Publication Charge (for one entire research paper)
Author have following payment option for pay the publication fees:
Online Payment Link For Indian Author
Best/Fast Payment Option 1:
Author can pay the publication fees by online Debit/Credit card, NetBanking OR UPI of any bank.
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Payment Option 2 (Automatic/Manual UPI):
Pay Payment through UPI app like BHIM app, google pay, paytm UPI, BANK UPI etc.
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Payment Option 3:
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Bank Name: Kotak Mahindra Bank
Account No: 7600030582
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IFSC Code: KKBK0003019
Account Type: Current
Publication Charges include:
- Online publication of one complete research paper (includes up to 5 authors under basic charges)
- Soft copy of the certificate provided to each author
- Soft copy of the confirmation letter
- Soft copy of the published research paper
- Typesetting and general formatting of the paper
- Maintenance of website and journal infrastructure
- Indexing of the research paper
- Lifetime availability of the publication in the digital repository and on the website
Hard Copy of Certificate, Journal and Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Charges