insights for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders to navigate the complex landscape of AI integration while ensuring ethical and equitable outcomes for all.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00156

  Registration ID - 221687

 Pages: 1-50

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): mauro luisetto

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave

Thesis Title: ''Empowering HR: Leveraging Digital Transformation for Organizational Growth''

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00155

  Registration ID - 220947

 Pages: 934-978

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Balaji R

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


In the modern era of rapid technological advancements, the role of Human Resources (HR) is undergoing a transformative evolution as organizations seek to revolutionize their approach to talent management and employee engagement. This abstract explores the concept of digital transformation in the workplace and its implications for HR practices. Digital transformation in the workplace refers to the integration of digital technologies into all aspects of business operations to fundamentally change how work is done and how organizations interact with their employees. HR departments are at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and automation to streamline HR processes, enhance employee experiences, and drive organizational growth. One of the key benefits of digital transformation in HR is the ability to improve recruitment and talent acquisition efforts. Through the use of AI-powered tools, HR professionals can now easily sift through large volumes of job applications, identify top talent, and proactively engage with potential candidates. Moreover, data analytics enable HR teams to gain valuable insights into workforce trends, skills gaps, and performance metrics, allowing for more informed decision-making and strategic workforce planning. Another significant impact of digital transformation in HR is the enhancement of employee engagement and retention. By implementing digital tools such as mobile apps, intranet platforms, and virtual communication channels, organizations can foster a more connected and collaborative work environment, regardless of geographic location. This virtual connectivity not only boosts employee morale and productivity but also promotes a culture of continuous learning and development. Furthermore, digital HR solutions facilitate the automation of routine administrative tasks, such as payroll processing, benefits management, and performance evaluations, freeing up HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives. By embracing digital transformation, HR departments can shift their focus from transactional


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Thesis Title: Regulatory Challenges in Technological Disruptions of Insurance Industry: Navigating Legal and Ethical Dimensions

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00154

  Registration ID - 221639

 Pages: 876-933

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Yashana Malhotra , Dr Bhavna Batra

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


In recent years, the insurance industry has been undergoing significant transformations propelled by technological disruptions. From the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to the emergence of blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT) applications, insurers are harnessing innovative technologies to streamline operations, enhance customer experience, and mitigate risks. While these advancements offer promising opportunities for the industry, they also bring forth a myriad of regulatory challenges that demand careful navigation of legal and ethical dimensions. This paper aims to delve into the regulatory landscape surrounding technological disruptions in the insurance sector, highlighting key legal and ethical considerations that insurers must address. By examining the evolving regulatory frameworks, emerging ethical dilemmas, and pertinent case studies, this study seeks to provide insights into effective strategies for managing regulatory challenges and fostering responsible innovation within the insurance industry. The following sections will explore various aspects of regulatory challenges, including data privacy and security, consumer protection, regulatory compliance, and ethical implications. Through comprehensive analysis and practical recommendations, this paper aims to equip insurers, policymakers, and other stakeholders with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complex terrain of technological disruptions in the insurance sector while upholding legal and ethical standards.


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Thesis Title: A Study on the impact of Music Marketing on the Branding of Short Video Platform: A Generation Z Prespective

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00153

  Registration ID - 218776

 Pages: 836-875

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Naorem Kelson Singh

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This research investigates the impact of music marketing on branding and user engagement on and of short video platforms, focusing on Generation Z users. Utilizing Keller's Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) model as a theoretical framework, the study explores the relationship between music usage in short video content and perceived brand identity, emotional response, and brand resonance among Generation Z users. Through a comprehensive survey analysis and The Pearson correlation analysis through SPSS ,involving a diverse sample of participants, the study examines hypotheses related to the correlation between music usage and brand perception, emotional responses to music-driven content, and user engagement with branded content. Findings indicate a positive association between music usage and perceived brand identity, with music-evoked emotions significantly influencing brand preferences and engagement levels. The study also highlights the importance of user-generated content and brand perceptions on short video platforms. Additionally, the research identifies opportunities for future studies, including longitudinal analyses, cross-cultural and comparisons. Overall, the findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the strategic use of music in digital branding and provide insights for marketers seeking to enhance brand equity and consumer engagement on short video platforms


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Music, Marketing, Branding, Short Video Platform, Generation Z


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00152

  Registration ID - 221377

 Pages: 783-835

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): NORRISON TOIJAM

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This dissertation provides a thorough situational study of the many transgressions committed by children involved in legal conflicts during the ongoing ethnic war in Manipur. The research examines the historical context and current dynamics of the ethnic conflict, with a particular focus on its influence on children and their engagement in criminal activities. The dissertation investigates the several elements that contribute to juvenile delinquency in conflict-affected regions, such as socio-economic, familial, peer, psychological, and educational aspects, by analyzing existing literature, theoretical viewpoints, and empirical research. The project aims to examine the frequency and trends of juvenile crimes in Manipur, identify deficiencies in the current body of literature, and investigate the efficacy of intervention and rehabilitation initiatives for juvenile offenders. The research used a mixed-methods approach, which involves analyzing secondary data quantitatively and gathering qualitative insights via interviews, focus groups, and case studies. The results indicate that the ethnic strife in Manipur has a noteworthy influence on youngsters, resulting in a heightened susceptibility to involvement in criminal conduct. Juvenile offenders often engage in property crimes, violent crimes, drug-related offenses, and other offenses, which are often connected to the wider context of the ethnic conflict. Nevertheless, there is a scarcity of research focusing on the distinct requirements and encounters of young offenders in regions impacted by violence, underscoring deficiencies in the existing body of literature. The implications for policy and practice are bolstering the juvenile justice system, advocating for community-based rehabilitation, allocating resources to preventative efforts, and improving cooperation and coordination among stakeholders. Future research should prioritize longitudinal studies, qualitative research, comparative analysis, and assessment of particular intervention techniques to effectively address the highlighted gaps and improve outcomes for juvenile offenders in conflict-affected locations


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Juvenile delinquency, Ethnic conflict, Manipur, Children in conflict with laws, Intervention programs, Rehabilitation, Socio-economic issues, Family dynamics, Community-based rehabilitation, Prevention techniques


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Thesis Title: Evaluation of performance and effectiveness of EIA system in Namibia

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00151

  Registration ID - 221237

 Pages: 764-780

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Francina Pashukeni Kaunalenga Junias, Dietlinde Nakwaya_Jacobus

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Environmental Impact Assessment developed and become part of the most important project requirements in many countries including Namibia since its introduction in the United State of America in 1969. It played a significant role by contributing to sustainable development and reducing poverty in the lives of people affected by the projects in both developed and developing countries, unlike in the previous years when it was only accessible in the developed countries. So, the objectives of this study were to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the EIA system in Namibia using two effectiveness criteria namely; procedural effectiveness and substantive effectiveness as well as to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the EIA system from the ReconAfrica case study. This study used the impact assessment and project appraisal framework (Chanchitpricha, Morris & Bond, 2019) as tools to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the EIA system in Namibia. The study evaluated the EIA system of Namibia using ReconAfrica case study reports as its sample and sampling procedures. The Data were collected based on online research through Google scholar along with the Google website, ReconAfrica case study reports, Newspapers, Social media sites such as ReconAfrica Facebook page, NBC news-8 Facebook page and Newspaper's Facebook pages, and other websites as well as academic databases available to the researcher, which include Science Direct (documentary analysis and content analysis). Thematic and documentary analysis methods were used to analyze the data for this study. The performance and effectiveness of the EIA system in Namibia are considered to be effective and efficient as the practitioners and proponents often took the framework into account and adhered to laws and regulations. This led to the EIA system fitting the framework and meeting the performance of EIA by describing how the EIA system should be adapted to the adopted framework. The EIA process of Namibia achieved objective sets, supports well-informed decision-making which results in environmental protection, and is being carried out according to established expectations, complying with procedures, following best practice principles, and adhering to regulations. EIA system of Namibia has strengths and weaknesses and it can be fully evaluated even with bias and shortcomings within the system as these can be mitigated with the right procedures. Keywords: Environmental Impact Assessment system, Procedural, Substantive, Strengths, Weaknesses, Effectiveness, Evaluation, Performance, Namibia, ReconAfrica.  


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Environmental Impact Assessment system, Procedural, Substantive, Strengths, Weaknesses, Effectiveness, Evaluation, Performance, Namibia, ReconAfrica.  


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Thesis Title: A Comparative Study On The Quality Of Life And Life Satisfaction Of Elderly People Living In Paid Old Age Homes And Within Families Of Kottayam District In Kerala.

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00150

  Registration ID - 220851

 Pages: 648-763

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Fiona Alex, Dr. Miriam Samuel

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This comparative study investigates the quality of life and life satisfaction of elderly individuals residing in paid old age homes and within families in Kottayam district, Kerala. The research focuses on understanding the living conditions, socio-demographic details, freedom, mobility, and health-related factors affecting the elderly in these two settings. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to provide a comprehensive analysis. Socio-demographic details reveal significant differences in age, marital status, number of children, and educational qualifications between the two groups. Freedom and mobility factors are explored, emphasizing the challenges faced by elderly individuals in both settings. Quality of life is assessed using the WHO Bref Quality of Life scale, revealing variations in physical, psychological, social, and environmental domains. Life satisfaction is also measured using the Life Satisfaction scale, highlighting overall contentment among elderly individuals in both groups. The study additionally explores the influence of religious beliefs and spirituality on the health perspectives of the elderly. Qualitative findings delve into the complex interplay of health, living environment, stress, and freedom, providing insights into the multifaceted challenges faced by elderly individuals. The research underscores the need for tailored policies and interventions considering the diverse needs of elderly individuals in different living arrangements. This study contributes valuable insights to the discourse on elderly care, informing future initiatives to enhance the well-being of aging populations.


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Keywords: Elderly, Quality of Life, Life Satisfaction, Old Age Homes, Family, Kerala.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00149

  Registration ID - 220716

 Pages: 618-647

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Mahamuni Pranav Pramod , Someshwar More , Dr. V.M. Satpute , Mr. Ghodake SR Research

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Varicose veins are the chronic vein disorder usually occouring in the aged population. The disease mainly inclused the spider telangiectasias, reticular veins, and true varicosities. Appproximately 23% of US adults suffer from the varicose veins. But in india it affects only 5% of the population of india since, the population is india is more than 200 crores the percentage makes a heavy impact on a scale. Of which Most of the cases found in india 62% population is from the urban region and the remaining 38% is from the rural region of the country. In majority of th e cases females tend to have more virulency than the men. Varicosoe veins are more common in western world than india. 70% of patients were males and 30% patients were females. The study of Lee et al., Edinburgh Vein Study shown the prevalence of 40% in men and 32% in women. Our findings are in accordance with the study of Vashist et al. which showed 64% of males and 36% of females. Larger varicose veins are generally treated with ligation and stripping, laser treatment, or radiofrequency treatment. In some cases, a combination of treatments may work best. Smaller varicose veins and spider veins are usually treated with sclerotherapy or laser therapy on your skin. Treatment options include surgery, laser and radiofrequency obligation, and ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy. Newer treatment sinclude cyanoacrylate glue, mechanochemical ablation, and endovenous steam ablation. No real difference could be found between the treatments, except that radiofrequency ablation could have a better long-term benefit.


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Thesis Title: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Auditing: Current Applications and Future Prospects

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00148

  Registration ID - 220655

 Pages: 572-617

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Harshini Srinivas, Vidyashree C

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Abstract Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the landscape of auditing, offering new avenues for improving efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness. This study delves into the current applications and future prospects of AI in auditing, focusing on its impact on audit quality and the evolving role of auditors. AI is currently employed in auditing to automate repetitive tasks, process vast amounts of data rapidly, and identify patterns that may indicate errors or fraud. These capabilities have significantly enhanced audit quality by enabling auditors to conduct more thorough and comprehensive audits. Additionally, AI facilitates continuous auditing by providing real-time analysis of financial transactions, enabling auditors to identify and address issues promptly. Looking ahead, the future of AI in auditing holds great promise. Advancements in AI technologies, including machine learning and natural language processing, are expected to further revolutionize audit processes. AI-driven tools will become more sophisticated, allowing auditors to analyze complex data sets more effectively and detect subtle patterns that may signal irregularities. In conclusion, AI has the potential to transform auditing practices, enhancing audit quality, efficiency, and the role of auditors. By embracing AI technologies and adapting to the changing audit landscape, auditors can position themselves for success in the future of auditing.


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Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Auditing, Current Applications, Future Prospects, Audit Quality, Efficiency, Role of Auditors.


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Thesis Title: An Analysis from the Lens of Protection of Investors

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00147

  Registration ID - 220622

 Pages: 525-571

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Aradhna Shukla, Shilpa Mehrotra

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The protection of investors is a critical aspect of financial markets, ensuring transparency, fairness, and confidence in investment activities. This analysis examines the concept through various lenses, including regulatory frameworks, corporate governance practices, and the role of financial intermediaries. It delves into the significance of investor protection in fostering market integrity and enhancing investor trust. Furthermore, the analysis explores the challenges and complexities involved in ensuring effective investor protection, especially in light of evolving market dynamics and technological advancements. The analysis also discusses the importance of regulatory bodies and their enforcement mechanisms in safeguarding investors' interests. It highlights the need for continuous monitoring and evaluation of regulatory frameworks to adapt to changing market conditions and emerging risks. Additionally, the analysis considers the impact of investor protection on market efficiency, capital formation, and overall economic growth. Overall, this analysis provides valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of investor protection and its crucial role in maintaining a robust and resilient financial ecosystem.


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Investors, Financial Market, Corporate, Technology and Governance.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00146

  Registration ID - 220552

 Pages: 458-524

 Year: May-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Helmet violation detection is a crucial aspect of road safety, as it can significantly reduce the number of fatalities and injuries caused by motorcycle accidents. In recent years, computer vision techniques have been widely used to develop automated systems for helmet violation detection. This project proposes a helmet violation detection system using image processing and machine learning techniques. The proposed system employs computer vision algorithms to detect whether a motorcyclist is wearing a helmet or not. The system is based on a deep learning model, specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), to classify the input images into two classes, i.e., helmet and non-helmet. The system is trained on a large dataset of images with different lighting conditions, backgrounds, and helmet types to enhance its accuracy and generalization ability. The proposed system can be implemented on existing surveillance cameras installed at strategic locations on the road. This system has the potential to increase road safety and reduce the number of motorcycle accidents caused by the violation of helmet-wearing rules. The system involves person detection, helmet,, classification using YOLO algorithm. Convolutional neural network with sequential model is implementing for number plate detection process. CNN classification model proposes for classify the number plate in image and extract the user details. Then calculate the fine amount.


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Helmet Violation Detection, Road Safety, Motorcycle Accidents, Number Plate Detection.


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Thesis Title: Role of Social Media Marketing Activities in Influencing Customer Intentions: A Perspective of a New Emerging Era

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00145

  Registration ID - 219132

 Pages: 403-457

 Year: May-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This study investigates the critical function of social media marketing in influencing client behavior in today's digital age. The study's goal is to explore how social media marketing activities influence client intentions, particularly in the fast-paced digital context. The study aims to clarify how different social media marketing methods affect customer intentions and offer light on the dynamics of consumer-brand interactions online by reviewing a large body of material. The study takes a mixed-methodologies approach, including both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The qualitative section comprises in-depth interviews with marketing professionals and social media users to acquire a better understanding of the factors that drive customer behavior in response to social media marketing. Simultaneously, the quantitative component includes a standardized survey questionnaire distributed to a diverse set of social media users. The purpose is to assess the relationship between various social media marketing methods and client intentions. The survey contains several well-crafted questions designed to assess respondents' perspectives, attitudes, and actions about social media marketing activities and their impact on purchasing intentions, brand loyalty, and engagement. The questions may cover subjects such as social media usage frequency, preferred platforms, content genres, views of brand authenticity, trust, and credibility, and the impact of user-generated content and social endorsements on purchasing decisions. The study attempts to provide a comprehensive knowledge of how social media marketing operations impact customer intentions in today's digital age by combining insights from both qualitative interviews and quantitative survey data. The study's findings are expected to increase theoretical understanding of digital marketing while also providing practical insights for marketers seeking to interact and influence their target audience through social media.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00144

  Registration ID - 220011

 Pages: 340-402

 Year: May-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The production and distribution of bottled water have witnessed exponential growth globally, driven by factors such as convenience, health consciousness, and urbanization. With this surge in demand, ensuring the quality and integrity of bottled water products has become a top priority for manufacturers. Central to this endeavour is the need for effective inspection methods to detect and mitigate defects that may compromise product safety and consumer satisfaction. With the proliferation of bottled water consumption, ensuring the quality and safety of water bottles has become increasingly vital. Visual inspection methods provide a non-invasive and efficient means of identifying defects in water bottles during manufacturing processes. In this study, we propose a novel approach for the visual inspection of water bottles using YOLO, a deep learning architecture known for its effectiveness in image classification tasks. The proposed system employs YOLO algorithm to analyse images of water bottles captured by cameras installed along the production line. By leveraging the hierarchical feature representations learned by YOLO algorithm, our method aims to accurately classify water bottles into categories such as "defective" or "acceptable" based on the presence of defects such as scratches, dents, or impurities. We also explore strategies for optimizing model hyperparameters and training parameters to improve classification performance.


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Quality assurance , Deep learning , Defect detection , visual inspection method.


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Thesis Title: Utilizing Deep learning Techniques For Detecting Counterfeit Bank Currency

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00143

  Registration ID - 220045

 Pages: 297-339

 Year: May-2024

  Author Name(s): Gudepu Jogesh Babu

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Counterfeit Currency has always been an issue which has created a lot of problems in the market. The increasing technological advancements have made the possibility for creating more counterfeit currency which are circulated in the market which reduces the overall economy of the country. There are machines present at banks and other commercial areas to check the authenticity of the currencies. But a common man does not have access to such systems and hence a need for a software to detect fake currency arises, which can be used by common people. This proposed system uses Image Processing to detect whether the currency is genuine or counterfeit. The system is designed completely using Python programming language. It consists of the steps such as gray scale conversion, edge detection, segmentation, etc. which are performed using suitable methods. The first order and second order statistical features are extracted initially from the input and undergoes deeplearning algorithm CNN. The effective feature vectors are given to the SVM classifier unit for classification. The proposed method produced classification accuracy of 95.8 percentage. The experimental results are compared with state of-the methods and produced reliable results.


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: CNN,SVM,Counterfeit currency, Technological Advancements,Image processing,Gray scale conversion,Edge detection,Segmentation,Deep learning


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Thesis Title: ''Exploring the Influence of Parenting Styles on Children's Mental Health: A Comprehensive Analysis''

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00142

  Registration ID - 220337

 Pages: 257-296

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Purva Goyal

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The impact of parenting styles on children's mental health is a critical aspect of developmental psychology. This research aims to comprehensively explore the relationship between diverse parenting approaches and children's psychological well-being. The primary objective is to elucidate how different parenting styles, namely authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful, influence various facets of children's mental health. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating theoretical analysis with empirical evidence from existing literature. Through a systematic review of relevant studies, this research synthesizes key findings to offer insights into the mechanisms through which parenting styles shape children's psychological resilience and well-being. The findings underscore the significance of authoritative parenting in fostering positive mental health outcomes, including enhanced self-esteem, emotional regulation, and stress management skills. Conversely, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful parenting styles are associated with adverse mental health consequences, such as increased anxiety, depression, and behavioral problems in children. The discussion highlights the importance of promoting authoritative parenting practices and implementing interventions aimed at enhancing parent-child relationships to optimize children's mental health outcomes. Recommendations for future research and practical implications for promoting positive parenting behaviors are also discussed, emphasizing the significance of fostering authoritative parenting practices and enhancing parent-child relationships to optimize children's mental health outcomes.


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Parenting Styles, Children's Mental Health, Authoritative Parenting, Authoritarian Parenting, Permissive Parenting, Neglectful Parenting.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00141

  Registration ID - 220064

 Pages: 172-256

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Ms. Megha Chaturvedi, Mr. Karan Sharma

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


India, the world largest democracy has been time and again questioned for suppressing the voices of dissent by misuse of law of sedition which questions the very spirit of democracy. This question involves great emphasis and time to answer. We call ourselves the world’s largest democracy and the basic meaning of democracy revolves around “rule by the people, of the people and for the people.” But in the government, we form, where is the ‘people rule’? And if it is the ‘people rule’, then why is there any need for laws like Sedition? The evil consequence of this sedition law widely impacted our freedom struggle, and nothing could prevent even the revolutionaries like Tilak and Gandhi from being put behind the bars. Even today great authors and social activists are charged with the offence of sedition to silent their speech.


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Thesis Title: Evaluation of Integrated pest management modules for the management of whitefly Trileurodes ricini (Misra) on castor Ricinus communis.

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00140

  Registration ID - 220187

 Pages: 160-171

 Year: April-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Castor is an important oilseed crop. The castor bean contains about 50-55% oil. Among vegetable oils, castor oil is distinguished by its high content (over 85%) of ricinoleic acid. No other vegetable oil contains so high proportion of fatty hydroxy acids. Castor oil’s unsaturated bond, high molecular weight (298), low melting point (5°C), and very low solidification point (-12°C to -18°C) make it industrially useful, most of all for the highest and most stable viscosity of any vegetable oil. The castor plant has a substantial taproot with many lateral branches which can reach a great depth enabling them to withstand drought and harsh weather conditions. Leaves of castor plants are large, glossy, and green with pointed lobes and prominent veins; However, the castor leaf for many years has often been attacked by the whitefly and in most cases leads to the destruction of the plant. The whitefly causes stunted growth of the plant and yellowing of leaves which renders the shedding of fruiting bodies. Among the eight treatments, the lowest whitefly/plant recorded by The T4 quinolphos and T6 Neem oil 2% recorded as the best treatments over the rest of the treatments. Significantly highest grain yield @3730.00 kg and 3627.63 kg was recorded by T6 Neem oil 2% and T7 Pongamia oil 2% followed by T5 Mahuva oil recorded yield @ 3283.30kg. However, the chemical treatments viz., T3 Profenophos 50 EC @0.03% and T4 quinolphos 25 EC @ 0.05% recorded yield @ 2956.66 and 2936.00 kg/ha both at par with each other. Whereas untreated control recorded the lowest yield @2426.03 kg/ha.


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Castor (Ricinus communis); whitefly Trileurodes ricini Misra ;Wax bloom, Quinolphos, Profenophos, Neem, Pongamia and Mahua


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Thesis Title: Sustainable Finance : Evaluating the Role of Environmental , Social , and Governance (ESGs) in Investment Decision

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00139

  Registration ID - 220085

 Pages: 137-159

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Vidhi Agrawal

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This study explores the critical role of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors in shaping investment decisions within the framework of sustainable finance. By integrating insights from empirical research, case studies, and regulatory analyses, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of how ESG considerations influence investment processes, financial performance, and stakeholder perceptions. Findings reveal the tangible benefits of ESG integration, including risk mitigation, long-term value creation, and enhanced market transparency. The study underscores the transformative potential of sustainable finance in fostering a more resilient, inclusive, and environmentally sustainable global economy.


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Sustainable finance Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Investment decisions Financial performance Risk mitigation Long-term value creation Market transparency Regulatory frameworks Impact investing Stakeholder perceptions


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00138

  Registration ID - 219592

 Pages: 86-136

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): GAURI PATHAK

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Contract regulation serves as a cornerstone of prison structures worldwide, presenting the framework for countless transactions and agreements in each commercial and non-public sphere. Within this big felony landscape, two distinguished prison traditions have emerged: common law and civil law. These traditions have advanced distinct strategies to contract law, shaped by way of historical, cultural, and institutional elements special to each system. 3 The roots of contract regulation can be traced back to historic prison systems, including Roman regulation and early English frequent law. Over time, these foundational standards have been subtle and tailored to meet the evolving wants of societies. The historical improvement of contract regulation offers precious insights into the underlying concepts and doctrines that govern contractual relations today. In present day globalized world, grasp the similarities and differences between common regulation and civil regulation approaches to contract law is quintessential for legal practitioners, scholars, and policymakers alike. A comparative learn about of these two felony traditions approves us to discover fine practices, prison innovations, and achievable areas of convergence or conflict. Such insights are fundamental for facilitating cross-border transactions, resolving disputes, and merchandising felony sure bet in an more and more interconnected world. This comparative analysis will delve into key factors of contract regulation inside common regulation and civil law systems, which includes the formation, interpretation, performance, remedies, and contractual issues. By analyzing these areas in depth, we purpose to illuminate the fundamental standards and procedural mechanisms that distinguish common regulation and civil law strategies to contract law.


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Thesis Title: Effect Of Online Gaming among Youth

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00137

  Registration ID - 219633

 Pages: 49-85

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Danim Chandra Sharma

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Online gaming is a highly popular game in both rural and urban areas. This research is an effort by the researcher to understand the awareness level of online gaming among youth and to identify the source of information on the Effects of online gaming among youth. Guwahati is a place where presently the number of online gaming addictions is being increasing. Youth play online games for relaxing, to get free out from their academics, meet new friends. According to Who the rate of online gaming can be increased in the future days with this online gaming rate of depression, anxiety and fear can be increased because online gaming has both positive and negative effects on youth and on the other hand online gaming has an effect on their academics and on their career. Through this particular study, an effort has been made by the researcher to understand the awareness level of online gaming in youth and to identify the source of information on the Effects of online gaming among youth. Through increased online gaming the online gaming market is been in demand throughout the country. There are a large number of addictions found among youth. According to Kuss, (2013) playing online in an uncontrolled manner can have Internet addiction disorder and psychosocial disorder under psychosocial disorder we can find anxiety, depression, fear and which affect youth's mental health and by which they get affected in their academics by which they unable to perform well and by which it affects on their career goals. According to Susana (2015) playing online games through smart phones, computers, and laptops can affect the mental health of youth but on the other side the youth are increasing the demand for online gaming in the global online market and in the future it can rise to billions.


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Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Smartphone, Online gaming addiction, Internet addiction disorder, Psychiatric disorder, Youth.


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Thesis Title: Role of Social Media Marketing Activities in Influencing Customer Intentions: A Perspective of a New Emerging Era

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00136

  Registration ID - 217308

 Pages: 1-48

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): vaibhav gupta

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


In today's digital age, the influence of social media on consumer behaviour is undeniable. This study investigates the impact of social media marketing activities on shaping customer intentions, particularly within the context of a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Through a comprehensive review of relevant literature, this research aims to elucidate the mechanisms through which social media marketing strategies influence consumer intentions, offering insights into the dynamics of consumer-brand interactions in the digital sphere. Employing a mixed-method approach, this study utilizes both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to gather data. The qualitative component involves in-depth interviews with marketing professionals and social media users to gain a nuanced understanding of the factors influencing customer intentions in response to social media marketing activities. Concurrently, the quantitative aspect involves a structured survey questionnaire administered to a diverse sample of social media users, aimed at quantifying the relationships between various social media marketing strategies and customer intentions. The survey questionnaire method includes a series of carefully crafted questions designed to assess respondents' perceptions, attitudes, and behaviours concerning social media marketing activities and their impact on purchase intentions, brand loyalty, and engagement. Questions may cover aspects such as frequency of social media usage, preferred platforms, types of content consumed, perceptions of brand authenticity, trustworthiness, and credibility, as well as the influence of user-generated content and social endorsements on purchase decisions. By synthesizing insights from both qualitative interviews and quantitative survey data, this study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of social media marketing activities in shaping consumer intentions in the contemporary digital era. The findings of this research are expected to contribute to theoretical advancements in the field of digital marketing and offer practical implications for marketers seeking to leverage social media effectively to engage and influence their target audience.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00135

  Registration ID - 219558

 Pages: 865-914

 Year: April-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Pregabalin (PRG), an analogue of gamma-aminobutyric acid, reduces the release of many neurotransmitters, including glutamate, and noradrenaline. It is used for the treatment of epilepsy; simple and complex partial convulsion. The present research work aims to ensure a high drug absorption by retarding the advancement of PRG formulation through the gastrointestinal tract. The work aims to design a controlled release PRG formulation which is administered as liquid and further gels in the stomach and floats in gastric juice. Materials and Methods: In situ gelling formulations were prepared using sodium alginate, calcium carbonate, sodium Bicarbonate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) E-50M, and sodium bicarbonate. The prepared formulations were evaluated for solution viscosity, drug content, in vitro gelling studies, gel strength, and in vitro drug release. Results: The formulation containing 3% w/v sodium alginate and 0.6% w/v HPMC E-50 were considered optimum since it showed minimum floating lag time (18 s), optimum viscosity (287.3 cps). The optimized formulation follows first ordering Higuchi kinetic model with regression value 0.4767 representing diffusion mechanism of drug release. Conclusion: Floating in situ gelling system of PRG can be formulated using sodium alginate as a gelling polymer and calcium carbonate as a complexing agent to control the drug release for about 8 h for the treatment of epilepsy.


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Thesis Title: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Financial services-Fintech

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00134

  Registration ID - 219417

 Pages: 824-864

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Pothapala BhanuSreeja, Dr.Rashmi Akshay Yadav

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The financial services sector is undergoing a change thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), especially in the area of financial technology (FinTech). By improving efficiency, accuracy, and security, artificial intelligence (AI) integration in FinTech has drastically changed traditional financial services. Financial institutions may improve decision-making, streamline operations, and provide individualized consumer experiences with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies including machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, and predictive analytics. The automation of previously intensive and error-prone tasks is one of the main effects of AI in FinTech. AI-powered systems have the capacity to handle massive amounts of data quickly, which makes it possible to make decisions about investment strategies, risk assessment, and fraud detection more quickly and accurately. These developments save financial organizations money while simultaneously increasing operational effectiveness. AI systems can offer investors insightful information and support them in making well-informed decisions to optimize returns on their investments by evaluating massive volumes of data in real-time. Additionally, AI has completely changed the way financial services customers interact with a company by making it possible to create chatbots and virtual assistants that can offer clients efficient, personalized help. By responding to consumer questions, offering financial guidance, and even helping with personal money management, these AI-powered solutions raise client happiness and engagement levels. But there are also ethical, security, and data privacy issues to be concerned about with FinTech's growing dependence on AI. Safeguarding confidential data and upholding openness in AI algorithms are growing concerns that financial institutions must address as they gather and examine vast volumes of consumer data. A study is conducted to compare the financial performance of the AI impacted financial services. The objective of the study was to compare the performance of AI with major Financial Services. The sample for the study taken was 5 years (2018 to 2023) of financial statements. To analyze the variance of the mean among the Fintech companies, Variance analysis and ANOVA test has been conducted. Through analysis it is found that the Fintech companies has achieved a better position on net profit margin and debt coverage ratio with positive differences in comparison of other financial services


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FinTech, Financial Services, Artificial Intelligence.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00133

  Registration ID - 219092

 Pages: 759-823

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): A.Reeta Joldrine, D.Elamathi, S.Revathi, V.Sruthi, B.Vaisnavi

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Online social networking has precipitated profound modifications inside the manner human’s communication and has interaction. In order to steal personal information, disseminate destructive activities, and publish fake information, attackers and imposters have been drawn to OSNs because of their rapid expansion and the vast amounts of personal data that its users have provided. The proposed OSN focuses on identifying fraudulent accounts. To identify bogus accounts using criteria such as attribute similarity, friend network similarity and aadhar number verification. The user profile structure was examined and fake users were predicted using similarity calculations and classifier algorithms. It also supports age estimation based restriction process implementing for social responsibility. It also suggest an effective trust-based data sharing method that takes into account the permission needs of all involved parties when deciding whether to allow or prohibit the shared resources. To examine data privacy before sharing it with the public, a logical model of the suggested data sharing method is created. Here, a user is linked to a limited group of reliable users who were chosen from their social circle. Before being sent information to the public share, the user needs to get from the trustees at least k (i.e., recovery threshold) threshold values. This demonstrates that employing a dynamic threshold in accordance with the UCB policy might result in a larger pay-out than doing so with a fixed threshold. Also provide automatic download and share blocking approach for secure image sharing.


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Social network security, Fake account detection, Classification, Support Vector Machine.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00132

  Registration ID - 218625

 Pages: 728-758

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Sharun K Sabu, Yavana Rani

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


At the intersection of road transport and airports, intermodal connectivity is a critical component of the global supply chain network. In a time of globalisation and e-commerce's explosive expansion, the smooth flow of people and commodities is now essential for both sustainable development and economic competitiveness. The complex interactions between different forms of mobility, where flawless integration and connection are crucial, are at the core of this movement. The idea of intermodal connectivity describes the well-coordinated use of several modes of transportation, including air, land, sea, and rail, to enable the efficient and seamless movement of people and goods between various nodes in the transportation network. Although intermodal connection is universally acknowledged to be important, implementing it presents a number of possibilities and problems, particularly when road transport networks and airports intersect. As vital nodes in the global transportation system, airports are essential for enabling the efficient transfer of people and products across great distances. But the performance of ground transportation networks— particularly road transportation, which is the main means of last-mile delivery and connection to interior locations—is closely related to the efficiency of air cargo operations. The literature study on road transport and intermodal connection at airports explores a complex environment with several facets, such as technology, infrastructure, policy, and operational procedures. Studies already conducted emphasise how crucial it is for air cargo facilities and road transportation networks to have seamless communication in order to cut costs, shorten transit times, and improve supply chains.


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Thesis Title: Exploring the Role of Behavioral Biases in Investment Decision-Making Among Retail Investors in India

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00131

  Registration ID - 217944

 Pages: 684-727

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Nikhil Joseph KJ

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The study titled "Exploring the Role of Behavioral Biases in Investment Decision Making Among Retail Investors in India" seeks to delve into the intricate relationship between behavioral biases and investment decision-making processes among retail investors in India. This research aims to shed light on the various biases that may influence the investment choices of retail investors in the Indian financial market. Behavioral finance, as a field, focuses on understanding how psychological factors can impact financial decision-making and how individuals often deviate from traditional economic models of rational behavior. The Indian financial market has witnessed significant growth in recent years, with an increasing number of retail investors participating in various investment avenues such as stocks, mutual funds, and real estate. However, the decisions made by these investors are not always rational and may be influenced by cognitive biases that lead to suboptimal investment outcomes. By studying the role of behavioral biases in investment decision-making, this research aims to identify the specific biases that are prevalent among retail investors in India and understand how these biases impact their investment choices. Some common behavioral biases that may influence investment decisions include overconfidence, loss aversion, anchoring, herd mentality, and confirmation bias. These biases can lead investors to make decisions based on emotions rather than objective information, resulting in suboptimal investment outcomes. By exploring the prevalence of these biases among retail investors in India, this study seeks to provide insights that can help investors make more informed and rational investment decisions. Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including surveys, interviews, and behavioral experiments, this study will gather data to analyze the presence and impact of behavioral biases on investment decision-making among retail investors in India. The findings of this research are expected to contribute to the existing literature on behavioral finance and provide practical implications for investors, financial advisors, and policymakers in India. Overall, this study aims to deepen our understanding of how behavioral biases shape investment decisions among retail investors in India and offer recommendations to mitigate the negative effects of these biases on investment outcomes. By addressing the role of behavioral biases in investment decision-making, this research has the potential to enhance the financial literacy and decision-making capabilities of retail investors in India, ultimately leading to more sustainable and profitable investment practices.


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Behavioral Biases, Retail investors, Investment decision -making


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Thesis Title: Python: A Powerful Tool for Implementing Efficient and Reliable Quantitative Investment Strategies in Portfolio Creation

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00130

  Registration ID - 218109

 Pages: 624-683

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Nikhil V S, Dr. Rashmi Akshay Yadav

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


In the rapidly evolving landscape of financial markets, the integration of technology has become increasingly crucial. This study delves into the realm of quantitative investment strategies, particularly focusing on the utilization of Python, a versatile programming language, as a powerful tool in this domain. By leveraging historical market data, we investigate the performance strategies compared to traditional methods, spanning various aspects such as risk-adjusted returns, portfolio optimization, risk management, and the reliability of back testing procedures. The methodology employed in this research encompasses a range of quantitative analyses tailored to assess the effectiveness of strategies. Firstly, we conduct Sharpe ratio analyses to gauge the risk-adjusted returns, providing insights into the efficiency of these strategies in generating returns relative to the level of risk undertaken. Additionally, portfolio standard deviation comparisons allow us to evaluate the diversification benefits offered by optimized portfolios compared to manually constructed ones, shedding light on the potential for enhanced portfolio management techniques. Furthermore, our study delves into risk management aspects by performing Value at Risk (VaR) assessments. This analysis helps elucidate whether quantitative models are successful in mitigating downside risk and minimizing portfolio drawdowns, especially during turbulent market conditions. Additionally, we scrutinize the reliability of back testing procedures, crucial for validating the performance of investment strategies under various market scenarios. The implications of our study extend beyond academia, offering valuable insights for practitioners in the financial industry. Embracing technology-driven approaches, such as quantitative strategies, can pave the way for achieving superior investment outcomes and staying competitive in today's dynamic market environment. By leveraging Python's capabilities, investors can navigate complexities more adeptly, capitalize on opportunities, and manage risks more effectively, ultimately enhancing their overall performance and resilience in financial markets.


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CAGR, CAPM, Volatility, Sharpe Ratio, numpy, yfinance, VaR


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Thesis Title: Impact of inbound and outbound logistics on the dynamics of supplier customer relationship

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00129

  Registration ID - 217901

 Pages: 581-623

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Akarsh S M, Dr Yavana Rani

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Satisfaction of customers based on behaviour of different companies with respective of their inbound and outbound activities


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Logistics, supply chain, mba


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Thesis Title: “A study to evaluate the effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge regarding prevention of irritable bowel syndrome among college students at selected degree colleges, Bangalore.”

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00128

  Registration ID - 215429

 Pages: 478-580

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Debajyoti Biswas

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common gastrointestinal (GI) problems, characterized by altered bowel habits in association with abdominal discomfort or pain in the absence of detectable structural and biochemical abnormalities. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is common functional bowel disorder that generates a significant health care burden and can severely impair quality of life. The study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge regarding the prevention of irritable bowel syndrome among college students at selected degree colleges, Bangalore. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM “A study to evaluate the effectiveness of self-instructional module on knowledge regarding prevention of Irritable bowel syndrome among college students at selected degree colleges, Bangalore.” OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY • To assess the level of knowledge of degree college student regarding prevention of irritable bowel syndrome. • To find out the difference between the mean pre-test and post-test knowledge scores of degree college students regarding prevention of irritable bowel syndrome. • To determine the association between the mean pre-test knowledge level of degree college students regarding prevention of irritable bowel syndrome and their selected socio-demographic variables. METHODS The pre experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used for the study. The study was conducted in selected degree colleges, Bangalore. Sample of 100 degree college students based on inclusion criteria were chosen by means of non probability convenient sampling technique. The data collection tool were validated by experts, the reliability and feasibility were determined by the pilot study. The data for the study was collected by structured knowledge questionnaire following which samples were subjected to Self Instructional Module (SIM) for the duration of 45 minutes. Post-test was done on 7th day following intervention. The same tool used to conduct the post-test. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. RESULTS A total of 100 degree college students were recruited as a sample. The findings showed that the mean post-test knowledge score of the subjects was 33.51±3.24, higher than the mean pre-test score of 16.08±2.33. The ‘t’ value obtained from paired ‘t’ test was 24.83, which was higher than the critical value of 2.6 at p< 0.05 level showing that the improvement in knowledge score was significant. The chi-square test was applied to determine the association of demographic variables with knowledge scores of degree college students. Results showed that the year of study, area of residence, food pattern, personal habits and source of information were significant. It means there is significant difference between pre-test and post test level of knowledge of college students regarding prevention of irritable bowel syndrome. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION The result of the study showed there was a significant improvement obtained following SIM on regarding prevention of irritable bowel syndrome among degree college students. This study enlightens that there is an immense need for educational programme in hospital or community to improve the knowledge regarding prevention of irritable bowel syndrome. And also this study motivates other researchers to conduct further studies to evaluate the attitudes and practices of degree college students regarding prevention of irritable bowel syndrome.


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Self Instructional Module, Degree college students, Irritable bowel syndrome, Knowledge scores.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00127

  Registration ID - 217672

 Pages: 423-477

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Sabareesh Raj V, Vinayak Anil Bhat

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Employee satisfaction is a crucial factor influencing productivity, retention, and overall organizational success. This study investigates employee satisfaction and the impact of fringe benefits within the IT sector. We explore how to effectively measure employee satisfaction and assess the influence of various fringe benefits on employee sentiment. The research design will be employed to gather data from IT sector employees. A validated employee satisfaction questionnaire will be used to measure employee sentiment. The study will then analyse the correlation between various fringe benefits offered by IT companies and the overall satisfaction levels of their employees. This research aims to contribute to the understanding of employee satisfaction within the IT industry and provide valuable insights for organizations to design and implement effective fringe benefit programs that enhance employee well-being and retention.


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Fringe Benefits, Employee Satisfaction


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Thesis Title: A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding reproductive health among adolescent girls in selected higher secondary schools, Kollam

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00126

  Registration ID - 217298

 Pages: 330-422

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): PV Greeshma, Aleena L, Lavanya S Nair, Shabana Shaji, Sherin Joseph,Surya Murukan

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The research project undertook was “A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding reproductive health among adolescent girls in selected higher secondary schools, Kollam” .The selection of sampling technique is non probability convenience sampling technique and the sample consists of 100 adolescent girls of age between 13 and 14 years in selected higher secondary schools ,Kollam . The tool used for data collection was structured knowledge questionnaire. The data analysis of the study were based on the objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. The fThe research project undertook was “A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding reproductive health among adolescent girls in selected higher secondary schools, Kollam”. The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge regarding reproductive health among adolescent girls and to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding reproductive health among adolescent girls , Kollam and to find out the association between pre-test knowledge scores regarding reproductive health among adolescent girls in higher secondary schools and selected demographic variables ( age, religion, education of father, education of mother, occupation of father, occupation of mother, area of residence, type of family, previous knowledge regarding reproductive health ).In this study samples were 100 adolescent girls of age between 13 and 14 years in selected higher secondary schools ,Kollam .In order to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program, the sampling technique adopted was non probability convenience sampling technique. The tool used for data collection was structured knowledge questionnaire. The data analysis of the study were based on the objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the present study revealed that there was significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge scores on knowledge regarding reproductive health among adolescent girls in selected higher secondary schools, Kollam and there was significant association between the pretest knowledge scores regarding reproductive health among adolescent girls in selected higher secondary schools, Kollam with selected demographic variables such as age, religion, education of father, education of mother, area of residence, type of family, previous knowledge regarding reproductive health. Based on the findings, the researchers had drawn implications which were vital concerns in the field of nursing practice, nursing administration, nursing education and also for the future development.


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Keywords: Assess, effectiveness, Structured teaching program, Knowledge, Reproductive health, Adolescent girls.


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Thesis Title: People Counting System Based on Head Detection R-CNN from Images and Videos

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00125

  Registration ID - 217264

 Pages: 268-329

 Year: April-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


In contemporary society, the need for accurate people counting systems has become increasingly vital across various domains such as retail analytics, crowd management, and security surveillance. Traditional methods for people counting often rely on manual observation or simple sensor-based approaches, which are prone to inaccuracies, especially in crowded environments with occlusions and complex dynamics. To address these challenges, advanced computer vision techniques have been developed, with deep learning-based methods showing remarkable success in recent years. This abstraction provides an in-depth overview of a people counting system based on head detection utilizing Faster R-CNN from both images and videos. The proposed system leverages Faster R-CNN, a state-of-the-art deep learning framework, to detect heads in input images and video frames. Faster R-CNN is a two-stage object detection architecture that consists of a Region Proposal Network (RPN) for generating region proposals and a Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN) for refining these proposals into precise object detections. By employing Faster R-CNN, the system achieves high accuracy and robustness in head detection, enabling reliable people counting in diverse scenarios. The system architecture encompasses several key components, including data acquisition, preprocessing, head detection using Faster R-CNN, post-processing, and counting. Initially, data is acquired from surveillance cameras or other sources, providing input images and video streams. Preprocessing techniques such as image stabilization, noise reduction, and contrast enhancement are applied to improve the quality of the input data and facilitate effective head detection. Faster R-CNN is then utilized to detect heads within the preprocessed images and video frames. The RPN generates candidate regions likely to contain heads, which are subsequently refined by the R-CNN to produce accurate head detections. The network is trained on annotated datasets to learn discriminative features of heads, enabling it to generalize well to unseen data and various environmental conditions. Through this process, Faster R-CNN effectively identifies heads in both images and video frames, even in challenging scenarios with occlusions and varying lighting conditions. Following head detection, post-processing techniques are applied to refine the detected regions and eliminate duplicate detections. Non-maximum suppression (NMS) and bounding box filtering are commonly employed to suppress redundant detections and ensure that each head is counted only once. These post-processing steps help improve the accuracy and reliability of the people counting system, particularly in crowded scenes where multiple heads may overlap or occlude each other. Subsequently, the system performs counting by associating unique identifiers with detected heads and tracking their movement across consecutive frames in videos or images. Various tracking algorithms such as Kalman filtering or centroid-based tracking may be employed to maintain continuity in counting, even in scenarios involving occlusions or temporary disappearances. By tracking individuals over time, the system accurately determines the total number of people present in the monitored area. Moreover, the proposed system incorporates additional features for performance evaluation and user interaction. Metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score are utilized to assess the effectiveness of head detection and counting. Visualization tools enable real-time monitoring of the counting process, allowing operators to analyze crowd dynamics and make informed decisions. Additionally, the system supports interactive functionalities such as manual validation of detections and adjustment of counting parameters, enhancing user control and flexibility. Furthermore, the system architecture is designed to be scalable and adaptable to diverse environments. It supports parallel processing and distributed computing to handle large-scale deployments across multiple surveillance zones. Additionally, model retraining mechanisms enable continuous improvement and adaptation to evolving scenarios and demographics. In conclusion, the abstraction presents a comprehensive framework for a people counting system based on head detection using Faster R-CNN from both images and videos. By harnessing the power of deep learning and computer vision, the system offers accurate, efficient, and scalable solutions for crowd management and surveillance applications. Future research directions may focus on optimizing model performance, enhancing robustness to challenging scenarios, and integrating additional contextual information for advanced analytics and decision support.


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Detection, RCNN, Count


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Thesis Title: A study to assess the effectiveness of information education communication package regarding impact of social network on knowledge and lifestyle changes among college students in a selected college at coimbatore

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00124

  Registration ID - 210351

 Pages: 206-267

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): AKILA.N.J

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The main aim of the study was to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge and lifestyle changes regarding Information Education Communication on impact of social network among college students in selected colleges at Coimbatore. The conceptual frame work used for the study was based on the modified J.W. Open Kenny system model. The quasi experimental one group pre test-post test design was used in this study. Sixty samples were selected using purposive sampling technique inn SreeAbiramicollege of Allied health science Coimbatore. Information Education Communication was given to college students. Data was collected before and after the intervention by using standardised knowledge Questionnaire and lifestyle modification scale. The study findings showed that the obtained “t” value was 2.0*.it was significant at p<0.005 level.It shows the Information Education Communication was effective in Improving the knowledge and lifestyle changes among college students.


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Effectiveness, Information Education Communication ,Knowledge And Lifestyle Changes And College Students.


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Thesis Title: Vigilantism, Crime Control and the Socio-Economic and Cultural Factors in Akinyele Area of Ibadan

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00122

  Registration ID - 215369

 Pages: 95-156

 Year: April-2024

  Author Name(s): Babatunde Taiwo Feyikemi, Prof. R.A Okunola, Dr. (Mrs.) Oriowo O.E.

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The inefficiency of the Nigerian police to protect the lives and properties of the people has led to community efforts to provide their own security. Scholars have highlighted corruption, brutality, authoritarian and repressive postures, high level of extortion, high cost of assessing police services, poverty, and non-personal interactions with police officers as some of the reasons Nigerians have lost faith in the police security efficacy. The people, in order to protect their lives and properties, have established and entrust their security to various vigilante groups in Nigeria, which is as a result of lack of quick response of Nigerian security personnel, particularly the Nigeria Police, when called upon to rescue a crime scene. Vigilantism has become the first point of contact for victims of crime and insecurity. It is in view of this, that this study was embarked to examine Vigilantism, Crime control and the Socio-Economic and Cultural factors In Akinyele area of Ibadan. This study was strictly qualitative and was anchored on the Broken window theory and social control theory and was conducted in Akinyele area of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Structured Key informant interview guide and structured in-depth interview guide was used to collect data from 18 respondents comprising of head of vigilante groups, chairmen of landlord associations in three selected communities, community members, community heads of selected communities in Akinyele area of Ibadan. The data was analyzed using content analysis and ethnographic summaries. This study discovered that vigilante groups stepped in to fill security lapses created by the Nigerian police in respect to securing lives and properties of the community not only in Akinyele area of Ibadan but also in other parts of Nigerian society. Residence of Akinyele area of Ibadan and its environment have been occasionally terrorized by armed robbery cases and other crime related issues resulting to economic loose prior to the establishment and operations of vigilante groups in Akinyele area of Ibadan. The vigilante groups played a significant role in the reduction of crime and insecurity in Akinyele area of Ibadan. Moreover, the major challenges of the vigilante groups include but not limited to lack of adequate logistics, like patrolling vehicles, communication gadgets, modern weapons and riffles, lack of salary and financial motivations, lack of adequate personnel amongst other challenges. There is a cordial relationship between the police and vigilante groups, in Akinyele area of Ibadan. This study therefore, recommends that state and local governments should approve a salary scale for the Vigilante groups which will enable them collect monthly salaries, logistics such as patrol vehicles and communication gadgets should be made available to the Vigilantes. Also, legislators should consider the approval of the use of modern riffles for the vigilante groups, before handing guns over to them, there is need for adequate training and retraining on how to use these ammunitions. Any member of the group that will handle any of the ammunitions must undergo psychological and emotional test to ascertain his emotional stability before these ammunitions will be handed over to such person for operations.


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Community, Crime, Insecurity, Nigerian Police, Vigilante group


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Thesis Title: Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module regarding management of psychiatric emergencies on knowledge among staff nurses at selected hospital,Cuddalore Dist,Tamil nadu

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00121

  Registration ID - 216956

 Pages: 1-94

 Year: April-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT A Quasi Experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of SIM on management of Psychiatric Emergencies on knowledge among staff nurses at selected hospitals, Cuddalore district of Tamilnadu. Quantitative Research approach with quasi experimental design study without control group was adopted by applying purposive sampling technique among 45 nurses working in a psychiatric ward; objective was to assess knowledge, to test the effectiveness of SIM, to compare and to associate their knowledge with their demographic data. Data was collected through socio demographic proforma and structured knowledge questionnaire was used; modified open system theory by S W Kenney was applied. Demographic characteristics reveals majority 51%were in age group of 21-30, 80% were females 44% Hindus, 62% were GNM and had1 to 10 years of experience, 73% did not attend any in service program on psychiatric emergencies management. Self-administered questionnaires was used, at the end of pretest SIM was administered, Over all pretest mean score was 28 ± 4.1(SD) and post test 50.7 +3.41 mean difference was 22.7 Area wise comparison between pretest and post test was done ,found increase in knowledge, whereas the paired t’ test shows that calculated value (11.91) was greater than table value (2.0001) p-value ˂0.01 was significant at level of 0.05 , indicates SIM was effective and there was no significant association(chi square)revealed with their selected demographic data. Overall the study was found effective in increase in knowledge on psychiatric emergencies.


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Psychiatric, emergencies, nurses


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00120

  Registration ID - 216652

 Pages: 863-920

 Year: March-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT Matrilineal system has been a topic of concern by scholars of literature and anthropologists in the field of literature and cultural studies. The studies carried out in the field of feminist literature reveals that the effects of matrilineal ideology in the texts was overlooked. However, a feminist analysis of texts written by authors from matrilineal descent reveals the overrepresentation of female characters in comparison with the submissive women of patriarchal societies, and underrepresentation of male characters especially the husbands and fathers. This aspect becomes a cultural and social concern in the literary works and the society, which needs to be researched on and addressed objectively. Therefore, this study analyzes the place of a man and that of a woman in a matrilineal society, on the same note, it accesses the effects of modernism to the character development of an individual as well as outline the effects of disobeying the culture to a boy versus the girl using the survey research design which entails; recruiting of participants, collecting data utilizing the interview and questionnaire techniques. It also employs non-structured qualitative method of research. It explores various texts written by authors of matrilineal descent but limits itself in analyzing two plays: Anowa and The Dilemma of a Ghost by Ama Ata Aidoo. T.S Eliot’s theory of The Great Tradition and the Post-Colonial Literary Theory guides this study


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Matrilineal, Patriarchal, Modernity, Marriage


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00119

  Registration ID - 216489

 Pages: 764-862

 Year: March-2024

  Author Name(s): ARTI

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT Introduction: The mammary gland is a milk producing gland which is composed largely of fat. It is a complex network of branching ducts and sac -like structures called lobules, which produce milk .Breast tissue fluid drains through the lymphatic into the lymph nodes located in the auxilla and behind the sternum. Breast engorgement and nipple trauma are the complications associated with breastfeeding and considered as the most significant factors impacting on breast fedding in the first weeks of motherhood and primi gravida mothers Breast massage in an easy, readily available and cost effective miraculous method to reduce the breast engorgment. It does not requre elaborate preparation and instruction. It is an evidence based practice to control breast engorgement in post natal period. Objective of the study: • To assess the demographic profile of primigravida mothers. To assess the knowledge of primigravida mothers regarding breast feeding problems. To find out the effectiveness of lactational counselling regarding breast feeding problems among primigravida mothers. To find out the associationbetween knowledge score of primigravida mothers regarding breast feeding problems and selected demographic variables. To assess the knowledge of primigrabiva mother’s regarding breast examination. To assesse the knowledge of primigrabiva mother’s regarding breast problems example breastengorgment. To find out the effective neff of latapional councelling during rest enjorment. Material and Method: The researcher conducted the study using quantitative approach and pretest and post test research design on 60 primi gravidae mothers by purposive sampling technique. Structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of primi gravidae mothers. Regarding breast engorgement . Descriptive and inferential statistics used to analyze the data. Results: The present study assessed the effectiveness of breast massage on level of breast engorgement among primi gravidea mothers. The results of the study concluded taht applying breast massage was effective in reducing the level of breast engorgement among primi gravidea mothers. Breast Massage is easy to apply, not painful and can enhance comfort to the mother in the postnatal period, hence could easily be adopted as a regular intervention. Therefore, the investigator felt that more importance should be given to the assessment on level of breast engorgemtn among primi gravidea mothrs in 3-6th postnatal day using standard breast engorgement scale, following the intervention of breast massage can be given as a non-pharmacological measures to reduce breast engorgement. Conclusion: Based on the findings, the study findings showed that there is a significant improvement in knowledge regarding prevention of breast engorgement and practices of breastfeeding especially in positioning and attachment of the babies compared to the findings of control group. Incidence of breast engorgement is decreased in experimental group and control group. The prenatal teaching was effective and also the programme should be continued in order to improve the overall health and practices of breastfeeding among mothers thereby it reduces the incidence of breast engorgement. Keywords: Assess, Effectiveness, Knowledge, Primigravida Mothers, Breastfeeding Problems


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Assess, Effectiveness, Knowledge, Primigravida Mothers, Breastfeeding Problems


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Thesis Title: Review on Quinazoline Possessing Heterocyclic Analogues: Exploration of Binding Sites of These Moieties and SAR Studies Against Pathogenic and Agricultural Fungal Strains

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00118

  Registration ID - 216589

 Pages: 710-763

 Year: March-2024

  Author Name(s): Aniruddhasinh M. Rana, Kirtika Patel

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The drug resistance problem is most acute in the case of fungal. There is always a need to develop novel antifungal drugs with better mechanisms of action. Most of the quinazoline-based antibiotics developed are potential antibacterial drug candidates. This review represents quinazoline/quinazolinone-based hybrids with antifungal activity and their structure–activity relationship (SAR). An attempt have been made to explore various binding sites of Quinazoline based heterocyclic analogues with various fungal strains. Structure activity relationship studies of the same analogues have been carried out, that provides better insight into the improvement of quinazoline/quinazolinone based antibiotics especially against multidrug-resistant fungal strains.


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Quinazoline, Antifungal, SAR


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Thesis Title: Phytopharmacological review of Prunus domestica L.- A detailed review

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00117

  Registration ID - 216292

 Pages: 675-709

 Year: March-2024

  Author Name(s): Pankaj Budhlakoti, Dr. Amit Kumar, Anuj Singh, Arvind Singh Farswan

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT Modern drugs, no doubt, give fast relief but are associated with several adverse aftereffects. Plant-derived drugs are associated with no side effects. Plants also provide the best options for discovering the effective and safe medications. Native people have treated a variety of ailments with medicinal herbs since ancient times. Plants have long been an excellent source of medications, and many of the pharmaceuticals that are now accessible were produced directly or indirectly from plants. Prunus domestica L. is a medicinal plant that grows 6 to 15 meters tall and belongs to the Rosaceae family. It is considered to have originated around the Caspian Sea. Plum is now grown all over the world, particularly in Central, South, and Southeast Europe, as well as in North Africa, West Asia, India, North America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and South America. According to many reports, P. domestica is used medicinally in conjunction with other drugs to treat the conditions like leucorrhoea, irregular menstruation, postpartum debility, suppressed immunity, and bad eyesight. It is also used in the prevention of asthma, arthritis, hypercholesterolemia, Alzheimer disease, anaemia, and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, in addition to a thorough botanical description, the present chapter is primarily concerned with the phytochemicals and pharmacological review of P. domestica.


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Keywords: Prunus domestica L., Rosaceae, Caspian Sea, Phytochemical, and Pharmacological activities.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00116

  Registration ID - 215829

 Pages: 585-674

 Year: March-2024

  Author Name(s): Dagne Tesfaye Dida

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The general objective of this study was to compare the Psychosocial Adjustment and Educational Disparity between Manjo and Non Manjo Community students in Schools of Sheka zone. This study helped to fill a gap by exploring psychosocial problems encountered Manjo community students , Psychosocial adjustment difference and educational enrolments and achievements between Manjo and Non Manjo community students .It also examines psychosocial difference among sex of Manjo Community students. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to achieve the research objectives.Two woreda; nine selected schools in Sheka Zone participated in the study. Random stratified sampling technique was used in this study with sample size of three hundred seventy one (N=371)students, one hundred twenty six female (N=126) and two hundred forty five (N=245) male, age ranged between 11-19 years and Purposive sampling technique was used sample size of twenty five (N=25), 9 from Manjo community students and 16 from stakeholders in education sectors for qualitative data.In this study, psychosocial adjustment has three constructs or elements, therefore, the researcher adapts Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for Children (CES-DC) is a 20-item self report depression inventory for student’s age ranges from 8-17, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale for Children and Adolescents of 24 items age range from 8-17 to assess social anxiety for Children and Adolescents of Manjo Community age 8-17 ranged students and Rosenberg’s Self-esteem Scale (RSES) ten items were used to assess self-esteem of Manjo community students.Descriptive and inferential statistics were used and analysed six research questions. Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version-20 (SPSS-20) was used for statistical analysis.Firstof all reliability of the scale was determined. The Manjo community social stigma and discrimination and problems have been late to being changed today in globalized societies. Independent Sample t - test were applied to find the quantitative facts of the study. Results revealed that there is a significant psychosocial Adjustment difference between Manjo community and Non Manjo community students, There is no a significant Psychosocial Adjustments among sex of Manjo and Non Manjo community students. There are huge difference in Educational enrolment and academic achievement of Manjo Community students .Eta measure of association showed Positive correlationbetween psychosocial adjustment and academic achievement Manjo community students of Students. Multiple Linear Regressions were revealed that the combination of psychosocial adjustment constructs predicts educational achievements of Manjo community students, furthermore self-esteem were best predictor of educational achievements of Manjo community students. There is no organized support system to empower in education of marginalized Manjo community students, education sectors simply expected Manjo community will benefited from inclusive education. Stakeholder in education sectors of Sheka zone should employ and assign Psychology and Especial needs Professionals for schools to overcome psychosocial adjustment problems and education disparity of Manjo community students.


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Psychosocial; Adjustment; Educational; Disparity


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00115

  Registration ID - 212184

 Pages: 521-584

 Year: March-2024


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


PROBLEM STATEMENT A STUDY TO ASSESS THE EFFECTIVENESS WEANING OF SIM ON KNOWLEDGE REGARDINGWEANING WAS DEVELOPED FOR LACTATING MOTHERS WHOSE CHILDREN WERE IN THE AGE GROUP OF 6-12 MONTHS,IN SELECTED VILLAGES M.P. OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1.To prepare self instructional module on weaning. 2.To determine the effectiveness of self instructional module in lactating mothers regarding weaning, in terms of gain in knowledge as measured by post test. 3.To find the association of pre-test knowledge scores with selected demographic variables. OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS 1.Effectiveness: In this study effectiveness refers to the knowledge gain on weaning as determined by significant difference in pre-test and post test knowledge scores. 2.Self instructional module: In this study it refers to the structured learning material which includes meaning, type of weaning foods, weaning process, preparation and storage of weaning foods, identification of problems associated with weaning, prevention and management of problems. 3.Knowledge: In this study knowledge refers to correct response obtained from mothers to the knowledge questions on weaning as measured by a structured knowledge questionnaire. 4.Lactating mother: In this study lactating mothers refers to mothers who have infants between 6-12 months age who started supplementary feeding. 5.Weaning: In this study weaning refers to the process of introducing supplementary foods along with breast milk at appropriate time under hygienic conditions to promote normal growth and development. ASSUMPTIONS 1.Lactating mothers may have some knowledge regarding weaning and may be willing to express their knowledge. 2.The self instructional module may be effective in improving the knowledge of lactating mothers regarding weaning. DELIMITATIONS 1.The study is limited to lactating mothers who have infants aged 6-12 months and residing in selected villages at the time of data collection. 2.The sample size is limited to 50 lactating mothers in selected villages. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES H1: The mean post- test knowledge of lactating mothers regarding weaning will be significantly higher than mean pre-test knowledge scores at 0.05 level of significance. H2: There will be significant association between pre-test knowledge scores with selected demographic variables at 0.05 level of significance. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK A theoretical framework is a collection of concepts whose inter relationship describes or explains phenomena that have not been proven. It communicates clearly the interpretation of various concepts14.Conceptual framework is the theoretical approach to the study of problems that are scientifically based which emphasise the selection, arrangement and classification of its concepts. Conceptual framework states functional relationship between events and is not limited to statistical relationship.15 The present study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge of lactating mothers regarding weaning. The conceptual framework of the present study was developed by the investigator based on the Imogene King’s Goal Attainment Model. The model focuses on interpersonal relationship of the mothers and the investigator. In which interaction takes place between the investigator and the mothers and is influenced by the perception of both. This interaction leads to mutual goal-setting that is to be achieved by the mother in terms of gain in knowledge. Interaction King defines interaction as “a process of perception and communication between person and environment and between persons and person, represented by verbal or non verbal behaviours that are goal directed”16. Each individual interaction brings different knowledge, needs, goals, past experiences and perceptions which influences the further interactions. In this study, the researcher and the subject come together for an interaction a different set of perceptions to exchange. Perception According to King, it includes the important and transformation of energy and processing, storing and exporting information. Perception is action oriented in the present and based on the information that is available. Perception is a process in which data obtained through the senses and from memory are organized, interpreted and transformed.16 In this study researcher perceives the subjects and need for information regarding the knowledge on weaning after a structured knowledge questionnaire. Mutual goals were set to improve the knowledge of lactating mothers on weaning thereby preventing malnutrition among under fives. Communication King defines communication as “a process whereby information is given from one person to another either directly in face to face meeting or indirectly through television or written record. Communication is required to verify accuracy of perception for interaction and transaction.”16In this study the researcher communicates to the subjects by providing a self instructional module on weaning. Transaction Each human being perceives the world as a total person in making transactions with individuals and things in environment. “Transaction represents a life situation in which perceiver and thing perceived are encountered; in which person enters the situation as an active participant and each is changed in the process of these experiences”16 In the study transaction between the subject and the self instructional module takes place. The subject perceives the need to improve the knowledge about weaning to save their children from threat of malnutrition. After a week subject knowledge on weaning was assessed by post test in order to find out the effectiveness of self instructional module. The goal is said to be achieved when there is an improvement in the level of knowledge. When there is no improvement in knowledge go for feedback and process has to start from beginning. SUMMARY This chapter dealt with the objectives, operational definitions, assumptions, delimitations, Hypotheses and conceptual framework.


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Thesis Title: Does the Integration of Blockchain Technology and Artificial Intelligence Enhance the Efficiency and Reliability of Accounting and Auditing Practices?

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00114

  Registration ID - 213584

 Pages: 479-520

 Year: February-2024

  Author Name(s): Ezzeddine Baatout, Jdidi Boussetta

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The integration of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly transformed the landscape of accounting and auditing practices, offering novel solutions to age-old challenges. This article presents a comprehensive review of recent scientific research in this domain, highlighting the latest developments and advancements. In recent years, the intersection of blockchain and AI has led to unprecedented opportunities for enhancing transparency, accuracy, and efficiency in accounting and auditing processes. Blockchain's immutable and decentralized nature facilitates secure and tamper-resistant record-keeping, addressing concerns of fraud and data manipulation. Concurrently, AI technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing, enable automation and real-time data analysis, thereby streamlining auditing procedures and providing valuable insights. Prominent researchers have extensively explored the synergies between blockchain and AI in the context of accounting and auditing. Hongdan Han, Radha K. Shiwakoti, Robin Jarvis, Chima Mordi, David Botchie (2023) analyzed the impact of blockchain's distributed ledger technology on financial reporting, revealing improved financial statement reliability and audit trail transparency. Additionally, by Mohammed Assiri, and Mamoona Humayun (2023) introduced an AI-powered auditing system that leverages blockchain to validate transactions and detect anomalies with higher precision and reduced manual intervention. Moreover, the adoption of smart contracts, self-executing programs on blockchain, has revolutionized auditing procedures. Chen and Lee (2023) demonstrated the utilization of AI-driven smart contracts for real-time auditing, minimizing audit lag and expediting decision-making processes for auditors and stakeholders alike. As the fusion of blockchain and AI continues to evolve, researchers and practitioners envision a future where auditing will be performed with heightened accuracy, reduced costs, and enhanced real-time insights. However, challenges remain, including regulatory and privacy concerns, interoperability issues, and the need for standardization in the application of these technologies. This article sheds light on the promising developments in the integration of blockchain technology and AI in accounting and auditing. Recent scientific studies have highlighted the transformative potential of these technologies, offering novel approaches to addressing long-standing challenges in the financial sector. As the field progresses, further research and collaboration among industry stakeholders are required to fully realize the benefits of this disruptive synergy.


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Blockchain technology, Artificial Intelligence, Accounting, Auditing.


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Thesis Title: Current Concepts in Periodontal Regeneration

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00113

  Registration ID - 214396

 Pages: 425-478

 Year: February-2024

  Author Name(s): Pooja H , M M Dayakar , Prakash Pai G, Shivananda H

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Periodontal regeneration is a field of dentistry focused on restoring and regenerating the tissues that support the teeth, including the gums, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone. Recent advancements in periodontal regeneration have aimed to improve treatment outcomes, enhance tissue healing, and provide more effective and predictable results for patients with periodontal diseases. The restoration of missing tooth-supporting tissues, such as the periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and cementum, has been the focus of numerous regenerative periodontal therapies over the past 20 years, including guided tissue regeneration (GTR), enamel matrix derivative, bone grafts, growth factor delivery, and the combination of cells and growth factors with matrix-based scaffolds.


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Periodontal regeneration, Bone grafts, Guided tissue regeneration, Emd, Growth factors, Stem cells


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Thesis Title: PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT AND SUCCESS OF DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS FUNDED PROJECTS A Case of Electrification of Productive Users Project through World Bank Funds in Muhanga District, Rwanda (2019-2022)

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00112

  Registration ID - 213486

 Pages: 380-424

 Year: February-2024

  Author Name(s): UWITIJE Yves

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The work entitled “project cycle management and success of development partners funded projects. A Case of Electrification of Productive Users Project through World Bank Funds in Muhanga District, Rwanda (2019-2022)” was conducted for assessing the validity of three specific objectives such as: to determine the influence of project initiation on Success of Electrification of Productive Users Project, to explore the influence of project planning on Success of Electrification of Productive Users Project, and to establish the influence of monitoring & evaluation on Success of Electrification of Productive Users Project. This study is census, descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative design. The study was used both primary data and secondary data. 40 respondents as entire population was assessed (8 staff of EDCL and 32 project beneficiaries); the study has adopted census technique. Data was collected using questionnaire and documentation. Questionnaire was made for two different population categories and questions were different, however for analysis the population size was reduced to ensure that 8 respondents represent each side. Analysis of data was performed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Scientists) and results obtained were presented in form of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results were presented as follows: Reference to the 1st study objective, findings of the study indicate that electrification of productive use project has effectively used risk management metrics, data collection plan, reporting feedback mechanisms, correctives action (project planning) toward success of the project means meet planned objectives and goals, time, budget and quality standards (an average of .33.3% Strongly Agreed, 66.7% Agreed, 4.34 Mean and 0.500 Standard Deviation and Strong Homogeneity). Reference to the 2nd study objective, results indicate that electrification of productive use project in Muhanga district has effectively used or ensured performance metrics, data collection plan, reporting, feedback mechanisms and corrective action (monitoring and evaluation) and this has supported to overcome all project implementation risks including these created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the project achieved its success (an average of 25 Strongly Agreed, 75% Agreed, 4.25 Mean, 0.414 Standard Deviation and Strong Homogeneity). And the 3rd study objective assessment, study results indicate that electrification of productive uses in Muhanga district has contributed to improvement of educational services delivery where students and teachers get access to electronic materials use and this led to quality education and easy courses preparation. Electrification of health facilities (health centers and health posts) has made great improvement in health services where now they can work during the night and use electronic medical test tools and use of electricity has made positive changes in hygiene of medical materials (an average of 42.7% Strongly Agreed, 57.3% Agreed, 4.43 Mean and 0.502 Standard Deviation and Strong Heterogeneity). Reference to the study findings, electrification of productive use project in Muhanga district has registered a good success level after several challenges including COVID-19 pandemic effects. The study recommends beneficiaries of this project to use efficiently the electricity connected to their institutions toward better services provision by applying measures of efficiency and use of efficient appliances.


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Impact; project cycle management; success; development; partners funded projects; Electrification of Productive Users Project; World Bank Funds


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Thesis Title: Stakeholders Participation at Zoning Stage in the National Land Zoning Project of Bangladesh

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00111

  Registration ID - 214064

 Pages: 298-379

 Year: February-2024

  Author Name(s): Mohammad Moniruzzaman Bakaul

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT Stakeholders’ participation in government decision making process improves the quality of decision and bridge between government and mass people in the planning and development activities. The objective of this paper is to analyze the understanding of stakeholders’ participation at on-going stage of current national land zoning project in Bangladesh. The study finds the degree of participatory mechanism that takes place and influence in a course of action. The findings are derived from descriptive fieldwork with Bangladeshi civil servants and various stakeholders. Data collection is based on semi-structured interview, questionnaire survey, focus group discussion, observation and analysis of documents. The research is shown that a lack of participation in decision formation can lead to problems both in the implementation of policy instruments and realization of stated policy goals. The result show, however, that it is important to ask who and why does not participate and analyze the consequence on policy formation and implementation of non-participation. The study proposes a tripartite mechanism of participation for reinventing government policy for public acceptance.


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Key words: stakeholders, participation, non-participation, land zoning, local government, impediment, implementation.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00110

  Registration ID - 214244

 Pages: 232-297

 Year: February-2024

  Author Name(s): Shailendra Lal

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding prevention and management of varicose veins among security guards in selected security recruitment agency, Kanpur Nagar. Nurses are an integral component of health care delivery system. In discharging the duties, nurses encounter a variety of occupational health problems, which may be categorized in to biological hazards, physical hazards and psychological hazards. Objectives: Assess the knowledge on prevention and management of varicose veins among security guards. Evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding prevention and management of varicose Veins. Determine the association between knowledge scores of security guards on prevention and management of varicose veins with selected demographic variables. Research Methodology: The study was conducted in security recruitment agency, Kanpur nagar and the research method adopted was Pre experimental one group Pre-test and Post- test design. As per the inclusion criteria, 50 samples were selected. The pre-test score of knowledge was assessed by a selfstructured questionnaire. A structured teaching program on prevention and management of varicose veins (duration of 30-45 minutes) was given and the post-test assessment was done on the 7th dayby using the same tool. Results: The study finding revealed an increase in the knowledge level following the structured teaching program. In this study, the statistical analysis showed that there was a significant improvement (t = 29.25, p <0.05), in the level of knowledge after implementation of structured teaching program and significant association (  2 = 5.091, p < 0.05) between pretest score of knowledge on prevention and management of varicose veins with age, professional education and years of experience. Conclusion: Structured teaching program was helpful in improving knowledge among security guards regarding prevention and management of varicose veins.


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Effectiveness, structured teaching program, varicose veins.


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Thesis Title: Embracing The Extraordinary: 14 Unconventional Careers For A Changing Job Market

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00109

  Registration ID - 207985

 Pages: 177-231

 Year: February-2024

  Author Name(s): Joanna Tresa

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


In an ever-evolving landscape of technological advancements and opportunities, the traditional notions of career paths and success have undergone a significant transformation. The changing landscape of career pathways has ushered in a new era, where unconventional and off-beat professions are taking centre stage. As individuals seek fulfilling and financially rewarding careers, the importance of Return on Investment (ROI) and cost-effectiveness has become increasingly prominent in their decision-making process. Gone are the days when the pursuit of careers was confined to well-trodden paths of medicine and engineering, accompanied by hefty tuition fees and prolonged educational journeys. Today, a paradigm shift has occurred, as individuals recognise the immense potential and benefits of exploring alternative career choices that offer not only high demand and good scope but also remarkable ROI. The purpose of this white paper is to provide a comprehensive and insightful exploration of 15 unconventional careers that offer a breath of fresh air in the changing landscape of professional pursuits. It aims to equip readers with an in-depth understanding and valuable insights into a range of non-traditional professions that not only captivate the imagination but also provide promising opportunities for growth and financial stability. Furthermore, this white paper seeks to shed light on the changing dynamics of career pathways and emphasise the significance of considering ROI and cost-effectiveness in career choices. It aims to challenge the prevailing notions of success and encourage individuals to discover and explore unconventional career paths that not only align with their passions but also offer a remarkable return on their investment, both in terms of time and money. By presenting a wealth of information, statistical data, testimonials, and success stories, this white paper endeavours to empower readers to make informed decisions about their educational and professional journeys. It serves as a guiding beacon, showcasing the potential of unconventional careers and dispelling the notion that a costly degree is the only pathway to success. In the following sections, we will delve into the details of 15 unconventional careers, explore the universities and educational institutions offering relevant courses, and examine the countries that exhibit a high demand for these jobs. Our aim is to equip readers with the knowledge and insights needed to join an exciting and rewarding career journey that breaks free from conventional norms. As we explore these unconventional career paths, let us challenge the status quo, embrace the evolving dynamics of the job market, and set our sights on fulfilling and financially viable professional pursuits. Together, let’s create a journey of discovery, where passion and profitability intersect in extraordinary ways.


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unconventional careers


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Thesis Title: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Male Victims: The Law’s Response to the Ultimate Taboo

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00108

  Registration ID - 213895

 Pages: 119-176

 Year: February-2024

  Author Name(s): Aditya Agarwal

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Domestic violence is a global issue that has a significant impact on both individuals and families. While research has shown that men can also be victims of domestic violence, it is generally understood that domestic violence is violence committed by men against women. Any pattern of behavior employed by a partner or ex-partner to exert dominance and control over a male victim is considered domestic violence against males. Abuse in this context could be psychological, emotional, sexual, or financial. “Male victims of domestic violence suffer particular difficulties when trying to get support and assistance, despite the fact that it is a common occurrence. According to studies, males who encounter domestic abuse may experience a variety of physical and mental health issues as well as social challenges.”


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Thesis Title: Acid attack and other offences on women in India: A critical analysis.

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00107

  Registration ID - 209336

 Pages: 1-118

 Year: February-2024

  Author Name(s): Anubhav

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This research paper explores the issue of acid attack violence: a sadistic and cruel form of violence that involves the intentional throwing of corrosive acid onto another person with the intention of disfiguration. Acid attack violence occurs in many countries but is particularly prevalent in: Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Cambodia. Global statistics suggest that attacks are predominantly perpetrated by men as a result of shame and loss of face or loss of honor. Developing an understanding of the motivations and aetiology of this form of violence is the focus of this thesis as much of the current discourses and interventions are focused on the victims of these crimes, and do not address or investigate underlying root causes. Drawing on He is and colleagues adapted socio-ecological model, this thesis will explore factors that contribute to the acid attack violence and will refer to high-profile cases in Cambodia, Bangladesh and India. Acid attack is a deep-rooted social evil. Over the years, the intensity of this crime has attracted social activists, legislators, judges as well as researchers to identify measures to curb this evil. A lot of work has already been published that deals with the various aspects of the cruel act of acid throwing. As the degrading act of human rights abuse through acid throwing is attracting the interest of researchers to study the various aspects of this crime; it is necessary to study and review the existing literatures so that the efforts put by the earlier authors are not repeated. In this paper, the author makes a humble attempt to review the existing literatures on acid attack in India. Further, the paper also identifies the gaps that may be taken up for further investigation and research. Acid attacks or violence is such violence where acid is intentionally thrown on the victim to maim, disfigure or to blind her. It is a bitter aspect of many women’s life all over the globe. Many of these attacks are the acts of revenge because a woman spurns sexual advances or rejects a marriage proposal. These men feel so insulted that a woman could turn them down and have an attitude of “If I can’t have you, no one can.”It reflects a deeply entrenched misogyny against women by husbands, disgruntled lovers and other male relatives. Survivors are unable to bear the long-drawn treatment and left to nurse emotional and physical scars for life, while their assailants roam free and get away with minimal or almost no punishment from an apathetic, ignorant and uncaring state. India still categorizes it as a grievous hurt, dolling out penalties which are lenient and jail terms which are bailable. India is the fourth most dangerous place in the world for women to live in as women belonging to any class or creed and religion can be victims of this cruel form of violence and disfigurement, a premeditated crime intended to kill or maim her permanently. The Apex Court of India i.e. the Supreme Court has also laid down certain provisions on the sale of these acids, thereby paving 4 the way to the Criminal Amendment Act, 2013. This act contains certain major provisions on acid attack violence which was never before.


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Thesis Title: “Compare the Care Giver Burden Among Psychiatric Illness and Medical Illness In Tripura Medical College &; DR. BRAM Teaching Hospital, Agartala, Tripura West.”

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00106

  Registration ID - 213255

 Pages: 747-878

 Year: February-2024

  Author Name(s): Sharmista Shill Sharma, Immaculate Cindrella.I

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Caring is a fundamental issue in the treatment of a patient with illness. India being a country of traditions and family values, majority of patients stay with their families and this informal caregiver is usually a family member. The abstract of this study “Compare The Caregiver Burden Among The Psychiatric Illness And Medical Illness In Tripura Medical College &amp; Dr. BRAM Teaching Hospital, Agartala, Tripura West” concisely summarizes the core content. The study aimed to differentiate the burden of caregivers among the psychiatric illness and medical illness. The objectives of the study were to assess the burden of caregivers among psychiatric illness, to assess the burden of caregivers among medical illness, to compare the caregivers burden among the psychiatric illness and medical illness and to determine the association between burden of the caregiver among the psychiatric illness and medical illness with their selected socio demographic variables. The conceptual framework used for this study was based on Sister Callista Roy&#39;s Adaptation Model (1976). Quantitative research approach with descriptive comparative research design was adopted by applying purposive sampling technique among 60 caregivers (30 caregivers of the psychiatric illness and 30 caregivers of medical illness) for this study. Care-givers burden were assessed with socio-demographic proforma and standardized Zarit Burden Interview Schedule. The result showed that, 60% caregivers of psychiatric illness had moderate burden and 57% caregivers of medical illness had mild burden.The mean score of caregiver burden among the psychiatric illness and medical illness was found to be 49.33 and 39.17 respectively. The mean difference was 10.16 and unpaired ‘t’ value was 3.25 which was found to be significant at the level of P&lt;0.05. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that there was significant association between caregiver burden among the psychiatric illness with their selected socio-demographic variables i.e., marital status, cargivers income and patients occupational status. And also there was significant association between caregiver burden among the medical illness with their selected demographic variables i.e., duration of stay with patients and family income per annum. The other variables showed no significance association. So, finally the study findings concluded that, burden experienced by the caregivers of psychiatric illness was mostly of moderate burden whereas the caregivers of medical illness was mild burden.


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Thesis Title: Distributed Solutions for Secure Healthcare Data Exchange: A Critical Review of Privacy and Regulations

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00105

  Registration ID - 211657

 Pages: 654-746

 Year: January-2024

  Author Name(s): Eric Mwangi

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Have you ever wondered how your medical information travels between doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies? In today's world, it often takes a complex journey through a system called a "distributed system." This interconnected system of computers enables information to be accessed and shared from multiple locations, offering benefits like easier access for healthcare providers and better coordination of care. However, it also raises important questions about privacy: how can we ensure your sensitive medical data stays safe and secure in this decentralized environment? This paper dives into these questions, exploring the intersection of distributed systems, privacy, and the pivotal legistlation for safeguarding patients sensitive information called HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). By analyzing the latest research, we identify key challenges and potential solutions to safeguard patient information. We also examine how HIPAA applies to these modern distributed systems, ensuring patients data remains protected.


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HIPAA,Distributed Systems,Privacy,Security,Access,CIA


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Thesis Title: Clinical applicability of J.T.Kent’s Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica in Warts

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00104

  Registration ID - 212506

 Pages: 542-653

 Year: January-2024

  Author Name(s): DEEPTI SHARMA

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


INTRODUCTION A wart is typically a small growth that appears on a person's hands or feet and looks like a solid blister or a small cauliflower. They may also appear in other parts of the body. Warts have a rough texture and are caused by viruses, particularly one of several kinds of HPV (human papillomavirus).The virus causes keratin, which is a hard protein on the top layer of the skin, to grow too fast.Warts are not the same as moles. Moles are dark and may become quite large, while warts are nearly always small and have the same color as the person's skin The appearance of a wart can vary depending on what part of the body it is, as well as how thick the skin is. A wart that is located on the sole of the foot is known as a verruca


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Clinical applicability of J.T.Kent’s Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica in Warts


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00103

  Registration ID - 212188

 Pages: 491-541

 Year: January-2024

  Author Name(s): Harshitha C, Neha.R, Mahanth.S, Charis.Susanna, Mr. Himansu Sekhar Rout

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Stroke is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity globally. Early detection and timely intervention can significantly reduce the risk of long-term disability and death. Machine learning algorithms have shown great promise in stroke diagnosis and classification, allowing for faster and more accurate decision- making. This research paper proposes a stroke disease classification and alert system using machine learning algorithms. The proposed system consists of three stages: data preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification. The data preprocessing stage involves the cleaning and normalization of data to removeany noise and inconsistencies. The feature extraction stage utilizes the extracted features from the data to generate a reduced feature set for efficient classification. Finally, the classification stage employs machine learning algorithms such as support vector machines (SVMs), decision trees, and random forests for stroke classification. The proposed system is trained and tested using a publicly available dataset of strokepatients. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system achieves high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in stroke classification. Furthermore, the proposed system includes an alert system that provides timely notifications to healthcare professionals for immediate intervention. The proposed system can be used as an auxiliary tool to assist healthcare professionals in stroke diagnosis and classification, providing faster and more accurate decision-making.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00102

  Registration ID - 212550

 Pages: 400-490

 Year: January-2024

  Author Name(s): Lindelani Nkosinomusa Masilela

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This study explored people’s views towards mental health in Eswatini. It sought to examine the barriers that prevent people from seeking mental health care services in Eswatini. The study sought to understand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health. This study used the Human Rights Based Approach, Social Constructionism Theory, and the Functionalist Perspective to understand mental health in Eswatini. The study utilized in depth interviews and an online survey in order to strengthen the methodology heartiness of the study. A qualitative research methodology was used in to gain an in depth understanding of people’s perceptions towards mental health. Convenient sampling was used to select participants to gather their views on mental health. In total there were 80 participants for the study, including forty Uneswa students, twenty-six members of Motshane community, thirteen mental health professionals from the National Psychiatric Referral Hospital, and the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Health.


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Thesis Title: Modern in data merging

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00101

  Registration ID - 209434

 Pages: 293-399

 Year: January-2024

  Author Name(s): Bani Bhusan Praharaj

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Clustering is a common and significant technique in various fields of data analysis. The general goal of clustering is to aggregate similar instances (also called ‘object- s’ interchangeably in this thesis) into a certain number of groups while ensuring dissimilarity between these groups.


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Thesis Title: Empowering Collaboration: Unveiling a State-of-the-Art Corporate Social Responsibility Portal for Sustainable Corporate Citizenship

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00100

  Registration ID - 212197

 Pages: 239-292

 Year: January-2024

  Author Name(s): Dipesh Punjabi, Aakash Kumar, Dr.M.Swapna

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


With the use of common operational data, events, responsibilities, and CSR concerns, business entities can collaborate more easily thanks to the CSR Portal, an enhanced network. A dashboard with graphical representations of CSR initiatives, creative solutions, NGO alliances, and ongoing projects is one of the platform's key features, which emphasises data protection. Stressing adaptability above all, it strives to be on the cutting edge of technology, with a planned move to Blockchain among its many advances. To sum up, the CSR Portal is a noteworthy initiative that fosters global collaboration, information exchange, and creativity within the corporate social responsibility sector.


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Data Integrity, User-Centric Interface, collaboration, web portal, advanced standard encryption, organized columns.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00099

  Registration ID - 212048

 Pages: 190-238

 Year: January-2024

  Author Name(s): Varun Jain

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Analytics, undoubtedly, is a buzzword in today’s world. The significance of data analytics in any industry is augmented, resulting in enormous amounts of data that can give insights into any topic. Data gathering can be augmented by its analysis to obtain decision-making insights. The popular saying “Data is the new oil” can easily be justified by the exponential increase in data generation in all industries across the world and India is no exception. The applications of Analytics are not just limited to corporate organizations but can also be leveraged in sports. In a country like India, where cricket is treated as a religion, Analytics can play an important role in achieving a lot of objectives. We all know that a lot of decisions in cricket, whether it is team selection, the batting or the bowling order, what length to bowl, when to start attacking the opposition bowlers, etc. are being taken based on past experiences or instincts of the captain or the coach; we can also say that the majority of these decisions are qualitative which is justifiable considering cricket is a game of uncertainties and it is assumed that decision construction is not possible in a quantitative manner. However, according to me, data analytics can help in making a lot of decisions in a quantifiable manner too and in this paper, I would try to investigate how data analytics can be utilized to answer certain questions in the field of cricket by using Quantitative technological approach including correlation, regression, descriptive analytics, and other statistical tools and models.


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Analytics, Sports Analytics, Data Analytics, Analytics in Cricket


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00098

  Registration ID - 211828

 Pages: 60-189

 Year: December-2023


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This book Management of Library and Information Centres covers various conepts of Library Management and information of library science . This book provide information for the technical and Managerial tasks in the library is provided by management of library and information centres. the management of librarires and information centres helps the efficient execution of operational tasks and decision making process by providing precise and timely information . this book is useful not only for students who are pursuing their studies but also for those working in the educational institutation.


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Thesis Title: The effects of Covid 19 on Digital marketing: Generation Z Vs Millennials

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00097

  Registration ID - 211431

 Pages: 1-59

 Year: December-2023

  Author Name(s): Tatha Pahariya

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


There has been a need of creatively finding the customers through digital marketing and campaigns since traditional marketing techniques became futile and ineffective during Covid 19 pandemic. So, this paper will provide an insight for digital marketers to change the way they practise advertising. This will enable them to concentrate their resources on particular goods (and SKUs) and distribution channels that have increased demand while not outstripping supply and have the best profit margins. The fact that people transformed their behavior needs to be studied as it could be the biggest opportunity digital marketing agencies could ever have within a year. So, this study aims to study the change brought by pandemic from a consumer point of view explaining about the effect on traditional shopping and conversion to online shopping. Big industries have the resources and money to transform their business through online channels whereas inducing consumer on a digital platform is hard for middle and small business owners which created a huge downfall in sales.


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Thesis Title: A review on silver nanoparticles and their biocidal properties

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00096

  Registration ID - 210486

 Pages: 938-980

 Year: December-2023

  Author Name(s): Vaishnavi Suresh Khandekar, Suraj Vijay Shingade, Charudatta Balaso Bhandalkar

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Use of silver and silver mariners is as old mortal civilization but the fabrications of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) has only lately been honoured. They have been specifically used in husbandry and drug as antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidants. It has been demonstrated that Ag NPs arrest the growth and addition of numerous bacteria similar as Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Citrobacter koseri, Salmonella typhi, pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and fungus candida albicans by binding Ag/Ag with the biomolecules present in the microbial cells. It has been suggested that Ag NPs produce reactive oxygen species and free revolutionaries which beget apoptosis leading to cell death precluding their replication. Since Ag NPs are lower than the micro-organisms, they diffuse into cell and rupture the cell wall which has been shown from SEM and TEM images of the suspense containing nanoparticles and pathogens. It has also been shown that lower nanoparticles are more poisonous than the bigger ones. Ag NPs are also used in packaging to help damage of food products by pathogens. The toxin of Ag NPs is dependent on the size, attention, concentration and exposure time to pathogens.


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KEYWORDS: Silver nanoparticles, Antimicrobial activity, Antioxidant activity, Green synthesis, toxicity mechanism


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Thesis Title: Examining Anxiety Amongst Young Adults During Covid Pandemic: A case study Approach

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00095

  Registration ID - 206601

 Pages: 888-937

 Year: December-2023

  Author Name(s): Shruti Agrawal

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted global mental health, particularly among young adults, with anxiety disorders becoming more prevalent. In India, where mental health resources are limited, the situation is particularly challenging. Emotion-focused coping strategies, such as distraction and emotional support seeking, have been prevalent. This study explores these coping mechanisms and highlights the need for more comprehensive mental health support in India, given the scarcity of mental health professionals. Addressing mental health challenges is crucial in the COVID-19 era and beyond.


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Covid-19, pandemic, anxiety, adults, emotional impact, mental health


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Thesis Title: Online Attendance Management System

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00094

  Registration ID - 209093

 Pages: 857-887

 Year: November-2023

  Author Name(s): Sathya , Syed Irfan S, Ajai J, HariHaraSudhan M

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This document is meant to describe all the features and procedures that were followed while developing the system. This document specifically mentions the details of the project how it was developed, the primary requirement, as well as various features and functionalities of the project and the procedures followed in achieving these objectives. Attendance System forms the lifeline of the business institute to manage the Employee. It is very essential for an Institute to handle its scale. It is handy for an Institute to test its employee attendance continuously for their mutual development.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00093

  Registration ID - 208344

 Pages: 820-856

 Year: November-2023

  Author Name(s): Vishal Gupta

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Marriages is a bond between a man and a woman that is supposed to produce a satisfactory relationship whereby the married couple experience marital satisfaction that brings about mental and physical health of the individuals. This study determined the relationship between emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction of married couples in Pune. A sample size of 120 married couples were selected for the study. Two instruments: relationship assessment scale (RAS) by Hendrick, S. S. (1988). The test consists of 7-item to be responded on 5-point rating scale ranging1-5 and Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – (TEIQue-SF) by Petrides, K. V. (2009). The Test consist of 30-item form includes two items from each of the 15 facets of the TEIQue rating scale ranging 1-7 were adopted and used for data collection. T-test and Pearson correlation coefficients were used to answer research questions and test the hypotheses. Findings of the study showed there is a significant gender differences on the scores of Marital Satisfaction, there is a significant gender differences on the scores of Emotional intelligence & there is a significant relationship between Marital Satisfaction & Emotional Intelligence among the sample group.


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Psychological Studies


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00092

  Registration ID - 206961

 Pages: 750-819

 Year: November-2023

  Author Name(s): Aakanksha Singh

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


To better understand uncertainty, the report assess the precision of models that are sensitive to it and apply analytical expertise to chest X-ray images. confidence in the sickness. Our goal is to apply these methods to a dataset that is available to the general public and then track and compare the metrics, especially the model accuracy. The preprocessing of three different datasets which are available publicly. Training the datasets the following models which are pre- existing: were EfficientNet, UA-ConvNet, Bayesian optimization-based convolutional neural network (CNN), COVID-CXNet, Deep Channel Boosted STM-RENet, CVD-HNet. Evaluating the efficiency of models by different metrices which are, precision, recall, sensitivity, specificity, AUC and especially accuracy. Comparing the Accuracy of different models and finding out which model performs when same datasets are used for all models. The Testing Results incurred by EfficientNET-B3 model were as accuracy for DatasetA is approx. 66%, DatasetB is approx. 67% and DatasetC is approx. 67%. For UA-ConvNET model, the accuracy observed were 66% for DatasetA, 67% for DatasetB and 45% for DatasetC. The Bayesian based CNN model performed really well having accuracy as were 97% for DatasetA, 71% for DatasetB and 61% for DatasetC.


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CNN, Uncertainty-Aware Model, UA-ConvNET, Bayesian Based CNN


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00091

  Registration ID - 189171

 Pages: 706-749

 Year: October-2023

  Author Name(s): Naseema Fatima

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


The aim of the study was to understand the management and labeling process of packs and to identify labelling variations and develop a standard format of labeling in CSSD of a multispecialty hospital. Simple random Sampling method was employed to collect data from CSSD and random checks of sterile packs at different ward and ICU’s of hospital. This study reveals that they are using a label with information about department name, machine in which it will be sterilized, load number and date of sterilization and date of expiry, this information is printed on label using a labeling gun and then they are writing on the packs manually about prescription sheet number, ward name and set name. There are many variations observed in the labeling that CSSD currently following. These quality indicators are important for prevention of nosocomial infection in Hospital, and also to serve a efficient patient care. Thus it provides all the departments of a hospital with guaranteed sterile equipment ready and available for immediate use in patient care – a step towards the prevention of hospital acquired infections (HAI’s).


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Nosocomial infection, sterile packs, Labeling, CSSD.


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Thesis Title: DRONE PARASITE AI Powered Mobile Jammer Mounted Drone

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00090

  Registration ID - 206423

 Pages: 678-705

 Year: October-2023

  Author Name(s): Bharath chandru R C, Kesavan K, Muthumari T

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Designed is an AI Powered Mobile Jamming Drone that can trace down mobile signals, create a swarm and localize mobile jamming so that it does not affect others. Like in a condition where a special jammer that can be activated to cut all signals at a specific locations in a critical situation. In terror operations mobile phones play a major role in helping the enemies to give instructions, etc. The UAV aerial model drone can trace and jam mobile signals at sites if they have been held by enemies under dangerous situations. Up until now localizing the mobile jamming system to work only for particular range was not available and due to this the whole area gets jammed affecting the security personnel. The UAV Aerial Drone uses Artificial Intelligence along with GPS and Cell Tower Triangulation and Multilateration techniques to trace mobile phones and then deploy itself to the location and turn the mobile signal jammer ON with the appropriate range so as to block all mobile communication at the site. This unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) drone Model can be used in Warfare in such a manner that if a Site has been held by enemies and terrorists and communication is being done by them using Mobile phones with their handlers, these Drones can be deployed where the Drone automatically traces the mobile signal present and places itself on their site and jams the network so as to prevent further communications.


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UAV Aerial Drone, Signal jammer, Satellite commnication


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00089

  Registration ID - 206404

 Pages: 617-677

 Year: October-2023

  Author Name(s): Dr. Bennet Vyasan B

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This study aids in omitting the impact of consumer perceptions of advertising and pricing strategies on purchasing behavior. Advertisement and price plays an important role in today's society since it shapes consumers ideas and perspectives, which has a substantial impact on customer purchase decisions. The goal of this study was to explore What is the status of the Company and its products, How purchasing the product is influencing the consumer’s personal factors, How advertisements influencing buying motives, and buying decision, How advertisements build consumer perception, How is the pricing policy affecting consumer buying behavior, What are the impacts on psychological factors different components of customer behavioral influence brand selection when it comes to Bio-Charcoal of Greenmine Industry. The Samples were gathered by the company from online feedback and questionnaire answered by consumers on online purchase platforms like Amazon and Flipkart and also from the company website and social media. On the basis of these concerns, a questionnaire was devised. From the study it concludes how gender, age, occupation, purchase influencing factors, consumer believes, advertising important, media attention, curiosity factors, team requirements, online advertisement, formativeness of advertisement, curiosity is the factor, advertisement is beneficial to consumers because they provides important goods and services, advertisement has an impact on informational responses, consumers involve in low involvement of purchase, consumers search for the best product to satisfy their need, routine consumers, durable products influences consumer buying behavior because of advertisement. And also how age, gender, occupation, marital status, qualification, individual income, quality and price, pricing strategy like Odd pricing, bundle pricing, bundle of two unbranded product and discount pricing strategy iii influences consumer buying behavior because of the price. It is arguable that these elements have had an impact on the consumer purchasing decisions. This provides solutions to the research questions posed in the study. Thus through the study it is recommended to the company to consider the personal aspects of the consumers and psychological aspects such as beliefs and attitudes that influence consumer behavior by advertising and pricing, as well as their perception and awareness on the decision-making process because when the steps of the decision-making process are skipped, customers make emotional decisions.


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Advertising, Pricing policy and Consumer Buying Behavior.


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Thesis Title: Macroeconomic Analysis of Inflation's Impact on Unemployment and Economic Growth and their Relationship in India (1990-2023)

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00088

  Registration ID - 206573

 Pages: 567-616

 Year: October-2023

  Author Name(s): Hardeep Singh

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


ABSTRACT According to the Global Hunger Index 2022, which places India at a respectable 107th place, the stark fact that 29.1% of its people live below the poverty line has made inflation a key macroeconomic problem in the country. The fact that the average yearly pay in India is so low—just 1,38,840 Rs. —adds to the difficulty. The goal of this study is to examine inflation patterns and how they affect the unemployment rate and the pace of economic growth, two crucial macroeconomic indicators. The study is divided into five chapters, with the introduction detailing the objectives, problem statement, and restrictions of the study. In the second chapter, a thorough literature study that examines several academic publications is conducted. The third chapter provides an overview of the research methodology, which uses a descriptive study design and statistical techniques including regression analysis and correlation coefficients to explore the connection between unemployment, inflation, and economic growth. According to recent trends, developed economies continue to experience inflation rates between 0.1% and 3.1%, whereas low-income developing countries experience inflation rates between 6.5% and 8.3%. Inflation in Bhutan is declining, although it is rising in Pakistan and Sri Lanka because of outside influences like China's economic influence. Inflation in India has averaged over 4% over the previous five years, while the world economy has grown by more than 3%. Notably, South Asia's economies have continued to expand at good rates thanks to both Bangladesh and India. The importance of macroeconomic policies that support economic development, job creation, and inflation management is emphasized as this research comes to a close. Although monetary policy aims to lower unemployment and accelerate economic development, its effectiveness frequently falls short. According to research, growing economies like India tend to benefit from moderate or low inflation rates, whereas high inflation rates are harmful. Regression analysis and correlation coefficients show a modest association between inflation and economic growth, with the latter mainly unaffected by changes in inflation. Similar to job creation, unemployment also shows little sensitivity to changes in inflation. In conclusion, this analysis highlights the complex interactions that exist between inflation, economic growth, and unemployment in India's macroeconomic environment, highlighting the need for careful policy formulation to deal with these urgent economic issues.


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Inflation, Economic Development, Unemployment,


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Thesis Title: Statistical and Squeezing property of non-degenerate three-level laser inside a cavity driven by coherent light coupled to two mode thermal reservoir”

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00087

  Registration ID - 204179

 Pages: 496-566

 Year: October-2023

  Author Name(s): Fikadu Birhane Alemayehu

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Abstract In this thesis, we study the statistical and squeezing properties of coherently driven non-degenerate three level lasers in a cavity coupled to two mode thermal reservoirs. In the case of interacting driving coherent light with a cavity mode and non degenerate three level atoms, we obtain the Hamiltonian equation. After that, we develop the master equation and quantum langiven equations for the system under consideration and then, we derive the equations of evolution of the expectation values of the cavity mode and atomic operators. We then, determine the steady-state solutions of the resulting equations in the adiabatic (large time) approximation scheme. By the help of this equation and solutions, we obtained the photon statistics and quadrature squeezing. We find that the global mean photon number for mode a(b) increases with the amplitude of the driving coherent light (Ω) and with the rate of stimulated emission (γc). We also obtained that the photon number statistics of single light mode is super- Poisonian photon statistics which shows that each of the two radiation modes are in a chaotic state of light. We verify that the global mean photon number for two mode light increases with the amplitude of the driving coherent light (Ω) and with the rate of stimulated emission (γc). Then, we show that the light generated by coherently driven non-degenerate three level lasers coupled to two mode thermal reservoir owns a super-poisonian statistics and it is a chaotic light. Finally, we find that the light mode generated by such light is in a squeezed state with a maximum degree of squeezing (96.22%) below the coherent level


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Laser, Maser Reservoir and optical Light


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00086

  Registration ID - 202270

 Pages: 442-495

 Year: September 2023


  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Healthcare is a fundamental requirement for every human being. However, countries, especially in the third world have been facing many challenges pertaining to health. Lack of funds, unpreparedness, shortage of healthcare specialists, poor policy formulation, over-dependence on foreign aid, and corruption, are just but a few of the myriad of challenges facing global health. In Kenya, even with devolution, the health sector still faces challenges such as workers’ strikes and incapacity to give specialized care. This research project sought to discuss management functions influencing the delivery of healthcare services in the decentralized structures, focusing on Meru County, Igembe South Sub County. This research was directed by these objectives: To establish how funding influences the provision of healthcare services in Meru County; To stablish how medical staffing influence the delivery of health services within Meru County; To establish how referral management influences healthcare provision in Meru County and to establish how procurement of medical equipment influence the provision of healthcare services in Meru County. he study focused on county health facilities and the respondents were both medical personnel and the public. The study used descriptive research design with a target population of 796. Stratified random sampling was used in choosing 159 respondents within the research area, which represents 20% of the target population. Data collection was through open and close ended questionnaires. Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) was employed for the analysis of qualitative the research findings, most health centers in Meru County had long queues where patients had to wait for long periods of time before being treated. The existing referral policies were not adhered to due to lack of essential medical equipment at the lower-level health facilities. This had resulted in overcrowding at the sub-county level hospitals which were designed to tackle more complex cases. Many people felt that the health sector at the county level was not well funded and that there was need for more budget allocation. Most respondents stated that procurement of medical equipment did not follow the right procedures and standards but was instead marked by corruption and lack of accountability.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00085

  Registration ID - 201562

 Pages: 367-424

 Year: September 2023

  Author Name(s): Kamau Muriu, Dr. Emily Nyabisi, Dr. Ruth Nyambura

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Learning is an intensive and interactive activity that puts physical facilities and academic achievement of parties involved to test. Buildings, classrooms, laboratories and equipment are crucial elements in the learning environment in schools. The research assessed the influence of the management of the learning environment on academic achievement in public secondary schools in Kajiado Central Sub County, Kenya. The research objectives were: to establish the influence of the management of school library resources on academic achievement in public secondary schools in Kajiado Central Sub County; to determine the influence of the management of classroom instructional assets on academic achievement in public secondary schools in Kajiado Central; to establish the influence of management of the state of classrooms on academic achievement in public secondary schools in Kajiado Central Sub County. The Dual factor theory by Frederick Herzberg was used to base the study’s argument. The research utilized ex post facto research design. The target population was 2686 including 15 principals, 150 class teachers, 1200 form four students and 1350 form three students from public secondary Institutions within Kajiado Central Sub County. The Sub County Director of education for Kajiado Central Sub County was involved in the study. The research sampled 336 respondents distributed proportionally under the categories; 15 principals, 40 class teachers, 150 form four students, 138 form three students and 1 Sub County Director of Education. Cluster sampling was used in selecting the 7 out of 15 public secondary schools within Kajiado central Sub County. Purposive sampling was utilized while selecting the Sub County Director of education as well as the principals. The class teachers were sampled through proportionate sampling technique. Self-administered questionnaires for principals, teachers and students were used. The questionnaires were semi structured to complement both the structured and unstructured type. A one-on-one interview session with the Sub County Director of education to collect research data was held. Before the researcher begun data collection, two schools; one in Kajiado North Sub County and the other in Kajiado South Sub County were used for the pilot study so as to test the validity as well as the reliability of the research instrument. The test and retest technique were used to test the consistency of data collected. The quantitative data was analyzed by use of Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation, findings presented in tables and graphs. Themes were used to analyze the qualitative data based on the research questions. The study revealed that school librarians were necessary in schools so as to assist learners in navigating through the library materials. The study also revealed that libraries need to be well stocked, class rooms need to have adequate and proper furniture, teachers’ tables need to be placed in classrooms so that the teachers may place their teaching materials. The study was able to report that adequate teaching aids needed to not only be available in schools, but be utilized during the teaching learning sessions. Additionally, crevices should be sealed, schools without a library to set up one. It is recommended that the ministry of education to keep tab of the learner enrollment in schools in order to supply adequate number of coursebooks, class teachers should give timely feedback to school managers on adequacy of classroom furniture as well as utilize teaching aids during lessons. Finally, the study recommended that school managers should ensure classroom floors are well cemented, and where possible fitted with tiles. In addition, it was recommended to the learners to avoid scribbling graffities on the classroom walls.


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00084

  Registration ID - 204995

 Pages: 308-366

 Year: September-2023

  Author Name(s): Mrs. Julie M Varghese

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Abstract -A case control study to assess the factors influencing obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension among clients attending master health check-up at Apollo hospitals, Chennai. The objectives of the study were, to identify the demographic risk factors of obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension among cases and controls, to identify the bio physiological risk factors of obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension among cases and controls, to identify the personal risk factors of obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension among cases and controls. . Case control research design was used in the study. Mac Mohan suggested the web of causation model for disease was used as the conceptual framework for the study. The main study was done among 300 patients. . The samples were selected using purposive sampling technique. The tool used for data collection was a structured interview schedule developed by the investigator.Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Most of the clients among cases in obesity group were females (68%), whereas in impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension group were males (70%, 72%) respectively. The study findings depicted that, the females were obese than males, which indicates that females are more prone to get cardiovascular diseases than males due to the contributory factors of obesity. Baseline variables like gender, nature of work, area of residence were statistically associated with obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension the findings of the study shows that, the influencing factors of obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension among cases were higher than those of the controls. Personal risk factors have major role in developing obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension. However, a mass awareness programme is needed to educate the public to adopt healthy life style in day today life in order to prevent the occurrence of these co morbidities and its complications. Key words: obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension; stroke ; risk factors; structured interview schedule


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obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension; stroke ; risk factors; structured interview schedule


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00083

  Registration ID - 204958

 Pages: 270-307

 Year: September-2023

  Author Name(s): Samanjee Kumar Mandal, Mr.Ajay Singh Bisht, Mr.Samanjee Kumar Mandal, Mr.Mahatab Ali, Mr.Suraj Kumar Sah

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Microbial infection is most common infection caused death in the world. There are many FDA approved drugs for treatment of the microbial infection of several infection. Due to several consequences of existing drugs like development of resistant, selectivity problem, toxicity problem. Therefore, urgent requirement to develop new moieties that are more effective and safer in treatment of infection. The Quinazolin derivatives acts via multiple mechanism of action. In our research we design quinazolin based compounds for development of newer antimicrobial agents.


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Thesis Title: The Simulation of Utopia in Dave Eggers's The Circle : A critique of Deception and Power in Digital Society

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00081

  Registration ID - 204535

 Pages: 192-233

 Year: August-2023

  Author Name(s): Glory sharma

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


This dissertation examines the role and impact of simulation in the dystopian fiction, The Circle by Dave Eggers by highlighting how the characters in the novel are deceived by the illusory realities which results in a distorted perception of the world around them. The theoretical foundation of this research lies in the concept of Simulacra and Simulation given by the French sociologist and cultural theorist, Jean Baudrillard, which provides a framework for understanding how technology can create a simulated reality that diverges from the physical world. Through a critical reading of this novel, this study reveals how the company's technology creates a world that is seemingly perfect but is ultimately deceptive and examines its implications on the characters' sense of identity and self-worth when they become trapped in a simulation that ultimately erodes their individuality and freedom. This study further reveals how Dave Eggers uses simulation of the social media networking to critique the dangers of surveillance capitalism and the illusion of total transparency in the modern world that has lost authenticity and individuality in the quest for having recognition and validation of our existence. Keywords: Simulation, deception, technology, transparency, illusion, individuality.


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Simulation, deception, technology, transparency, illusion, individuality


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  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00080

  Registration ID - 194582

 Pages: 120-191

 Year: August-2023

  Author Name(s): JYOTHI LEKSHMI S

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Abstract “A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of client regarding management of hypertension at Gandhi Hospital , Secunderabad , Andhra Pradesh.” .It was conducted by Mis Jyothi Lekshmi.S M.Sc(N) IInd year student of Mother Krishna Bai College of Nursing,Musheerabad,Hyderabad in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of M.Sc Nursing, Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences, Gunadala, Vijayawada. Andhra Pradesh. The Objectives of the study are:  Assess the knowledge of clients regarding management of hypertension before structured teaching programme.  To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of client with management of hypertension.  To associate the knowledge of client regarding management of hypertension with demographic variables. The conceptual framework adopted for the study was King’s Goal Attainment theory. The study was conducted in dialysis at Gandhi Hospital, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh. The research approach was quantitative approach and the research design adopted was pre-experimental “one group pre test post test design”. The population for the study was clients undergoing hypertension . The total sample of sixty clients were selected by convenient sampling technique. The criteria for sample selection was the clients with hypertension who are in medcal wards at Gandhi Hospital, Secunderabad Andhra Pradesh. The data was collected by giving questionnaire for the clients. Pilot study was conducted from 20-03-2012 to 27-03-2012 and was found that the study was feasible and the tool was appropriate. The main study was conducted in Gandhi hospital. The data collection was done for a period of one month. The data was analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. Knowledge was assessed before giving structured teaching by pretest and then post test was done after giving structured teaching. The findings revealed that there was a significant difference in pre test and post test score. The mean score of post test is 18.5333 and standard deviation is 3.50540. The computed value is 21.678 more than the table value (2.021) hence the null hypothesis was rejected The obtained chi-square value was 87.273 highly significant at 0.000 level with df =59.There is significant difference in pre test and post test knowledge levels after structured teaching programme, so null hypothesis is rejected and as the post test score is more than prêt test score so it shows that the structured teaching programme is effective.


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Pre - experimental design. (One group pretest and post test design)


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Thesis Title: A Pre-experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding benefits of Colostrum for newborn among Antenatal mothers attending antenatal OPD of Era Hospital (Lucknow).

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00079

  Registration ID - 204398

 Pages: 77-119

 Year: August-2023

  Author Name(s): SUSHMITA RAI

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


A Pre-experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding benefits of Colostrum for newborn among Antenatal mothers attending antenatal OPD of Era Hospital (Lucknow) A pre-experimental study approach was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding benefits of Colostrum for newborn among Antenatal mothers attending antenatal OPD. Data was collected from 60 mothers. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample. Collected data was analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics and presented in the form of tables and graphs. Major findings Sample characteristics It was found that out of 60 study sample, oMajority of the antenatal mothers were in age group below 25 years. oMaximum antenatal mothers educational status were higher secondary. oMaximum antenatal mothers occupational status were housewife. oMajority of antenatal mothers were in first trimester. oMajority of antenatal mothers were Hindu religion. oMajority of them were belonging to joint family. oMaximum antenatal mothers had family monthly income below < Rs 20,000. oMost of the antenatal mothers were urban residence. The findings were discussed under sections Section I: Sample characteristics Section II: Objective wise analysis Section I- Demographic Characteristics of mothers Regarding age majority 29 numbers (48.33%) were below 25 years. Regarding educational status majority 31 numbers (51%) were secondary educated. Regarding occupational status majority 45 numbers (75%) were housewife. Regarding trimester majority 37 numbers (61.66%) were first trimester. Regarding religion majority 43 numbers (71.66%) were hindu. Regarding type of family majority 46 numbers (76.66%) were joint family. Regarding Family monthly income majority 33 numbers (55 %) were below 20,000. Regarding residence majority 33 numbers (55%) were urban. Section II: Objective wise analysis Objective 1- to assess the pre-interventional and post-interventional level of knowledge regarding benefits of colostrum for newborn among antenatal mothers. Findings of present study revealed that the pre-interventional frequency, percentage and mean distribution of knowledge regarding colostrum benefits in new-born. The majority (70%) of the antenatal mothers were having moderate knowledge (26.66%) were having inadequate knowledge and adequate knowledge only (3.33%) regarding colostrum benefits. the post-interventional frequency the majority (83.33%) of the antenatal mothers were having adequate knowledge level followed by (16.66%) were having moderate knowledge regarding colostrum benefits in newborn and none of the antenatal mothers had inadequate knowledge. This findings of the study were supported by Naveen K, et al, (2008)49 conducted a cross-sectional study to assess the knowledge and awareness regarding dietary practices pregnancy, lactation and infancy in specialized population of 253 mothers in Chandigarh. The majority of the subjects (87.8%) knew that medication should be avoided during pregnancy. Only 26.48% believed that drinking alcohol and smoking is harmful for pregnant females. Knowledge about need of extra food (78.7%) and extra iron (78.26%) during pregnancy was found to be quite high. Only 19.76% reported that extra sleep/rest is essential during pregnancy. Only 18.97% respondents had information about the importance of colostrum. The study revealed that the provision of health education for all females is a prerequisite for reduction of morbidity and mortality amongst vulnerable groups of mothers and infants. Objective 2- To compare the pre-interventional and post-interventional level of knowledge regarding benefits of colostrum from newborn among antenatal mothers. Findings of present study revealed that the comparison of the pre interventional and post interventional knowledge regarding benefits of colostrum for newborn among antenatal mothers. The mean (12.05) of post-interventional score was more than the mean (13.9) of pre-interventional score of antenatal mothers. The comparison of pre-interventional and post-interventional level of knowledge regarding benefits of colostrum for newborn among antenatal mothers had significant difference with ‘t’ value (14.67) at p<0.05 level of significance.These findings of study were supported by Radhakrishnan S (2012)75 A study with the objective to describe and explain the factors influencing breastfeeding practices in Mysore city, and the secondary objective was to compare the breastfeeding practices of lactating mothers attending well baby clinic with their selected personal variables . Lactating mothers having at least a single infant attending well baby clinic at selected hospitals were included in the study and data was collected using the pre-tested questionnaire on breastfeeding practices. The study shows 74.29 per cent of the mothers initiated breastfeeding, more than 50per cent used pre-lacteal feeds, 36per cent had discarded the colostrum and the majority of mothers had followed hygienic practices while feeding their child. This study emphasizes the need for breastfeeding intervention programs especially for the mother during antenatal and postnatal check-ups. Objective 3-To find the association between the pre-interventional level of knowledge regarding benefits of colostrum for newborn among antenatal mothers on with selected demographic variables. The researcher calculated the value of chi square in order to find out the association between the level of pre-interventional knowledge score with their selected socio demographic variable among antenatal mothers at p<0.05 level of significance. These findings of study were supported by Singh J (2012)74 a study was conducted by to assess the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding practices at Attyampatti Panchyat Union, Salem district, Tamil Nadu. Sample size was 291 children. Only 34 per cent children were exclusively breastfed for six months. The majority of women (60.5%) initiated breastfeeding within half an hour after delivery.


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Thesis Title: Assessment of respiratory symptoms of post COVID patients

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00077

  Registration ID - 194367

 Pages: 966-1009

 Year: August-2023

  Author Name(s): SUNITHA RAJAN, Prof.Anna Samuel, Prof.Dr Kiruba J C

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


A descriptive study was done to assess the respiratory symptoms among post COVID patients attending OPDs of the selected hospital, Pathanamthitta. The objectives of the study were to assess the respiratory symptoms of post COVID patients and to find out the association between the respiratory symptoms of post COVID patients with the selected baseline variables. Descriptive research design was used for the present study. Health promotion model by Nola. J. Pender was used as the conceptual framework for the study. The main study was done among 110 patients. The samples were selected using non probability purposive sampling technique. Baseline data assessment proforma and rating scale were used as the tools for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The study revealed that 53.7% of the patients showed moderate post COVID respiratory symptoms,24.5% were showed less post COVID respiratory symptoms and 21.8% were showed severe post COVID symptoms. Significant association was found between occupation and respiratory symptoms, income and respiratory symptoms and living area and respiratory symptoms. The study concluded that majority of the samples had showed moderate post COVID respiratory symptoms. In this three category commonly assessed respiratory symptoms were generalized weakness, coughing (dry cough), breathing difficulty and tiredness while working.


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Outpatient departments (OPDs); post COVID; respiratory symptoms.


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Thesis Title: Formulation and evaluation of Bromhexine HCl sugar free syrup

  Published Thesis ID: - IJNRDTH00076

  Registration ID - 203988

 Pages: 942-965

 Year: August-2023

  Author Name(s): Ayesha mohamed shareef shaikh, Dr. Mohammad Wais

  Publisher Name: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave


Sugar-free Bromhexine hydrochloride (HCl) syrup represents an innovative formulation designed to provide the benefits of mucolytic and expectorant therapy while catering to individuals with dietary restrictions or preferences. This abstract offers a comprehensive overview of sugar-free Bromhexine HCl syrup, including its composition, mechanism of action, therapeutic applications, potential advantages, and considerations. Sugar-free Bromhexine HCl syrup is formulated to address respiratory conditions characterized by excessive mucus production and impaired clearance, while simultaneously addressing concerns related to sugar intake. Bromhexine HCl, the active ingredient, acts on the respiratory tract by modifying mucus viscosity and enhancing its clearance. This mechanism supports improved airway hygiene, reduced cough severity, and enhanced expectoration. Clinical studies have highlighted the efficacy of sugar-free Bromhexine HCl syrup in managing various respiratory disorders, including acute and chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and conditions featuring thickened mucus. By offering a sugar-free alternative, this formulation is particularly suitable for individuals with diabetes, dietary restrictions, or those who prefer to minimize sugar consumption. The key considerations associated with sugar-free Bromhexine HCl syrup use, such as appropriate dosing guidelines, potential side effects, and contraindications. It emphasizes the importance of healthcare professional guidance to ensure safe and effective administration, especially for patients with underlying medical conditions or those taking other medications. In conclusion, sugar-free Bromhexine HCl syrup presents a promising solution for managing respiratory conditions while addressing dietary concerns. Its mucolytic and expectorant properties contribute to improved mucus clearance and cough relief, making it a valuable option for a diverse range of patients. However, individual patient factors and medical history should be carefully evaluated by healthcare providers before prescribing sugar-free Bromhexine HCl sy